Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1191 The head of the Mei family and the spokesperson of Bahuang Ancient City!

"Master, after the enlightenment of me, Tu Jiuyou, and Wang Xuanzhi, all the members of the Li family have woken up."

"They promised that from now on they would devoutly believe in the Taiyin God and never abandon him."

The second day!

Lin Wudao was enjoying tea leisurely when he saw Li Zangtian leading an old man in green clothes with a pale face and weak steps to the main hall of Jinxiu Villa.


"It seems that the people in the Li family are not all diehards like Li Yuancang, and they can still recognize the reality."

"Li Yuancang is dead. The Li family must find a strong backer. In this wilderness of the fairyland, who is more trustworthy than the Great God of Taiyin?"

"The Li family will follow the footsteps of the Great God Taiyin, and they will surely reach the sky with unlimited glory in the future."

"Li Qianqiu, do you think what I said makes sense?"

Lin Wudao took a sip of tea and asked seriously to the old man in green in front of him.

This person!

It is Li Qianqiu, one of the three ancestors of the Li family, who has practiced for a hundred thousand years and has reached the great perfection of the fifth level of the True Immortal.

However, due to his own qualifications and foundation, he has not made any progress for more than 30,000 years.

If there was no chance or good fortune, Li Qianqiu would have stopped here in his life...

Facing Lin Wudao's inquiry, although Li Qianqiu was extremely angry in his heart, he did not dare to show it at all.

"That's what the angel said!"

"The Li family is willing to follow the instructions of the divine envoy and devoutly believe in the Taiyin God from now on and never abandon it."

"Whenever Taiyin God has any instructions or needs, the Li family will go through fire and water, even to the death."

Li Qianqiu replied loudly.

Like that!

He seems to be a truly steadfast and devout believer.

However, what he really thinks about may be something else...

Lin Wudao didn't care much about whether the Li family believed sincerely.


He already looked down upon the Li family's faith and incense.

Compared to the one hundred and twenty-nine gods in the entire Bahuang Ancient City, and even the Xuanyin Divine System that is about to be acquired, the Li family is really insignificant.

Even without their offerings, it would not have any impact on Lin Wudao.

More of them is not more, less of them is not less!

"Since the Li family is willing to convert to the Great God Taiyin, then go back immediately, gather all the clan members, and prepare the best sacrifices to worship the Great God Taiyin."

call out!

While speaking, Lin Wudao raised his hand and touched the void lightly, and a wisp of divine light appeared in mid-air, turning into a pattern of the Great Demon God of Taiyin.

This is the statue after his modifications.

Compared with the previous Great Demon God of Taiyin, there is a slight difference...

"Follow the decrees of God's envoys!"

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Li Qianqiu bowed respectfully, then turned around and left Jinxiu Villa.

"Li Zangtian, please pay more attention to the activities in the City Lord's Mansion recently. I guess High God Xuanyin will definitely send someone to inquire about the situation."

"When the time comes, if you see anyone from the Xuanyin Demon Sect, just capture them."

"Bahuang Ancient City will basically fall under the control of this god. Next, it will be the turn of the entire Xuanyin God System."

"He's just an eighth-level god, he doesn't need to bother..."

After Li Qianqiu left.

After Lin Wudao pondered for a moment, he gave instructions to Li Zangtian beside him without raising his head.


Li Zangtian nodded.

"By the way, great master, I seemed to have seen Li Baici on the way here just now."

"There seems to be someone from the Mei family with him."

"If we calculate the time, they will soon arrive at Jinxiu Villa..."

At this time.

Li Zangtian seemed to have remembered something and reported to Lin Wudao.

The Mei family is here?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He was not surprised by this result.


It's all within his expectation and control!

"The Mei family came just in time. They must have known about the great changes in the Li family by now, and the Mei family's ancestral gods must also have suffered a great loss in strength."

"At this moment, they must be in boundless panic and fear. This can just give them a reassurance."

"By the way, let them believe in Taiyin God..."

Lin Wudao squinted his eyes and said.


The ancestral spirit of the Li family has been killed by him, and the first step of establishing authority has been achieved; next, it is natural to find a breakthrough in faith and support a spokesperson.

The Mei family is quite suitable!

If they understand current affairs, Lin Wudao wouldn't mind giving them a great blessing.

If you don't know how to promote, you can only destroy it.

He didn't believe that there wasn't even a puppet god in this huge ancient city.

call out!

Just as Lin Wudao was slowly sipping tea and thinking, suddenly, a sharp sound broke through the air from the outside.

Immediately afterwards.

A fairy boat arrived at Jinxiu Villa.


Three figures walked down from above.

One is Li Bailuo, the old butler of Jinxiu Villa, a middle-aged man in blue with an elegant temperament and a jade-like face, and an old man in red with deep energy.

"The head of the Mei family, Mei Jiansheng!"

Lin Wudao's eyes swept across the man in green with extraordinary bearing, and he instantly understood his identity and origin.

According to Li Chengdao's memory, Mei Jiansheng was the elder brother of Mei Ruohan's mother, and they had a very good brother-sister relationship.

"After all, Mei Jiansheng should be Li Chengdao's uncle?"

"I didn't expect that this time I actually attracted the head of the Mei family..."

Lin Wudao whispered secretly.

He was still a little surprised by Mei Jiansheng's arrival.

While thinking, Li Bailu had already brought Mei Jiansheng to the main hall of Jinxiu Villa.

"Master, who do you think is here?"

"I heard that you are willing to return to the Mei family, and the uncle has come to greet you personally..."

Li Baicheng said to Lin Wudao excitedly.

"Chengdao, our nephew and uncle haven't seen each other for a long time."

"How are you doing?"

"Since your mother passed away, you have never been to Mei's house. Everyone misses you."

"Especially my ancestors, they always talk about you."

"Although you are a descendant of the Li family, you are still half of the blood of my Mei family. You can't cut it off no matter what."

"If you need anything, just tell your uncle. As long as he can do it, he will definitely satisfy you..."

As soon as the two met, Mei Jiansheng started talking nonstop.

It can be seen that he is a very talkative person.


Showed great kindness.

However, it is unknown how much of Mei Jiansheng's goodwill is true.

To this.

Lin Wudao didn't care, he just sat there, sipping tea leisurely and listening to Mei Jiansheng's chatter.

After a long time!

Perhaps because he was tired, or perhaps because he didn't get a response from Lin Wudao, Mei Jiansheng gradually stopped.

"By the way, Chengdao, I heard from Uncle Li that you have plans to return to the Mei family?"

Mei Jiansheng was silent for a while and asked tentatively.


"I had this idea before, but now, I have changed my mind."

"Right now, the Li family is under my control. It doesn't mean much whether I can return to the Mei family or not."

"My uncle must already know about the Li family's affairs."

"Today, since my uncle is here in person, I will give the Mei family a great blessing..."


Great fortune?

Upon hearing this suddenly, Mei Jiansheng couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

He really couldn't imagine what great blessings Lin Wudao could bring to the Mei family...

"Uncle should have heard of the Taiyin Demon God, right?"


Mei Jiansheng nodded.

"According to ancient legend, the Taiyin Demon God was the supreme god of the Taiyin Demon Mountain many eras ago. He was a powerful holy god."

"However, He has already perished long ago!"

"Could it be that the great fortune you speak of is related to the Taiyin Demon God?"

"I heard that you have made the entire Li family believe in the Taiyin Demon God. Could it be that you also want my Mei family to worship the Taiyin Demon God?"

Mei Jiansheng laughed and said.

He felt that Lin Wudao's idea was too naive.

The Mei family has its own ancestral gods, and there is also the Xuanyin divine system above it. How could it be possible to change its banner and believe in other gods?

"Does uncle not believe in the Taiyin Demon God, or does the Mei family not believe in the Taiyin Demon God?"

Lin Wudao saw Mei Jiansheng's sneer.


He didn't care!

"The Great God of Taiyin has returned to the land of Xianlin after countless years. This is a rare and supreme opportunity."

"If the Mei family seizes this opportunity, it will surely soar into the sky and create unparalleled glory and glory."

"If the Mei family is willing to believe in the Taiyin God, I can make the decision and hand over the entire Bahuang Ancient City to the Mei family."

"From now on, the Mei family is the city lord of Bahuang Ancient City, in charge of all existence..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.


Give the entire Bahuang Ancient City to the Mei family?

When he suddenly heard this, Mei Jiansheng, who originally thought it was a joke, was shocked.


His expression became extremely serious... (End of chapter)

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