
Just as Lin Wudao was sighing at the mystery and unpredictability of the world of God and Wilderness, suddenly, a huge wave of immortal power came from the distant void.

"The army of the Great Zhou Dynasty is coming..."

In the Taiyin Temple.

Feeling the vast immortal power that was sweeping over, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes instantly.

At this moment!

He could sense that the ancient immortal army of the Great Zhou Dynasty had arrived at the ancient city of Bahuang.

[System, condense a clone with the combat power of the ancient immortal king for me! ]

He ordered immediately.


As his voice fell, 10 trillion flowers of luck were instantly deducted from the system account.

At the same time.

A clone with the cultivation of the ancient immortal king was also condensed out of thin air.

With the blessing of Dao Gu Wushang Fa, Lin Wudao was directly promoted from the level of the ancient immortal king to the eternal immortal king.


It is an eternal immortal with a complete title of the Great Dao!

"The system's clone service is really useful."

"It's just that it's too expensive..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

As long as there is money, the system is omnipotent.

At the moment!

He used up all his resources and foundation, and could only barely condense a clone of the Ancient Immortal King.

Although it is a little weak, with his combat power, it is enough to suppress all the Eternal Immortal Kings.


After feeling the powerful power of the clone, Lin Wudao waited patiently in the Taiyin Temple.


On the other side, Mu Hanshan also brought the 100,000 troops of the Great Zhou Dynasty and descended on the Eight Desolate Ancient City with great momentum.

Their sudden arrival immediately caused shock and horror to countless creatures.

"Is this... the Imperial Guard of the Divine Dynasty?"

Someone exclaimed.

"Hiss, what are the imperial guards of the Divine Dynasty doing here? Is it for the Great Demon God Taiyin?"

"It should be!"

"The Great Demon God Taiyin is too arrogant and arrogant. Such a blatant restoration of faith will definitely violate the interests of the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty."

"It seems that the army of the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty came here to kill the Great Demon God Taiyin."

"However, they seem to be late. The Great Demon God Taiyin has swept away many believers such as the Mei family."


In the ancient city of Bahuang, there was an overwhelming discussion.


The Great Demon God Taiyin escaped?

Listening to the whispers in the surrounding space, Mu Hanshan, who was on the fairy boat, frowned immediately.

After receiving the order from the Divine Emperor Yin Shengtian, he led 100,000 imperial guards to come quickly in order to wipe out the heretical beliefs of the Taiyin Demon Mountain.


He came here with great joy, thinking that he would do a great deed; but who knew that the Great Demon God of Taiyin actually escaped in advance.

"How did the Great Demon God of Taiyin know that we were coming? Who leaked the news?"

Mu Hanshan's face was extremely gloomy.

As he spoke.

His sharp and deep eyes swept across the entire Bahuang Ancient City, and finally fixed on three figures in an attic.


Mu Hanshan took a step forward and instantly crossed thousands of miles of territory and came to the restaurant called "Tianranju".

"I didn't expect that the dignified King of Beiliang would come to such a remote place as Bahuang Ancient City?"

"Your Majesty, this time I came here to wipe out the heretic evil gods of Taiyin Demon Mountain in accordance with the decree of His Majesty."

"Before this, we received accurate news that the Beiliang Palace had contact with Taiyin Demon Mountain."

"In this case, Your Majesty, do you know where the heretic evil gods on Taiyin Demon Mountain have gone?"

Mu Hanshan asked with a cold face.

Facing his scrutiny and questioning, Ji Tianque looked very calm and drank tea by himself.

"Mu Hanshan, which eye of yours saw that the king had any connection with Taiyin Demon Mountain?"

"Does the king need to ask for your permission to bring the prince out to relax?"

"Colluding with heretic evil gods is a serious crime of extermination, and my Beiliang Palace cannot afford it."

"Mu Hanshan, do you have evidence to prove that the king has any connection with the evil god of Taiyin Demon Mountain?"

"If you have, then show it; if not, then don't bark and talk nonsense here."

"If you dare to slander my Beiliang Palace again, even if I kill you, I'm sure His Majesty won't say anything more..."

Ji Tianque responded indifferently.


Hearing this, Mu Hanshan clenched his fists, his eyes full of frustration and resentment.


"When I find evidence, I will report to His Majesty and punish you for colluding with heretical evil gods and subverting the faith of the Lord God."

"Let's go!"

After the words fell, Mu Hanshan looked at Ji Tianque with hatred, then waved his hand and led 100,000 guards to Taiyin Demon Mountain in a fierce manner.

"Let's go and take a look."

Seeing Mu Hanshan and others leave, Ji Tianque also put down the teacup in his hand and followed closely behind.

Although Lin Wudao had already retreated, he was still a little worried, afraid that Mu Hanshan would really find some clues.


Uneasy Ji Tianque wanted to go and see for himself...


Not only Ji Tianque was curious, but also a large number of creatures in the Eight Desolate Ancient City. They also followed Mu Hanshan and others and headed towards Taiyin Demon Mountain.



Mu Hanshan and others were very fast. In just a few breaths, they arrived at Taiyin Demon Mountain.

And, successfully found the Taiyin Temple.


What disappoints Mu Hanshan is that there is no scent of incense at all on the Taiyin Demon Mountain.

"The Taiyin Demon God has indeed left!"

"Humph, I guess you can walk fast, otherwise..."


Just as Mu Hanshan was sneering in disappointment, suddenly, a sky-covering hand wrapped with unparalleled immortal power directly broke through the void and suppressed him.

Before the force arrives, the momentum arrives first!

Under the impact of the terrifying immortal power emanating from the big hand, the one hundred thousand divine army brought by Mu Hanshan were directly suppressed and fell to their knees on the ground, unable to raise their heads at all.

at the same time!

Mu Hanshan, who was the first to bear the brunt, also felt a huge threat.

"Eternal Immortal King?"

Seeing the violently suppressing big hand, and feeling the terrifying aura and power emanating from it, Mu Hanshan was also shocked.


Looking in the direction of the big hand, a young man with a tall body and a cold face caught his eye.

The whole body exudes unparalleled majesty and majestic immortal power...

The power he displayed even surpassed him!

"A bold heretic who dares to provoke our Great Zhou Divine Dynasty with the intention of subverting the faith of the Divine Lord."

"I follow the decree of the God Emperor to kill you!"

The earth-shaking roar came from the Muhan Mountain Pass and spread throughout the entire Bahuang Ancient City.


The moment he finished speaking, his palms suddenly spread out, and bright divine light suddenly bloomed from his palms, turning into five ancient flags: red, orange, gold, green, and black.

Each flag exudes vast divine power and the power of incense.

"Magic: King Kong comes to the world!"


As Mu Hanshan roared, a powerful Vajra form instantly appeared behind him.

With one punch, the extremely powerful fist pushed through the void, directly smashing Lin Wudao's sky-covering hand that was suppressing him.

"Vajra Divine Power!"

Looking at the manifestation of the Ten Thousand Zhang Vajra Dharma behind Mu Hanshan and the magical spells he performed, Lin Wudao in the distance showed a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Through the Eye of the Great Dao, he understood the essence of the Vajra Dharma, and its divine power and power originated from the Vajra Divine Power.

This Vajra Divine Power is derived from the Golden Divine Power among the Five Elements Divine Powers, and is one of the subsidiary divine powers.

In addition to the divine power of Vajra, Lin Wudao also perceived the divine power of the other four attributes on the other four flags.

"Lihuo Divine Power, Earth Divine Power, Ice Divine Power, Aoki Divine Power."

"It seems that this ancestral spirit of the Great Zhou Dynasty is not as powerful as I imagined."

"The Five Elements Divine Power, except for the Earth Divine Power, the other four are only subsidiary powers and do not grasp the essence of the Five Elements Divine Power."

"Empty has its form but no spirit!"

"If one can master the complete power of the Five Elements, the divine might and power displayed will be far beyond what can be compared now."

Lin Wudao glanced at the Five Elements Divine Flag in Mu Hanshan's hand, with disappointment in his eyes.

The Five Elements Divine Power is also a powerful divine power!

If one fully comprehends the mystery of the five elements' divine power, one can exercise and master the power of the five elements.

By then!

Condensing the magnificent power of the five elements of heaven and earth, God Lord Zhou is definitely a top-notch existence even among the fourth-level holy gods.

It's a pity that He only has a superficial understanding...

Of the five divine powers currently available, the only one that can barely penetrate Lin Wudao's discerning eye is the Earth Divine Power.

The Great Zhou Divine Lord's understanding of this divine power has reached an extremely high level and attainment.

"If nothing else, the divine authority of the earth should be the main divine authority of the Great Zhou God."

Take a peek and see the whole leopard!

Through observing these five sacred flags, Lin Wudao had a general understanding of the Great Zhou Divine Lord whom he had never met before.

The opponent's strength is not very good among the fourth-level Holy Gods.

The only thing that is truly powerful about him is the divine level...

Mu Hanshan didn't know Lin Wudao's thoughts and ideas.


He was obsessed with suppressing Lin Wudao.

"The Great Five Elements World!"


He suddenly waved his big sleeves, and the five divine flags flashed across the void in an instant, instantly evolving into a magnificent Five Elements Divine Kingdom, shrouding Lin Wudao inside. (End of chapter)

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