"I wonder what the so-called private matters of the great god mean?"

The kingdom of the natal god!

After observing him calmly, Ji Tianque asked directly.

He was very curious about what kind of private matters Lin Wudao had to tell him.


He also avoided Xuanyin Shangshen and others...

"Your Highness, please sit down and talk!"


As soon as Lin Wudao finished speaking, a seat instantly appeared in the void in front of Ji Tianque.

Seeing this.

Ji Tianque did not hesitate and sat down directly.

"This time, what I want to talk to you about is the big event of rebellion. I wonder if you have the idea of ​​replacing the Great Zhou Dynasty?"



When Ji Tianque heard this suddenly, his expression changed slightly.

"You are joking, my God. The Great Zhou Dynasty is at its peak now, and its national strength is extremely strong. Although I am a king of a different surname in the Dynasty, I dare not have the delusion of subverting the Dynasty and replacing it." He said seriously. Lin Wudao just smiled at Ji Tianque's righteous words and did not take it to heart. "If I tell you that the Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to suffer a great disaster, and the Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty will fall sharply at the least, and will be directly destroyed at the worst, I wonder if the Beiliang Palace has any ideas to go further?" Lin Wudao said slowly. Hmm? The Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty is going to suffer a great disaster? When these words came out, Ji Tianque was shocked, and his eyes looking at Lin Wudao were full of suspicion. "Why do you say that, great god?"

"Well, this is a secret of heaven, and it cannot be leaked too much; in one and a half months, the prince will naturally know it."

"At that time, if the Beiliang Palace has further ideas, this god can help you."

"Whether it is the Great Zhou Divine Lord or the Supreme Immortal King in the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty, this god can help you deal with it."

"Although the Beiliang Palace is a king of a different surname in the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty, it is just a vassal king who defends one side after all, which is a bit low."

"If it replaces the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty, it will be the Beiliang Divine Dynasty in the future."

"At that time, the prince will be the Beiliang Divine Emperor who founded the Divine Dynasty, a real giant in the fairyland."

"Even in the future, it may not be impossible for the Beiliang Divine Dynasty to unify the Great Wilderness Fairyland..."

Lin Wudao kept describing the magnificent scene of opening up the Divine Dynasty and unifying the Great Wilderness Fairyland.


Facing the shocking pie he drew, Ji Tianque did not look happy, but frowned more and more tightly.

Since Lin Wudao said such words, he must have a huge plan.

"As far as I know, the great god was a powerful holy god in the distant past. Now that he has just returned to the land of Xianlin, and his foundation is not stable, it is probably difficult to compete with the Great Zhou Dynasty, right?"

"And if you want to open up a dynasty, or even unify the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm, you need extremely strong strength and foundation."

"Although the Beiliang Palace has some strength, it dare not dream of such a Spring and Autumn Dream."

"And even if it really comes true, what does the Beiliang Palace have that can satisfy the great god?"

"Does the great god want all the beliefs of the world?"

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Ji Tianque asked with curiosity and doubt.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded in appreciation.

"Your Highness has a keen eye and saw through my intentions and thoughts at a glance."

"Yes, I want all the faiths in the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm."

"As long as Your Highness has the ambition to unify the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm, I can help Your Highness achieve that seemingly unattainable goal."

He directly revealed his purpose.

Ji Tianque was not surprised by Lin Wudao's plot. For the incense gods, the most important things are faith, incense, people, and the divine realm.

Besides that!

Other things are not very attractive to them...


Although he knew that Lin Wudao must have something to rely on when he said such a thing, Ji Tianque also had his own concerns.

"Great God, things are different now!"

"Right now, all the faith in the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm is focused on the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God."

"It is said that the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God is a god greater than the Sun Emperor God of the Ancient Immortal World."

"He is the founder of the entire Yuanshi God System!"

"With the existence of the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God, it is unlikely to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty or even unify the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm."



Ji Tianque seemed to have thought of something to be afraid of. He stood up from his seat in shock and looked at Lin Wudao with extremely incredible eyes.

"Your Highness only needs to know that I will plan everything for you. As for the rest, you don't need to worry too much."

"This is a deal between me and the Beiliang Palace."

"The Beiliang Palace wants to rule the world, and I want all the faith of the Great Wilderness Fairyland, that's all."

"If Your Highness agrees, I will decide to bet on the Beiliang Palace; if the Beiliang Palace does not have such a grand ambition, I will have to find someone else."

"The King of Other Surnames in the Great Zhou Dynasty is not the only one; I believe that there will definitely be other kings who want to go further."

"If it doesn't work, I can only go to the Great Wilderness Dynasty. I believe they will want to regain control of the Great Wilderness Fairyland." Lin Wudao said slowly.

Hearing his seemingly casual but actually threatening words, Ji Tianque also frowned tightly.


After some careful consideration, Ji Tianque nodded heavily.

"Since the great god thinks so highly of my Beiliang Palace, if I don't agree, it would be too ungrateful."

"The Beiliang Palace is willing to fight for a great future with the great god..."

Ji Tianque promised with an extremely solemn attitude.


He has boarded Lin Wudao's pirate ship. If he wants to get out safely, it is probably impossible.

Once he shows the slightest opposition, I am afraid that the Beiliang Palace will face Lin Wudao's revenge next.

Rebelling with him may create the glory of the Beiliang Dynasty; if he disagrees, I am afraid it will be destroyed.


Lin Wudao was discussing with him on the surface, but in fact he did not give him any opportunity and right to choose.

Lin Wudao was still very satisfied with Ji Tianque's knowledge of the times.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. With my help, the Great Wilderness Fairyland will definitely belong to the Beiliang Dynasty in the near future."

"Now that we have settled our business, let's chat about family matters."

"Seriously speaking, the Beiliang Palace and I are one family. The people under my command are the most orthodox bloodline of the Tushan clan..."


Your people are the Tushan clan?

Hearing this, Ji Tianque immediately showed an expression of disbelief, and the shock and surprise in his eyes became more intense.

In response!

Lin Wudao smiled lightly, and then told him about the Tushan clan and some things about the Ji clan.


At the same time.

When Lin Wudao and Ji Tianque were talking about the Tushan clan, a mysterious man wearing a cloak and a golden mask suddenly opened his eyes in a fairy palace far away in the Great Zhou Divine Capital.

"Hey, is there a fate that has affected the fate of the Beiliang prince Ji Ruchen?"

Chen Yuandao exclaimed in surprise.


He flipped his hand and took out a golden jade talisman, the aura on it was connected to Ji Ruchen.


The original intact jade talisman had turned into fragments at this time.

Then, under Chen Yuandao's gaze, the jade talisman completely turned into a pile of powder.

This jade talisman was connected to Ji Ruchen's own destiny; through it, Chen Yuandao could sense the movement of Ji Ruchen's destiny.

Since the truncation of destiny, this jade talisman has always remained calm; however, what Chen Yuandao did not expect was that the jade talisman suddenly broke today.

This shows.

Someone has moved Ji Ruchen's destiny!

After a slight silence, with a heart full of surprise and doubts, Chen Yuandao pinched the secret method and sensed it carefully.

"Ji Ruchen's destiny has been reshaped to a true immortal?"

"Who on earth has such a great ability..."

After a long time!

A cold and low voice came from Chen Yuandao's mouth.

After a brief thought, he disappeared from the spot in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor Yin Shengtian. (End of this chapter)

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