"Chengdao, are you serious?"

Mei Jiansheng asked in an extremely solemn tone.

He really couldn't believe that such a huge pie would fall on the Mei family.

Faced with Mei Jiansheng's doubts, Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

"of course it's true!"

"It's just an ancient city, but I still have the right to make the decision."

"As long as the Mei family is willing to believe in the Taiyin God, then the Bahuang Ancient City belongs to the Mei family, and everything will be decided by the Mei family."

"Actually, this is also for my mother's sake. After all, the blood of the Mei family flows in my body."

"As the saying goes, good news does not flow to outsiders. If there is such a good thing, of course I must first consider my own people."

"As for what my uncle is worried about, it is nothing more than the strength of the Taiyin God and the revenge of the Xuanyin Divine System."

"The Mei family doesn't have to worry about this!"

"As far as I know, the High God Xuanyin has cut off all beliefs in the Bahuang Ancient City, and all the gods in the Bahuang Ancient City have been corroded and contaminated by evil substances."

"The source of all this is the Great God of Taiyin!"

"As long as the Mei family believes in the Great God of Taiyin, the evil substances that have blessed themselves will naturally be eliminated."

"Not only that, you will also receive great blessings."

"This time, God is willing to give the Mei family a chance because of my face. I hope my uncle can cherish it."

"If you miss it, you may suffer a catastrophe. According to the great god, within a month, all the gods in the Bahuang Ancient City will be wiped out..."

Lin Wudao said calmly.


Hearing what he said, even Mei Jiansheng, who had gone through great storms, couldn't help but feel shocked and horrified.

Before that.

He has already learned about the shocking changes that have occurred in the Li family, and the gods and creatures in the entire Bahuang Ancient City have been greatly affected.

The god of incense and fire fell from the divine level, and the cultivation and strength of human beings also suddenly suffered a huge loss.

Until now, no one knows the reason.


What Mei Jiansheng didn't expect was that the Great Demon God of Taiyin was responsible for all this.


"As expected of the legendary demon god, as soon as he returns, he will attack the gods of the entire Bahuang Ancient City."

"It seems that the Great Demon God of Taiyin is determined to win the Bahuang Ancient City."

"In fact, the entire Xuanyin Divine System is in danger of escaping..."

Mei Jiansheng's heart felt awe-inspiring.

Although he didn't know how the Great Demon God of Taiyin did it, this method was enough to prove his strength.

It's far from being comparable to the God Xuanyin!

after all!

Under the erosion of that evil substance, even the High God Xuanyin was helpless and was forced to cut off the faith of Bahuang Ancient City and win a glimmer of hope.

It can be seen from this.

The Great Demon God of Taiyin is far more powerful than the High God of Xuanyin.

"The former Great Demon God of Taiyin was a powerful holy god. Could it be said that he has made a comeback?"

"If this is the case, believing in a holy god is far more reliable than the Xuanyin God."

"This is indeed a great opportunity and good fortune..."

After thinking about this, Mei Jiansheng finally understood the meaning of Lin Wudao's previous words.

According to the magical power and strength of the Great Demon God of Taiyin, a mere Bahuang ancient city would really not be taken seriously.


The Great Demon God of Taiyin has made a comeback, and all the foundations laid before have been destroyed. It is the time when believers are needed. If the Mei family takes refuge first, they will definitely win the favor of the Great Demon God of Taiyin.

By the time.

The Great Demon God of Taiyin casually bestows a little divine grace and good fortune, which is enough for the Mei family to be extremely glorious and glorious.

Thinking about this!

Mei Jiansheng's originally silent heart began to surge...

"Chengdao, this matter is related to the life and death of my Mei family, and it is not something I can make the decision on."

"I need to go back and seek the opinions of my ancestors and ancestors, so..."

Mei Jiansheng said helplessly.

To this!

Lin Wudao did not ask him to give an answer immediately.

"I can give the Mei family one day to think about it. As long as they are willing to believe in the Taiyin God, they can lead all the clan members to publicly worship the God."

"Use your actual actions to prove that you are devout believers in the Great God."

"As long as you can lead this well, the great god will definitely send down his grace and give the Mei family a great blessing."

Say it!

Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed, and an ancient and mysterious divine genealogy appeared in front of Mei Jiansheng out of thin air.

On it, divine light flows!

In that vast divine light, there is a majestic and great supreme god, which seems to suppress the entire world.

"This is the divine genealogy of the Taiyin God System constructed by the Great God. If you hand it over to the ancestral spirit of your Mei family, he will naturally understand it."

"Remember, you only have one day to think about it!"

"After one day, if there is no result that the great master wants, then even I cannot guarantee that the Mei family can continue to exist in the Bahuang Ancient City..."

Lin Wudao said calmly.

Although he said it lightly, to Mei Jiansheng's ears, this was Chi Guoguo's threat.

On the surface, he was taking care of the Mei family and giving the Mei family a chance, but in fact, he didn't give the Mei family any choice at all.

If you don’t accept it, you will die!


After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Mei Jiansheng's mood became heavier than ever.

"I will report this matter to my ancestors truthfully."

"I believe that the ancestors and ancestors will make wise choices..."

Mei Jiansheng replied bitterly.


He did not stay at Jinxiu Villa for long, and after a few pleasantries, he turned and left.

"Li Zangtian, follow him to Mei's house."

Looking at Mei Jiansheng's leaving figure, Lin Wudao said to Li Yantian without looking back.

"Master, according to the current situation, if nothing unexpected happens, the Mei family will not dare to refuse."

"Ok, I know."

"However, if you go there, the Mei family will agree faster. In this way, you can also let them see the strength of Taiyin God."

"Besides, if you are familiar with the ritual process, you can go over and give some guidance."


Upon hearing this, Li Yantian responded respectfully, and then disappeared from the spot.

After Mei Jiansheng and Li Yantian left, Li Bailu looked at Lin Wudao blankly, as if he was hesitant to speak.

At this moment!

He felt that the young master in front of him had become extremely strange...

"What's wrong, Uncle Li?"

As if he noticed something strange about Li Bailu, Lin Wudao took a sip of tea, turned around and asked with a smile.

"No...it's nothing. I just feel that the young master is different from before. He has become more mature, majestic and domineering."

"The young master makes me feel like a high-altitude god who dominates billions of living beings in the world."

"If the young lady is in heaven, she will definitely be very happy to see the young master's changes and achievements."

Li Bailu organized his words and said with both sigh and relief.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled lightly but did not answer.

He thought Li Baiguo had seen that he was not the real Li Chengdao.


Whether it is really Li Chengdao or not is no longer important to him.

Even if Li Baiji's identity was discovered, it would not have much impact. With his power, it was impossible to cause any trouble.

"Uncle Li, go and build a statue of the Taiyin God according to this divine map."

"When the time comes, the Great God Taiyin will definitely grant you divine grace and blessings. Your qualifications, foundation, potential, cultivation, etc., will all be greatly improved."

"In the future, as long as you devoutly believe in the Great God, it may not be impossible to become an Ancient Immortal or even an Immortal King..."

Lin Wudao raised his hand to condense a divine picture with his divine light, and said to Li Bailu.

Hear the words!

Li Bailu composed himself, and after respectfully taking the divine picture, he turned around and left Jinxiu Villa with excitement and surging mood.

"Next, let's wait for the Mei family to make offerings!"

"As long as the Mei family gets started, then the other gods in Bahuang Ancient City will also take notice."

"By then, I will be able to control the entire Bahuang Ancient City without any effort..."

Lin Wudao murmured with a hint of expectation.

Harvesting Bahuang Ancient City this time will definitely bring him a lot of incense and luck, allowing him to make a fortune. (End of chapter)

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