City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 194: Intrigue In The Business World [Please Subscribe]

Chapter 94: Intrigue and deceit in the business world [Please subscribe]

After coming out of the restaurant, Lu Yuan glanced at Jiang Lai.

The eldest daughter of the Jiang family is not something to be fooled into. In addition to her dramatic increase in appearance, she also has family background and temperament.

Before the game even started, the opponent was persuaded to retreat!

Lu Yuan didn't have any bad feelings towards Lin Qingqing, he just didn't like her.

Besides, he already has Jiang Cai, and he can't let go of another person.

After the three returned to Tangchen, Annie called Lin Lan in the living room and told her mother that she had been living with Lu Yuan.

For some reason, Lin Lan seemed particularly happy about this and asked a lot about her and Lu Yuan.

"Nini, is your brother good to you?" Lin Lan said with a smile.

"Okay, he loves me very much, after all, I am so cute!" Annie said with a smile.

"Really? I'm really happy that you guys get along so well. By the way, why don't you use your credit card?"

Lin Lan was very curious about Annie's consumption. She also knew that the discipline in the United States was too strict, so it would not be a big problem to indulge a little in China.

Besides, it costs a little more for a girl to go out, so there is nothing wrong with that.

"Because my brother supports me!" Annie said matter-of-factly.

"Haha, right? This is what it should be."

Lin Lan was very happy about this, which was why he didn't stop Annie from going to China in the first place.

Then Lin Lan hesitated again: "However, your brother has just graduated and is working, so he may not have much money. If you want to buy some nice clothes or bags, just use the credit card your mother gave you.

"Also, buy some better clothes for your brother. After all, you have to dress decently now that you are working. Don't be afraid of spending money, you know?"

Annie was a little confused for a moment: "Mom, don't you know about your brother's situation?"

"What's going on?" Lin Lan asked a little confused.

"Oh, nothing.

When he saw him holding a lot of materials and stopping to sort them out, he shook his head and said.

Annie looked at Lu Yuan hesitantly, and then did not tell Lin Lan about the fact that Lu Yuan was a rich man.

Well, Lin Lan and Lu Yuan, mother and son, seem to be so stubborn.

"Oh!" Anne responded and said no more.

Seeing the two people looking at him, Lu Yuan could only smile helplessly and said: "There is nothing to forgive or not to forgive, it's just because I was too disappointed in my childhood, so I can't live with it.

Annie thought for a moment and shouted quickly: "Mom, wait, do you want to talk to your brother?"

However, I also heard a piece of news. It seems that not only Jingyi Store is helping Lin Maogen find a house, but also many real estate agencies are cooperating with him.

Yesterday, the house manager took advantage of his break to go around the city to find a suitable old (acce) bungalow for Lin Maogen.

Jiang Lai understood Lu Yuan, so he just held his arm tightly and rested his head on his shoulder.

The next day, Lu Yuan went to work as usual, and Jiang Cai had already prepared breakfast for him when he got up.

The other end of the phone paused for a while, and finally said: "No, maybe I can meet you when I come to Shanghai."

"I estimate that there are now forty or fifty real estate agencies in Shanghai that are cooperating with him because he is in my old bungalow.

"This is related to the honor of our store, and I also have to prove my personal strength, so I must not be slow, I must be fast."

"Okay Nini, you have to take care of yourself!" Lin Lan said with a smile, and then prepared to hang up the phone.

Lao Xie came in to store water for the two store managers and listened to their chat.

Jiang Lai on the other side also looked at Lu Yuan, but did not say anything.

After hanging up the phone, Annie ran to the sofa and sat down, holding Lu Yuan's arm and saying nothing.

I feel that such a wealthy person cannot be easily trusted.

Lu Yuan knew that she had called Lin Lan just now. She was very happy before, but why did she suddenly feel depressed.

Lu Yuan returned to the store and was as salty as ever. If there were customers renting the house, he would be busy for a while. If not, he would be very free.

Now the store manager seems to have understood the nature of the feed king, and he is a little angry.

"What's wrong?"

Manager Fang sneered and retorted: "You are lying to yourself. It is not easy to meet a big customer like Lin Maogen. Now all the intermediaries are vying for it!"

In the morning, the house manager sat on the sofa next to Aunt Xu's desk and watched him busy.

"You don't have to be in such a hurry. You have to take your time. If you do all the business by yourself, what will others eat?"

In this regard, Manager Fang finally saw that Lin Maogen really said one thing in front of others and did another behind his back.

The two of them are not company secrets, so there is no need to carry anyone behind their backs.

Xu Wenchang was surprised and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Store manager Fang can fight for the honor of our store and elevate a mundane matter like making money to a moral level. I admire him!"

"That feed king is really an old fox. I guess he said the same thing to everyone who sells old houses.

"What? I believe you are professionals. I exclusively entrust you to find a house for me!"

After hearing what the manager of the house said, Xu Wenchang couldn't help but remind him: "We have just sold the Gong family's old bungalow, and we haven't sold the two old bungalows that Lu Yuan gave us yet.

Annie looked up at her brother and said, "Can't you forgive Lin Lan's mother?"

The store manager retorted again: "I didn't object to what you said before, but it's different now. The matter of finding a house for Lin Maogen has become a competition between our store and other peers.

In this regard, Xu Wenchang said calmly: "So what? How can you do this old house business so easily by yourself? We are in the same industry and make a little less on each order. It's different." ?"

After he finished breakfast and went to work, Jiang Lai went back to his room to take a beauty nap.

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