City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 195: Poor Hearts Of Parents In The World [Please Subscribe]

Chapter 195: Pity the hearts of parents in the world [Please subscribe]

I heard the store manager and Aunt Xu discussing the old bungalow for a while.

Lao Xie expressed his agreement with Manager Fang's point of view: "I really admire Manager Fang's professional ethics. Do you need help? I am always ready to dedicate myself to my career and the store!"

Xu Wenchang glanced at Lao Xie with contempt and said, "Don't interrupt when the leader is talking. Go back to your seat!"

Lao Xie didn't take it seriously, gave the store manager a cheering gesture, turned around and went out.

Manager Fang gave Xu Wenchang a funny look and did not refute him.

He went out to talk to Lu Yuan about the two old bungalows.

Now, those two old bungalows are being renovated and renovated.

Aunt Xu took over one of the buildings.

Another old house worth 800 million was taken over by the manager of the house.

Of course, she still used the resources provided by Xu Wenchang.

As soon as the house is completed, it can be sold.

At that time, in addition to getting commissions, it will also enhance the reputation of Jingyi stores for all stores in the industry that deal with old houses.

Besides, at Uncle Yan's bun shop, the couple's house has already been handed over.

They let their son and daughter-in-law move in first, because they didn't want the daughter-in-law to be pregnant.

After the son has finished packing up his new home, the old couple will prepare to move there today.

So, I packed up various things from the rental house, put the big and small bags on the tricycle, and pushed them to the new house.

The old couple were very happy to finally have their own home in Modu.

After they came downstairs, Lao Yan didn't call his son to ask him to come down and move things, so as not to tire his son. There weren't many things anyway.

Aunt Yan had no choice but to carry the things upstairs while pulling and resisting.

When the couple happily knocked on the door, they were dumbfounded when they saw the person who opened the door.

"My mother-in-law? When did you come here?" Lao Yan asked awkwardly.

When my mother-in-law opened the door, she saw Lao Yan and his wife packed with bags.

He knew that he was preparing to move to a new house. His eyes could not help but condense slightly, and then he said with a smile.

"Oh, I was just talking about how I would like to invite you two over as guests someday. I didn't expect you to come over today!"

I have to say, this is quite true.

Invite you two to be our guests.

You know, this house was bought by Lao Yan and his wife with their life savings.

Because of Lu Yuan's words, only Lao Yan and his wife's names were written on the real estate certificate.

Not only was the daughter-in-law's name not included, there was not even the son's name.

But now it seems that the old couple's idea of ​​moving in has become a dove-taking magpie's nest.

The old couple just stood at the door, looking awkwardly at their son and daughter-in-law in the room.

But when the daughter-in-law saw the two of them, she turned back to the room with a cold face.

Moreover, this is also the choice of Uncle Yan and his wife.

Aunt Yan also apologized and said, "I'm sorry, we'll leave right now."

Then he quickly pushed the tricycle away.

After a moment of silence, Lao Yan said: "Okay, okay, take good care of your daughter-in-law, help your mother-in-law with more work, and don't worry about us.

"Okay, let's move things first."

Although Uncle Yan could confidently say that he was the owner, his personality was such that he had to apologize: "Oh, we don't know, I'm sorry!"

Yan's mother was pulled by her husband, looking at her son with reluctance in her eyes, and finally had to say: "We are leaving, son, son, we are leaving!"

0-Please give me flowers…………

Then he changed the topic and didn't talk about the situation when the couple came to Shanghai.

When Lao Yan and his wife carried the things back to the tricycle.

His son Yan Junjun didn't say a word, and he didn't even mean to invite the old couple in.

"Yes, yes, we just stopped by to take a look." Lao Yan could only nod.

But at this moment, the security guard came over and said: "You two, you are blocking the way.

Dad quickly smiled and said: "No, no, I just moved to a new place, why don't I just stop by and take a look!"

After all, it is someone else's family matter.

They felt that they could not embarrass themselves, nor could they embarrass their son.

"Oh, no, we are just dropping by to see if the children are doing well." Yan's mother said quickly.


However, when children take it for granted, should they reflect on it?

The light that was originally burning in Aunt Yan's eyes dimmed instantly.

The in-laws pointed at the things in the hands of the old couple and asked, pretending to be confused: "You guys with big bags and small bags are planning to bring things over to wash?"

The couple finally understood. Their eyes were filled with disappointment and helplessness, but they had to force out a smile on their faces.

For a moment, Lao Yan and his wife almost burst into tears, but they still held it back.

Lao Yan urged: "Old lady, why are you still hanging around after you leave? Let's go with our things."

"It's okay, let's stay in the store first, and then we'll look for a house." Uncle Yan laughed dryly.

My mother-in-law was enthusiastic and said matter-of-factly: "Why are you standing here? Come in and sit down. You have to eat before you leave!"

His son Yan Junjun just looked at him like this. Although his face looked a bit unbearable, he didn't say a word.

If Lu Yuan were here, he might slap Yan Junjun a few times, or he might just shake his head.

But the in-laws said generously: "It's okay. The two children are fine. I will take care of them. Don't worry!"

Yan Kun said worriedly: "The house has been checked out early, where should we stay at night?"

Hearing their son speak, the eyes of Lao Yan and his wife immediately softened, but before they could be happy, the son continued: "Dad, Mom, you go back first, I will visit you when I have time."

Yan Junjun stood at the door and watched, wanting to speak but didn't say a word.

Father Yan and his wife didn't know where to put their hands, so they could only smile and nod, "Yes, we can rest assured. Don't worry."

Poor parents in the world, maybe most parents will make this choice, and they will only wrong themselves.

At this moment, his son Yan Junjun finally spoke: "Dad, Mom!"

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