
[You sacrificed a lot of resources and obtained a total of 12.285 billion flowers of luck! 】

The familiar system prompt sounded in my mind.

[Name: Lin Wudao]

[Flowers of Luck: 134050 flowers]

Looking at the remaining luck value on the book, Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.


They were all temporarily looted from the Northern Liang Prince's Mansion. Although the matter has not been settled yet, I can't control that much now.

[System, how much luck is needed to condense a clone at the level of the Ancient Immortal King? 】

After pondering for a while, Lin Wudao asked in his heart.

If you want to deal with Mu Hanshan, the eternal immortal king, you must either activate the clone service or go to the city of the heavens to shake people.

No matter which one it is, it requires a lot of luck.

Rather than going to the City of All Heavens to sway people, Lin Wudao chose the system's clone service. After all, he needed to control all the 100,000-strong army of the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty in his hands.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid it would be difficult to do...


[To condense a clone with the combat power of the Ancient Immortal King, you need ten trillion flowers of luck, and it’s limited to one day! 】

Ten trillion?

This price did not exceed Lin Wudao's expectations.

"Yin Si Ming, the current situation in the Jade Emperor's world is treacherous and unpredictable. You should go back and take charge of the overall situation."

"When this god handles the affairs of Xianlin Earth, he will come to the Jade Emperor World."

"As for Li Zangtian, you twelve mourners also immediately left the Taiyin Demon Mountain and hid in the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm."

"Next, I will temporarily cut off all faith in the land of Xianlin, and wait until the ancient emperor of the Yuan Dynasty has overcome the tribulation, and then return again."

"Your mission is to promptly grasp all kinds of information on the land of Xianlin. If there is any situation, report it to this god immediately."

Lin Wudao ordered in an orderly manner.

"Obey the oracle!"

"Obey the oracle!"

Yin Si Ming, Li Yantian and others all bowed to respond.


They bowed respectfully to Lin Wudao, and then left Taiyin Demon Mountain one after another.

After they left, Lin Wudao used his divine authority to forcibly erase all traces on Taiyin Magic Mountain, and stayed in the Taiyin Temple with his disguised identity.

[System, can the transcendent catastrophe of the ancient emperor and god be canceled or postponed? 】


Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something important and hurriedly asked the system.

【Can't! 】

[In the lower universe, whether it is a human creature or a god of incense, once the time for transcending the great tribulation is decided, it cannot be canceled or postponed. 】

[This is the rule and order set by Dao Dao for the lower universe. Even the Destiny Emperor of the big universe cannot change it without authorization. 】

[Therefore, host, you don’t have to worry that the Ancient Emperor God will cancel or delay the transcendent catastrophe. He has already determined his destiny and there is no way to escape it. 】

The system explained unhurriedly.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is worried about is that the Ancient Emperor God of the Yuan Dynasty suddenly cancels or postpones the tribulation. In that case, all his plans will be ruined.


The ancient emperor and god of the Yuan Dynasty will overcome the tribulation on time, and his plan can be implemented step by step.

[By the way, system, since the Great Tribulation of Transcendence is the order and rules established by Dao, then why can the title battle of the small universe be postponed? 】

[Isn’t the small universe also within the scope of the great road? 】

At this time.

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something and asked again.

Before, Beixuan Immortal Lord had told him that he could help him delay the title-banning battle.

However, the small universe is also within the scope of the great road. Could it be said that an order like the title battle can be changed at will?

[Although the small universe is within the scope of the Great Dao, it is under the jurisdiction of the big universe. 】

[The rules and order of the small universe can be changed on a small scale. This is one of the powers of the Heavenly Emperor. 】

[However, the rules and order of the universe and the rules and order of the heaven cannot be changed casually. 】

[Even the Immortal Emperor of the Great Universe only exercises authority within the rules. Once the red line is crossed, it is a violation of the law of heaven and will be judged and sanctioned. 】

[This is what is called, small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be changed. 】

[The Great Tribulation of Transcendence involves the destiny of the universe and the fate of all sentient beings, which must not be touched. 】

[In addition, within the small universe, the authority held by the Heavenly Emperor is also determined by the universe. 】

[The Destiny Immortal Emperor of the original universe has the greatest authority; the Destiny Immortal Emperor of the lower universe has the least authority. 】

[Panshen Universe is unique among all the small universes. 】

[The Destiny Immortal Emperor of Panshen Universe is, in some respects, even more noble than the Destiny Immortal Emperor of the Great Universe. 】

The sound of the system continues to sound.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao also frowned in thought.

This time, the information revealed by the system is worth pondering and studying in many aspects.

"Is the reason Panshen Universe is different because of the Shenhuang World?"

A bold guess emerged in his heart.


The cosmic laws of the Panshen Universe cannot reach the Shenhuang World, which shows that the status of the Shenhuang World is very high.

[System, if the world of Shenhuang is upgraded, will those mysterious affiliated worlds also be upgraded together? 】

【Yes! 】

[Once the Shenhuang World is upgraded, all affiliated worlds will be promoted. 】

[At that time, the world barriers of the Shenhuang World will be broken down, and many medium-sized worlds will be included together. 】

[In this way, the scope of the Shenhuang World will become extremely huge, and various ancient forces and ethnic groups will be revealed. 】

[In addition, due to the special nature of the divine world, after the upgrade is completed, it will be infinitely close to the higher world. 】

[At that time, it can carry ordinary quasi-immortal emperors...]


Can the upgraded divine world accommodate a quasi-immortal emperor?

Hearing the news, Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel slightly shaken, and the expression on his face instantly became much more solemn.

at the moment!

It has been less than a year since Shenhuang World was upgraded.

He must raise his strength to a level that can fight against ordinary quasi-immortal emperors in the next time.

Otherwise, once those ancient forces and races revive, it will definitely have a devastating impact on the Qingshan Kingdom.

[The host must be more cautious when it comes to matters in the divine world. The water here is very deep. 】

[In the desolate world, various changes may occur at any time. 】

[It is possible that not long after the upgrade, the next upgrade will be carried out. If you are not careful, you will break the shackles and be directly promoted to the higher world. 】

【Everything here is uncontrollable! 】

[There are too many powerful creatures here. Once their fate changes, it will also cause a reaction in the world. 】

[If you can't stop certain things, you can only make yourself strong as soon as possible, strong enough to cope with all crises. 】

[Otherwise, the foundation that the host has worked so hard to build may be destroyed in one day...]

Just as Lin Wudao was frowning in thought, the system reminder sounded again.

Destiny changes?

After hearing these words, Lin Wudao thought for a moment and understood the meaning.

"It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married. There's nothing that can be done to stop her."

He let out a long sigh.

Until this moment!

Only then did Lin Wudao truly realize that the changes in the world of Shenhuang were far faster than he imagined, and at the same time, they were also more complicated.

The key is, you never know what is hidden in this pool of water in the desolate world.

Once it becomes a high-level world, I'm afraid the ancient immortal emperor will appear... (End of this chapter)

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