
"Let's take it step by step!"

"Now that we have embarked on this road, we must not look back. No matter how difficult it is, we must continue on."

"The titled gods of the great avenue have never appeared in the universe of the lower realm..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

He had finally raised the Great Demon God of Qingshan to the current level, and had also laid a huge foundation for the Qingshan Divine Kingdom. Naturally, it was impossible for him to give up.

not to mention!

After tasting the sweetness brought by the title of the avenue, he was also full of yearning and expectation for the title of the incense god.

At that time, if he survives the catastrophe of being banned from the avenue, what kind of avenue title will he get?

What kind of blessings will you receive?

Think of this.

Lin Wudao took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness and sigh in his heart, and continued to look at the God Sacrifice Ceremony in the square.


The Mei family has presented their devout beliefs, as well as a large number of incense and sacrifices. Next, it is his turn to perform.

"At this time, the gods of incense and fire in the Bahuang Ancient City and the envoys of the Xuanyin High God have probably already arrived."

"It's time for the Great Demon God of Taiyin to return..."

Say it.

Lin Wudao restored his mind to the most stable state, and then sent a ray of divinity and true spirit to the statue in the square.


Under the devout prayers of thousands of Mei family members, accompanied by a burst of majestic power, and in the shocked eyes of countless people, a magnificent shadow of the god appeared in the sky above the statue.

Although the specific appearance could not be seen clearly, the vast divine power released overwhelmed the creatures and gods present and made them suffocate.

"The Taiyin God has arrived!"

Looking at the majestic and majestic shadow of the god that appeared above the statue, Mei Zhenshan's expression suddenly changed.


He knelt down with great respect and piety.

"Mei Zhenshan pays homage to the Taiyin God and welcomes him to the land of Xianlin!"

His voice resounds in all directions.

As Mei Zhenshan bowed down, the members of the Mei family who were originally in shock and horror woke up one after another.

"Greetings to the Great God of Taiyin, and welcome the great God to come!"

"Greetings to the Great God of Taiyin, and welcome the great God to come!"

"Meet the Taiyin God..."

The loud and loud sound of worship shook the world.


Thousands of people from the Mei family offered their most devout beliefs to the Great Demon God of Taiyin in front of all living beings.

As they kowtowed, the creatures and gods watching in the surrounding space also focused their gazes on the statue of the Great Demon God of Taiyin.

"Hiss, is this the legendary Great Demon God of Taiyin?"

"It is said that the Great Demon God of Taiyin was an ancient holy god countless years ago. Unexpectedly, he can return again after countless years."

"When he comes back this time, the Great Demon God of Taiyin must be preparing to regain his old faith and fight with the gods of the Xuanyin system. I'm afraid it is inevitable."

"I don't know, how much power and power does the Great Demon God of Taiyin have compared to his peak days in the past?"

"The Great Wilderness Immortal Realm is going to be in chaos again..."

There were overwhelming discussions and sighs among the surrounding crowd.

At this moment!

The Great Demon God of Taiyin has become the only focus of the Bahuang Ancient City.

When he appeared, even the Eight Desolate Gods in the Kingdom of God and the divine envoy Li Nanshan narrowed their eyes and their expressions became extremely solemn.


They all felt an unprecedented threat from the Great Demon God of Taiyin.

"The Divine Envoy, the Great Demon God of Taiyin, although the power he displayed is very powerful, he has definitely not reached the level of the Holy God in the past."

"It is easiest to kill him while his foundation is not stable. If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the Xuanyin God System in the future."

"Now, God envoy, you are holding the divine weapon of God. If you add God's divine power, you will definitely be able to kill the Great Demon God of Taiyin."

"How about God ask you to ask God for instructions?"

After a moment of silence, the Eight Desolate Gods suddenly spoke.

Hear this!

Li Nanshan glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

Although he knew what the Lord of the Eight Desolations was planning, what he said made some sense.

The Great Demon God of Taiyin has made a comeback, and there is an urgent need to reshape the old beliefs. If he is allowed to develop, he will definitely pose a great threat to the Xuanyin God System.

at the moment!

His unfounded foundation is the best opportunity to be nipped in the cradle.

In fact, Li Nanshan himself had this idea without the need for the Eight Desolate Gods to remind him.


The Great Demon God of Taiyin is too ancient and mysterious. Since he dares to openly accept the sacrifices and beliefs of the Mei family, he must have something to rely on.

If we take action rashly, we may capsize in the gutter...

Think of this!

Li Nanshan was both fearful and hesitant. He had no idea what to do next.

"Look first and then talk~"

After some thought, Li Nanshan suppressed the idea of ​​testing the Great Demon God of Taiyin.

However, he didn't give up just yet!

After the words fell, Li Nanshan began to secretly pray to God Xuanyin in his heart. The specific decision depends on the instructions of God Xuanyin.


What Li Nanshan didn't know was that at this moment, Lin Wudao had already noticed his presence.

"Li Nanshan, the Great Protector of Xuanyin, has the cultivation of the fourth level of the Ancient Immortal, and also has an artifact that was sacrificed and refined by the Supreme God Xuanyin."

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!"

"However, I am even more looking forward to the fact that you can summon High God Xuanyin..."

Say it.

He began to secretly plan in his heart.

[System, can Li Zangtian and the other mourners use the ancient supreme method? 】

【Can't! 】

[The power of the mourners does not come from themselves, but is given by the system. 】

[Therefore, they cannot improve their power level through the ancient supreme method. 】


Can't use the ancient supreme method?

After hearing this answer, although Lin Wudao had already expected it, he was still a little regretful and disappointed.

Since Undertaker cannot use the ancient supreme method to improve his cultivation and strength, he can only do it himself.

Think of this!

He glanced at the Bahuang Divine Kingdom in the distance, and then set his sights on the Mei family members under the altar.

"Everyone, get up~"

"After endless years, this god was reborn and returned in Nirvana. The Mei family is willing to dedicate all their faith and worship this god devoutly. This god is very pleased."

"The Mei family, as the first dependent family of this god in this world, should be bestowed with divine grace and creation..."

The majestic and majestic voice, with the blessing of divine power, spread throughout the entire Bahuang Ancient City.

Hear this!

Whether it was the Mei family members kneeling below or the surrounding creatures and gods, they all showed excitement and anticipation.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the majestic and sacred Taiyin Demon God.

"Mei Zhenshan, as my first god in this world, I will remove the forbidden substances from your body and restore your divinity, true spirit, and divine kingdom to their normal state."

"Furthermore, the damage caused previously has also been restored."

"In addition, I will give you another divine power, a divine method, and a divine technique..."


As the majestic and majestic voice sounded, Lin Wudao raised his hand and tapped lightly, and the taboo power existing in Mei Zhenshan's body disappeared in an instant.


A large swath of divine light enveloped him, repairing his damaged kingdom, divinity, and true spirit of the gods.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also gave Mei Zhenshan a divine right to possess, as well as a divine method and a divine technique.

He obtained divine magic and magic from other incense gods. Lin Wudao selected two more powerful ones and gave them to Mei Zhenshan.

To him, although it was nothing, it also showed Lin Wudao's attitude and the importance he attached to him.

"Thank you, God!"

Feeling the changes in himself, Mei Zhenshan immediately kowtowed to the ground with great respect.

Pulled back from the brink of death, he could finally let go of his originally hanging heart.

In response to Mei Zhenshan's excited bow, Lin Wudao just nodded slightly and didn't pay too much attention.

"For the rest of the Mei family, I will personally perform a divine baptism for you. Your qualifications will increase tenfold based on the original ones."

"My own bloodline, return to my ancestors once again!"

Talking time!

Lin Wudao performed the baptism of God on thousands of Mei family members.




Under the powerful blessing of Ragnarok and absolute divine power, their qualifications, roots, souls and other aspects have all been baptized and sublimated.

The level of bloodline has also increased by one level.

All of a sudden.

Under Lin Wudao's baptism, waves of powerful momentum and fluctuations suddenly erupted in the crowd below.

There are many people who have been improved and achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation because of their qualifications, roots, and bloodline.

Even the tribesmen who have not made a breakthrough have all received great blessings and their potential has greatly increased.

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

Thousands of people from the Mei family gave out earth-shaking cheers.

This scene.

When it fell into the eyes of the surrounding crowd, it immediately caused huge waves.

Especially the incense gods, after seeing that the forbidden substances on Mei Zhenshan's body were removed, all of them cast their excited eyes on Lin Wudao.

at the moment!

Lin Wudao is their only hope of survival... (End of Chapter)

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