The ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan is located in an ancient and magnificent secret realm of time and space.

This ancestral land was constructed by the Destiny Immortal Emperor of the former Taishang Immortal Clan, so it possesses the power of Destiny.

Even a strong man who is half a step above the emperor cannot shake it in the Panshen universe...


As Murong Dayu opened the ancestral land, Lin Wudao and his party followed him and stepped into the ancestral land, all the way to the deepest part.

In an instant, an ancient ancestral temple blessed with the power of destiny came into view, exuding the aura of eternal time.

"Sir, let's wait for you outside!"

Before arriving at the ancestral temple, Emperor Ye Qing glanced at Murong Dayu and then said to Lin Wudao.


Lin Wudao nodded, and then entered the ancestral temple alone.

The ancestral temple is extremely majestic. At the highest place, the ancestor of the Taishang Immortal Clan and the Tianming Immortal Emperor are enshrined.

Under them are all the ancestors and ancestors of the Taishang Immortal Clan.

After looking at it for a few moments, Lin Wudao focused his attention on the center of the altar.

See you!

There, there was a mysterious jade box.

Intuition told Lin Wudao that there should be what he wanted in the jade box.


He did not speak in a hurry, but waited for Murong Dayu to pay homage to his ancestors before carefully removing the jade box.

Open it and take a look!

In the jade box, there is a mysterious yellow paper...


When he saw this piece of yellow paper, a hint of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.


On this piece of yellow paper, he actually felt the breath of the Origin Stone.

Although the breath was very weak, Lin Wudao possessed the Origin Stone, so he could clearly sense it.

Just as he reached out to grab the yellow paper, he was stopped by Murong Dayu.

"Mr. Ren, be careful. There is something weird about this piece of paper. Most people can't pick it up."

"In the beginning, I, the Heavenly Emperor of the Supreme Immortal Clan, also relied on the power of Heaven to reluctantly bring this yellow paper back."

"Ordinary practitioners, even the ancient Immortal Emperor who has embarked on the road to transcendence, cannot hold this yellow paper."

"Since the Immortal Emperor brought it back in the past, it has been placed here and has never been moved."

"In addition, for several generations, no one has been able to understand the secret on this yellow paper..."

Murong Dayu sighed and explained.


Can't pick it up?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a little curious.


After observing for a while, he came to the altar and stretched his palm towards the yellow paper in the jade box.


When his palm touched the yellow paper, he immediately felt a mysterious force repelling him.

It looked like it was holding an unparalleled sacred mountain in its hand, which was extremely heavy.

Even if he put all his strength into it, he couldn't shake the yellow paper one bit.

"Sure enough, it's a little weird..."

Lin Wudao frowned secretly.


Just as he was thinking about how to take out the yellow paper from the jade box, suddenly, the Origin Stone in his body trembled slightly.


Lin Wudao felt that the mysterious power from before suddenly disappeared. After pinching the yellow paper, he picked it up easily.


"It seems that Mr. Ren is indeed a destined person..."

Watch this scene.

Murong Dayu couldn't help being surprised.

He really didn't expect that Lin Wudao could actually pick up the yellow paper.

It can be seen from this!

This thing must have something to do with him.

Lin Wudao ignored Murong Dayu's shock and sigh.


When he put the yellow paper in his hand, all his mind and attention were focused on it.

at the same time!

With the insight of the Eye of the Avenue, information about the yellow paper was also revealed.

[Name: Taixu Codex (one page)]

[Introduction: A long time ago, the Lord of Taixu Ancient Realm devoted his life to compiling a code of law, which records the magical powers, methods, experiences, anecdotes, etc. of the Lord of Taixu Realm. 】

[Remarks: This yellow paper is the last page of the Taixu Codex. It was brought out from the country of origin by the Lord of Taixu Realm, and it is stained with a trace of the Origin Stone. 】

Taixu Code?

Looking at the information presented on the yellow paper, Lin Wudao frowned slightly.


This so-called Taixu Code is not a supreme code similar to the Natural Code and the Underworld Code, but was compiled by the master of the Taixu Ancient World himself.

Furthermore, this Taixu Codex now only has one page, and it also involves the country of origin.

However, Lin Wudao had never heard of either the Taixu Ancient World or the Country of Origin.


Just as he was contemplating, suddenly, a breath of the Origin Stone poured into the Taixu Code.


In Lin Wudao's surprised gaze, the Taixu Codex, which was originally silent, began to bloom with misty glory.

Then, a mysterious pattern and an ancient map gradually appeared in the brilliant light.

"The Stone of Origin!"

Seeing the patterns on the Taixu Codex, Lin Wudao's eyes suddenly burst out with bright light.

As for that map, it is very mysterious...


According to Lin Wudao's guess, this map either leads to the Taixu Ancient World or to the Country of Origin.

[System, where are the ancient Taixu world and the country of origin? Where again? 】

Lin Wudao had no choice but to ask the system because he had touched upon his blind spot of knowledge.

[The Taixu Ancient World is a magnificent world evolved from the fragments of the large universe. 】

[Its level is higher than the original big world, but it also has the original power of the big universe. It is both a world and a universe. 】

[As for the country of origin, it is a mysterious place! 】

[The country of origin does not exist anywhere in the universe, but is located in the gap between time and space. 】

[You can’t find it in this world! 】

[If you want to enter the country of origin, you must have a guide...]

Doesn't exist in this world?

Do you still need a road guide?

After hearing the system's explanation, Lin Wudao felt more and more confused.

[What does it mean not to exist in this world? Could it be said that the country of origin exists in the past or the future? 】

【Yes! 】

[The country of origin exists in the past time and space, and is located in the gap of endless time and space. Even the Destiny Emperor of the universe cannot find traces of it without a road guide. 】

Exists in the past?

Lin Wudao was greatly shocked!

He didn't expect that there were still things that could exist in the past time and space.

[System, how to obtain the guide to the country of origin? Could it be that this Taixu Law Code is a road guide? 】

【no! 】

[This is just a leaf of the world contaminated with the breath of the Origin Stone. It is impossible to enter the Origin Country. 】

[The so-called road guides from the country of origin are vouchers specially issued by the country of origin. There are no more than ten in the universe. 】

[Every other era of the universe, the country of origin will issue three road guides to the outside world to guide the creatures from the outside world into the country of origin. 】

[No one can enter without a road guide! 】

[As for how to obtain the route guide to the country of origin, it depends on chance and luck. There is no fixed method or path. 】

[If you are lucky, you may be able to pick it up while walking...]

There are only three in each era of the universe?

Lin Wudao frowned more and more.

[According to this, wouldn’t it be hopeless for me to enter the country of origin? 】

【maybe! 】

[If the host is interested, you can go to the Taixu Ancient World to have a look. Two big universe eras ago, there was a road guide in the Taixu Ancient World. 】


Two cosmic epochs ago?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's face suddenly darkened.

The two great universe eras have passed so long, even if there is a guide to the country of origin, it is probably long gone.


Since the system says this, it proves that there is still a chance.

[Where is the Taixu Ancient World? 】

[After the host enters the Ancient Emperor Realm, he can naturally find it according to the map recorded in the Taixu Code. 】

[However, if you want to go to Taixu Ancient World, you must have a cultivation level above Immortal King. 】

[The host is still far away...]

So complicated?

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.

He did not expect that after going around and around, the matter would be involved in the Ancient Emperor Realm again. (End of chapter)

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