"I heard that a group of evil substances have appeared inexplicably in the ancient city of Bahuang recently, which can pollute the divinity and true spirit of the gods."

"It just so happens that this god is the nemesis of all kinds of evil substances. But anyone who is willing to believe in this god devoutly can be reborn."

"If you don't want to believe in me, I will not force you to do anything."

"It's just that after some research, this evil substance seems to be very terrifying. It can corrode a god to death in up to half a month."

"So, if you need help, you can offer your sincerity..."


A majestic and majestic voice spread throughout the Bahuang Ancient City, causing all the incense gods present to change their expressions.

This is Chi Guoguo’s threat!

"What a great demon god of Taiyin. He is so despicable and shameless. He obviously did all this, but he still pretends to be a good person."

"too disgusting!!"

"We will be destroyed in half a month at most? This is forcing us to a dead end. If we don't surrender, we will die."

"Alas, the Great Demon God of Taiyin is indeed a demon god. In order to regain his faith, he even used such despicable methods."

"It seems like there is no other choice..."

Upon hearing Lin Wudao's threat, the gods in the Bahuang Ancient City all cursed in their hearts.

They knew very well that all of this was caused by Lin Wudao.


He pretends to be a good person again, which is absolutely disgusting.

However, even if they knew that the source of evil matter was the Great Demon God of Taiyin, they could not resist.

after all.

It took a lot of effort for them to become gods of incense and fire, and to cultivate the bodies of gods. No one wants to perish like this.


After a painful struggle, incense gods began to step forward and offer their devout faith to Lin Wudao.

However, this is only a small part, and more incense gods are still watching.


They seem to still have a glimmer of luck...

See this scene.

Lin Wudao didn't force it. As time goes by, the forbidden power of the sky-burial copper coffin will become more and more terrifying.

When they can no longer hold on, they will naturally beg for mercy.


By that time, the treatment and status will be different.

Think of this.

Lin Wudao's majestic and indifferent eyes swept across the void and looked at the Eight Desolate Divine Kingdom in the distance.

"God of the Eight Desolations, you are the most powerful god in the Ancient City of the Eight Desolations. Are you willing to believe in me?"


An indifferent and domineering voice spread throughout the ancient city of Bahuang.

In an instant, the creatures and incense gods gathered at the scene all looked towards the kingdom of God where the Eight Desolate Gods were located.

"No, I'm being targeted!"

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, the expression of the Eight Desolate Gods in the Kingdom of God suddenly changed.

Although he knew that he would definitely not be able to escape the gaze of the Great Demon God of Taiyin, he did not expect that it would come so quickly.

"Angel, can you help me?"

"I am a staunch believer in High God Xuanyin. God cannot ignore me..."

The Eight Desolate Gods begged to Li Nanshan.

Hear the words!

Li Nanshan turned to look at him, then shook his head.

"The oracle of God has revealed that the ancient city of Bahuang is no longer within the system of the Xuanyin God System."

"Therefore, from this moment on, you are no longer a god of the Xuanyin Divine System. Everything from now on has nothing to do with the Xuanyin Divine System."

Li Nanshan said without any emotion.


Upon hearing this, the Bahuang God's face instantly became extremely ugly.

He did not expect that at this moment of life and death, he would be ruthlessly abandoned by the God Xuanyin.

"Since the Xuanyin Divine System does not need my faith, I have no choice but to fall into the arms of the Great Demon God of Taiyin."

The Eight Desolate Gods said coldly.

Now that he has broken up with each other, there is no need for him to continue to hide it.


The Eight Desolate Gods are about to step out of the Kingdom of God and prepare to offer their devout faith to Lin Wudao.


However, just when he turned around, Li Nanshan suddenly sacrificed the Xuanyin Divine Tower in his hand, and suppressed it with mighty divine might and power.

"Li Nanshan, do you want to kill me?"

The Eight Desolate Gods were always on guard against Li Nanshan. The moment he felt the divine power, he disappeared in a flash.


He turned over his hand and took out an ancient divine halberd, and roared loudly at Li Nanshan.

"God has said that although the faith of Bahuang Ancient City is no longer needed, it cannot allow you to fall into the arms of the Great Demon God of Taiyin."

"So, I can only send you to die..."

Talking time!

Li Nanshan activated the Xuanyin God Tower and directly shot out a huge red divine light, which turned into thousands of powerful Shinto swords and fiercely killed the Eight Desolate Gods.

Xuanyin God gave him the power to control and use Xuanyin God Tower. Under the power of Xuanyin God Tower, the kingdom of Bahuang God was directly penetrated by the Shinto sword and became shaky.

See this scene!

The Eight Desolate Gods were so frightened that they immediately retracted themselves, and the Eight Desolate Gods were reflected in the void.

"Great God Taiyin, save me!"

"Ask God to save me. I am willing to believe in God devoutly and never give up..."

The moment he put away his natal kingdom, the Eight Desolate Gods immediately looked up to the sky and roared.

Li Nanshan was a fourth-level ancient immortal, and he held the Xuanyin God Tower. In front of him, he had no power to resist.

The Shinto magic sword evolved from the Xuanyin God Tower not only penetrated his natal kingdom, but also suffered great damage to his god's true body, as well as his divinity and true spirit.

If this continues, he will definitely be killed by Li Nanshan.


The only one who can save him is the Great Demon God of Taiyin.


Under the threat of death, the Eight Desolate Gods directly abandoned their dignity and desperately asked for help.


Facing his frantic plea for help, Lin Wudao looked indifferent, as if he didn't hear it, and allowed the Eight Desolate Gods to be attacked by Li Nanshan.

"Go to hell!"

at the same time.

Seeing the Eight Desolate Gods rushing towards the Great Demon God of Taiyin, Li Nanshan directly threw the Xuanyin God Tower in his hand, hitting the Eight Desolate Gods heavily.


Under the terrifying power of the Xuanyin God Tower, the natal kingdom of the Eight Desolate Gods was directly shattered.

Not only that!

His divinity and the true spirit of the gods were also completely wiped out by the power of the Xuanyin Tower.

"Be bold!"

"How dare you kill the people of this god in front of me?"

"Where is the Great Protector Li Chengdao? Capture this Xuanyin thief immediately for me..."

When the Eight Desolate Gods died, suddenly, a majestic and angry sacred voice rang out.

call out!

As the majestic voice of the Great Demon God of Taiyin fell, a divine light suddenly cut through the void and transformed into the figure of a cold man, appearing in front of Li Nanshan.

He raised his hand and gave it a hard slap, suppressing it...

"Great Protector, Li Chengdao?"

Looking at the strange man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Nanshan was startled for a moment, but then he came to his senses.


He mobilized the Xuanyin Divine Tower with all his strength, and with the immense divine might and power, he pressed towards Lin Wudao fiercely.


Behind him, there are wisps of divine light blooming, and through the bright divine light, the shadow of a powerful god can be vaguely seen.

At this moment.

Li Nanshan obviously also felt the powerful threat of Lin Wudao, and decisively showed the divine appearance of Xuanyin Shang Shen.

In this way, he can obtain the divine blessing of Xuanyin High God...


He had no idea how terrifying Lin Wudao's strength was.

Lin Wudao didn't even pay attention to a mere divine weapon, coupled with the divine power and power of Xuanyin Supreme God.


When the Xuanyin God Tower was suppressing it, he raised his hand and punched out. The extremely powerful force directly blew the Xuanyin God Tower away.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the horrified gazes of countless creatures around him, Lin Wudao smashed Li Nanshan's immortal body with one punch and forcibly captured his immortal spirit. (End of chapter)

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