Chaotian Immortal Palace!

When Chen Yuandao found Yin Shengtian, he was discussing with a group of civil and military ministers from the Great Zhou Dynasty about arranging the belief in the ancient emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

"The Imperial Master is here~"

"Please step back first. According to the oracle of the Sun Emperor God, the faith conversion within the Great Zhou Dynasty must be completed within seven days."

"Anyone who dares to neglect will be killed!"

"When the time comes, when the Sun Emperor comes to justice, the entire Great Zhou Dynasty will be wiped out."

Yin Shengtian gave instructions to the ministers present in an extremely serious and dignified tone.

Say it!

He waved his hand and drove everyone out, leaving only the national master Chen Yuandao alone.

It has been a hundred thousand years since Chen Yuandao came to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Under normal circumstances, he stayed in his immortal palace and stayed behind closed doors.

Even Yin Shengtian, the Divine Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had met Chen Yuandao only a handful of times.


Chen Yuandao suddenly came uninvited, obviously there was something extremely important...

"Master, please sit down!"

"I wonder if the Imperial Master is here today, but is there any big deal?"

Yin Shengtian pointed to the seats in the Immortal Palace and asked Chen Yuandao with respect.

Although he is the divine emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Chen Yuandao's methods and abilities are extremely vast.

Even he is terrified!

after all.

Anyone who can manipulate fate is a ruthless person...

Facing Yin Shengtian's respect, Chen Yuandao did not speak. After a slight glance, he sat on the seat next to him.

"Your Majesty, someone has affected the fate of the Northern Liang Crown Prince."

"Now, the fate of Northern Liang Prince Ji Ruchen has been restored to the level of a true immortal."

After sitting down!

Chen Yuandao said straight to the point.


Has the fate of the Northern Liang Crown Prince been fulfilled?

Upon hearing the news, Yin Shengtian's expression suddenly darkened.

"National Master, didn't you say before that in the entire Xianlin Land, or even in the even higher Immortal Ancient World, apart from you, there is no other person who can control fate?"

"Now, who completes the fate of the Northern Liang Crown Prince?"

Yin Shengtian asked in a solemn voice.


"I did say before that no matter whether it is the land of Xianlin or the world of Immortal Ancient, there is no other person who can control fate."

"However, this does not include the creatures in the outside world!"

"According to the information I investigated and sensed, King Beiliang took Ji Ruchen to the Taiyin Demon Mountain in Bahuang Ancient City."

"Immediately afterwards, Ji Ruchen's destiny was completed and he was reshaped to the level of a true immortal."

"It is said that a long time ago, an extremely powerful holy god was born in the Taiyin Demon Mountain, but he later died."

"However, now, on the Taiyin Demon Mountain, there has been a new aura of gods and powerful faith."

"All this shows that either there is a new god occupying the Taiyin Demon Mountain, or the Great Taiyin Demon God has made a comeback."

"Completing Ji Ruchen's destiny may have something to do with the beliefs and gods of Taiyin Magic Mountain."

"In addition, once Ji Ruchen's destiny is completed, the matter of cutting off the destiny in the past will definitely not be hidden."

"At this time, the Northern Liang King must have known that it was me who did it..."

Chen Yuandao said slowly.

Taiyin Magic Mountain?

Listening to Chen Yuandao's narration, Yin Shengtian's brows gradually wrinkled, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

He has naturally heard of the legend of Taiyin Demon Mountain.

Although the former Great Demon God of Taiyin has perished, it is still unknown if he will make a comeback.


Whether it is the return of the Great Demon God of Taiyin or the Northern Liang Palace, they are extremely unstable factors for the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It must be suppressed or eradicated!


At this time, the King of Northern Liang already knew the truth of what had happened, and he was afraid that he had turned against him and was full of hatred for the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If he is allowed to get mixed up with the gods of Taiyin Demon Mountain, it will be very detrimental to the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As the divine emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yin Shengtian did not want to see any factors that threatened the rule of the divine dynasty.

"The Prince of Northern Liang dared to collude with the evil god of Taiyin Demon Mountain in order to subvert the belief of the Lord Yuanshi. His crime is unforgivable."

"National Master, this emperor has decided to immediately dispatch the army of the Divine Dynasty to the Taiyin Demon Mountain to suppress the heresy. What do you think?"

Yin Shengtian pondered for a while and asked Chen Yuandao.

Hear this!

After Chen Yuandao nodded, he shook his head again.

"In less than a month and a half, the Divine Lord will go through the great tribulation of transcendence. At this time, we must be stable and not chaotic."

"So, the Beiliang Prince's Mansion cannot be moved for the time being!"

"Once the Northern Liang Prince's Palace is disturbed, it will damage the God Lord's faith and incense. When the time comes, who can withstand the God Lord's wrath when the higher authorities investigate?"

"The Prince of Northern Liang poses a huge threat to the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty and must be eradicated, but not at this time."

"Right now, you can send people to monitor every move of the Northern Liang Palace. After the Lord of the Gods overcomes the tribulation, the faith of the Great Zhou God System will naturally be restored."

"When the time comes, it won't be too late to annihilate the Northern Liang King."

"In addition, the mother clan of the Northern Liang Princess also needs to be concerned."

"I heard that Princess Beiliang's family will soon add a quasi-immortal emperor."

"Although the relationship between that race and Ji Tianque is not good, if they know that Ji Ruchen has been cut off from the fate of the Immortal Emperor, they will probably start a war."

"At that time, the Great Zhou Dynasty may cause disaster."

"So, the Northern Liang Prince's Mansion must not be moved now..."

Chen Yuandao said in a deep voice.


Princess Beiliang's mother clan is going to add a quasi-immortal emperor?

When he suddenly heard the news, Yin Shengtian was suddenly shocked and his palms clenched involuntarily.


The reason why the Great Zhou Dynasty kept the Northern Liang Prince's Palace and never dared to take action was because they were afraid of the Northern Liang Princess's mother clan.


Hearing that that race would add another powerful quasi-immortal emperor, Yin Shengtian suddenly felt extremely pressured.

As long as you attack the Northern Liang Palace, it will inevitably affect the whole body. When the time comes, the Great Zhou Dynasty will be in trouble.

It is precisely because of this that the Northern Liang Prince's Mansion has remained until now...

"Since the Northern Liang Palace cannot be moved, we can only suppress and eradicate the Taiyin Demon Mountain."

"As long as we use the name of eradicating heresy for the God Lord, even the Prince of Beiliang will not dare to get involved when the time comes."

"You can even accuse Beiliang Prince of colluding with heretics and intending to subvert the faith of the God Lord."

"When the time comes, even the forces behind Princess Beiliang will not be able to protect them."

Silence for a long time!

Yin Shengtian squinted his eyes and said.

at this time.

He seems to have come up with a good plan to kill two birds with one stone...

In fact.

Chen Yuandao thought so too.

"Your Majesty, you can first send an Eternal Immortal King to lead the army of the Divine Dynasty to the Taiyin Demon Mountain."

"At the same time, we can also use this name to attack the Northern Liang Palace."


"What the Imperial Master said is exactly what I want!"

Yin Shengtian nodded lightly.

Say it.

He immediately summoned a guard.

"Pass this emperor's decree and immediately let Mu Hanshan command a hundred thousand imperial guards of the Divine Dynasty to wipe out the heretical beliefs in Taiyin Demon Mountain."

"Anyone who resists will be killed!"

"By the way, let Mu Hanshan go to the temple and bring an artifact with him..."

Yin Shengtian ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Upon hearing the order, the guard responded respectfully, and then left Chaotian Immortal Palace as quickly as possible.


Soon after, accompanied by bursts of majestic and mighty immortal power, a majestic man in mysterious clothes was seen, leading an army of 100,000 from the Divine Dynasty, leaving the Divine Capital in a menacing manner.

at the same time!

When the Eternal Immortal King Mu Hanshan led a hundred thousand troops to attack fiercely, Lin Wudao, who was far away in the Taiyin Demon Mountain, also received the prayers of Yin Siming.

PS: I have something busy today, so I can only update once, sorry. (End of chapter)

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