"Immortal Lord, can I take this thing away?"

After being silent for a long time, Lin Wudao came back from his thoughts, shook the Taixu Codex in his hand, and said to Murong Dayu.

Hear the words!

After Murong Dayu thought deeply, he sighed and nodded.

"Although this thing was bought by the Immortal Emperor of our tribe with his life, it is not of much use to our Supreme Immortal Clan. On the contrary, it will cause disaster."

"Since it is destined to the Emperor, I will make the decision to give it to the Emperor today."

Murong Dayu said with sincerity.

At this moment, he also discovered that it was not a good thing for this mysterious yellow paper to remain in the Taishang Immortal Clan. Instead, it would bring great disaster.

In this case, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible to avoid causing a huge disaster.


Not only did he solve the disaster, he even earned a favor from Lin Wudao, which was not considered a loss to the Taishang Immortal Clan.

In the future, depending on Lin Wudao's favor, they may be able to achieve unprecedented glory and glory in the Taishang Immortal Clan.


Regarding this mysterious yellow paper, Murong Dayu sincerely presented it to Lin Wudao.

Lin Wudao could also guess some of his thoughts and ideas.

"Since the Immortal Lord said this, I won't be polite."

"This thing was bought back by the Taishang Immortal Emperor in exchange for his life. It is the inherited treasure of the Taishang Immortal Clan. I can't take it for nothing."

"Just think of it as a favor that I owe to the Supreme Immortal Clan!"

"From now on, as long as the Supreme Immortal Clan has any needs, they can come to me and the promise will be permanent."

Talking time!

Lin Wudao took out a jade talisman and handed it to Murong Dayu.

"This jade talisman has blessed my will to be granted the title of Dao. Whenever the Supreme Immortal Clan needs it in the future, it can be crushed."

"When the time comes, I will naturally come to help you solve your difficulties..."


Hearing what Lin Wudao said, Murong Dayu did not refuse and put away the jade talisman generously.


The two exchanged pleasantries for a few more words and then walked out of the ancestral land.

"Let's go back!"

After walking out of the ancestral land, Lin Wudao did not hesitate. After greeting Emperor Ye Qing and the others, he returned to the City of All Heavens through the Supreme Dao Talisman.

Since Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were not in the City of All Heavens, Lin Wudao did not stay here for long. After parting ways with Emperor Ye Qing and the others, he returned to the land of the divine mausoleum.

Half a day later!

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu had already disposed of all the corpses of the real immortals on hand and handed them over to Lin Wudao's hands.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao chatted with them for a while, and then the three of them separated. Qin Daofu went to the Underworld Universe, while the crazy Taoist practiced in seclusion.

As for him, he also entered the kingdom of his destiny...


After entering the natal divine kingdom, Lin Wudao directly placed the copper coffin for burial in the sky, and then threw all the corpses of the many true immortals collected in the original world into it.

[System, I want to collect corpses in a targeted manner, all of which require luck points! 】

He ordered in his mind.


[You gathered a large number of corpses of true immortals. After strengthening the system a hundred times, you obtained 5536.9 billion flowers of luck! 】

The familiar sound of the system sounded in Lin Wudao's mind.

More than five trillion?

Hearing this number, Lin Wudao's spirit perked up slightly. This huge amount of luck value was recorded, which solved his urgent need.

at the moment!

His luck value gap is very big!

Integrate the divine realm, upgrade and practice the Dao Dharma, practice the Supreme Dao Sutra and the Supreme Dao Sutra...

All of these require a lot of luck.

Although he obtained more than four trillion flowers of luck, facing these gold-swallowing beasts, it was only a drop in the bucket.

Next up!

Lin Wudao had to consider how to spend these luck points.


Fusion of the Divine Realm must be the first priority!

[The system integrates the Qianyuan Realm and the twenty-six low-level resource worlds presented by Wu Daotian into the divine domain of Qingshan Divine Kingdom. 】

[Upgrade the origin of the great magical power into an ancient immortal method! 】

[Upgrade the supreme method of chaos to a god-level cosmic method at the ancient immortal level! 】

[Consume three treasures of the universe, extract the power of the universe inside, and unlock the technique of great cause and effect! 】

After thinking carefully, Lin Wudao issued the order in an orderly manner.

As long as there is money, the system is omnipotent!


As Lin Wudao issued the order, the luck value on his account began to decrease crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.


[You consumed 2.9 trillion flowers of destiny to start the integration of Qianyuan World and twenty-six lower worlds. 】

[The above big world will be completely integrated with the divine domain of Qingshan Divine Kingdom in half a year. 】

[You have consumed 2.3 trillion flowers of luck and successfully upgraded the supreme chaos method to a god-level cosmic method at the ancient immortal level. 】

[You have consumed 600 billion flowers of luck and successfully upgraded the origin of the great magical power to a god-level cosmic law at the ancient immortal level. 】

[You have consumed three treasures of the universe and successfully unlocked the Great Cause and Effect Technique, one of the three thousand great techniques. 】

A series of cold notification sounds sounded in Lin Wudao's mind one after another.




Along with the notification sound, many mysteries of the Supreme Law of Chaos, the Great Divine Power of Origin, and the Great Cause and Effect Technique began to pour into Lin Wudao's soul like a flood.

With the help of the great power of the system, in just a moment, he mastered these three methods, like using his arms and fingers.

That way.

It’s like it’s something you’re born with…


Although the upgrade process is very exciting, the consumption of luck points is also very scary.

[Name: Lin Wudao]

[Cultivation: Emperor of Heaven, First Level]

[Flower of Luck: 586.9 billion]


Looking at the luck value displayed on the panel, Lin Wudao couldn't help but sigh heavily in his heart.

More than 5 trillion yuan had just been accounted for, and in the blink of an eye, there was only a fraction left.

"No matter how much luck you have, you can't feed these gold-eating beasts."

"However, I have finally solved the problem of the Divine Realm, and some of the important techniques in my hand have been upgraded."

Lin Wudao comforted himself.

The further back he gets, the more luck he needs, and the pressure will naturally be greater.

To this!

He had already been mentally prepared.

After a slight silence, Lin Wudao turned his attention to the Great Cause and Effect Technique. This method, one of the three thousand great techniques, combined with the Great Divine Power of Origin, showed very terrifying lethality.


It is even more terrifying than the supreme method of killing.

This is also the reason why Lin Wudao spent so much luck points to upgrade it desperately.


It’s time to test the results…


With a thought, a lot of information about the Great Cause and Effect Technique was presented in the form of a panel.

[Name: Great Cause and Effect Technique]

[Level: Ancient Emperor]

[Realm: None]

[Introduction: It has been passed down from ancient times that it is one of the three thousand great arts handed down from God. It has indescribable power. By using this technique, you can stir the thread of cause and effect and kill people invisible. 】

[Note: With the Great Cause and Effect Technique in your hand, you are the biggest cause and the biggest effect in the world! 】


While observing the introduction of the Great Cause and Effect Technique, Lin Wudao suddenly felt clearly that there was an extremely mysterious force blessing him.

Thinking about this!

He immediately separated a clone and observed the body of the deity carefully.


Through the observation of the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao was surprised to find that there were many colorful threads of cause and effect wrapped around his body.


His whole person is like a ball of thread, with him as the center, many threads are scattered. Each line of cause and effect represents a living being that has cause and effect with him, or something that produces cause and effect.

Out of curiosity, Lin Wudao followed these lines of cause and effect and found the figures of familiar people such as Tu Shan Cang Yue, Yin Siming, Wu Aotian, Crazy Taoist, Qin Daofu, Lin Jiuxiao and others at the source. .


There are also Penglai Immortal Clan, Qingcang Immortal Clan, Taihao Immortal Clan, Taishang Immortal Clan, Zhenwu Emperor Palace, Shangqing Dao Sect and many other forces.

"As long as the thread of cause and effect is pulled, can the enemy be crushed to death?"

Looking at the many lines of cause and effect, Lin Wudao became very curious.


Among his many causal threads, he found Ye Lingtian's one and reached out to gently flick it.

call out!

The moment he touched the line of cause and effect, the line of cause and effect connecting Ye Lingtian instantly turned into an invisible sharp sword, crossing many spaces and slashing towards Ye Lingtian.

At this moment.

Ye Lingtian was being imprisoned in the Golden God's Tomb by the mad Taoist. When the Sword of Karma came, he let out a shrill scream, and then fell to the ground silently.

There is no life left... (End of this chapter)

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