City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 183: Taking Decisive Action, Everyone Is Confused! 【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 183: Taking decisive action, everyone is confused! [Please subscribe]

Everyone probably already understands the situation in the room. It was Lu Yuan's people who took action and rescued Zhu Shanshan. As for the specific situation, everyone is waiting for Lu Yuan to explain.

Lu Yuan did not explain, but just said to Manager Fang: "Manager Fang, take Zhu Xianxian out first, and wait for me in the lobby with Manager Chen."


The store manager glanced at Liang Zhenbang, then pulled Zhu Xianshan out.

Chen Jing, the manager of Sofitel, glanced at Lu Yuan carefully, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare.

Seeing this, Xu Wenchang hesitated and said to Lu Yuan: "Xiao Lu, don't hurt anyone."

Naturally, he told Chen Jing.

"Mr. Chen, please go down first. I have a sense of discretion." Lu Yuan said to Chen Jing calmly.

When Chen Jing heard that Lu Yuan had changed his title, he quickly said: "Oh, I'll go down first. If anything happens to Mr. Lu, call me again!"

With that said, he took the store manager and Zhu Xianshan downstairs in the elevator.

Then, Lu Yuan waved his hand and asked the strong men to let him go.

He slowly squatted down and looked directly at Liang Zhenbang, who was beaten so badly.

Lao Xie and others all walked into the room, and Aunt Xu even closed the door specially.

Loushanguan was extremely excited and seemed eager to try.

Jiu Bawu quickly grabbed him and asked him to listen to what Lu Yuan had to say.

"I warned you, but you don't seem to have listened?" Lu Yuan said in a serious tone.

After Liang Zhenbang was released, he also regained some strength and even started to become tough.

Staring at Lu Yuan angrily, he said with some slurred speech: "I want to sue you for playing fairy dance. I want to call the police!"

‘Pa’ Lu Yuan slapped him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

However, Lu Yuan had no intention of stopping and passed by again.

Liang Zhenbang, who was already miserable, was bleeding from his mouth and nose.

"Woooo, don't, don't fight, I won't sue, I won't call the police`||."

Liang Zhenbang said vaguely while crying bitterly.

Aunt Xu and others were happy to see it, but at the same time they couldn't bear it.

But no one stopped him.

"No, no, now it's not whether you sue me or not, but you should think about life in prison."

Then he looked at Aunt Xu and the others and asked, "How many years will the sentence be for attempted rape of a woman?"

Others were still thinking, and 985 was the first to say: "More than three years, less than five years!"

"Barely enough!" Lu Yuan said lightly.

Liang Zhenbang was really panicked now.

He could tell that Lu Yuan was no ordinary person at all.

What kind of intermediary store clerk is there? He is totally a boss, okay?

Otherwise there would not be so many bodyguards, and a five-star hotel manager would not be so respectful.

"Please, please let me go, I don't dare anymore." Liang Zhenbang struggled, hugged Lu Yuan and cried.

Before he even shouted a few words, he was pulled closer.

He was so frightened that Liang Zhenbang screamed and cried again: "No, I was beaten, I, I confess, I am not a human being!"

However, the bodyguard had no intention of hitting him, and just asked him not to pull Lu Yuan's trouser leg.

Lu Yuan didn't look at him again, greeted Xu Wenchang and others, shook his head and said: "Let's go down now and see how that silly girl Zhu Xianxian is doing!"

"Oh!" Xu Wenchang didn't know what to say.

Lao Xie, Wang Zijian and others followed out in a daze.

However, when Lou Shangguan was about to leave, he kicked the guy: "If you don't learn well, you're looking for death!"

"That guy must go to jail!" Wang Zijian said loudly.

"Ah? But........."

"I don't know!" Lu Yuan shrugged.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to explain: "Previously, I thought that the person named Liang was not a good person, so I asked people to look at Zhu Shanshan, and if the person named Liang dared to do anything, I would stop him.

"Why do you think I'm pitying that guy?" Lu Yuan said casually.

Zhu Xianxuan's face immediately became aggrieved, and he cried, "I'm hurt!"

At this time, the store manager Fang was still comforting Zhu Xianxian, but now Zhu Xianxuan seemed to be in a very stable mood and seemed to be fine.

Others were also speechless at Zhu Xianxuan, a silly girl.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed and they couldn't help but become angry.

"No, what we want to ask is, how did you know that something would happen to Zhu Shanshan?" Xu Wenchang couldn't help but ask.

"What kind of court are you talking about?" Wang Zijian said with hatred: "We are going to sue the man named Liang and let him go to jail!

Lou Shangguan excitedly explained to the store manager.

Aunt Xu looked at Lu Yuan and asked again: "Xiao Lu, what's going on?"

Zhu Xianxian was frightened by Wang Zijian's roar and did not dare to speak.

"I'll let someone handle it, but by then Zhu Xianshan may have to make a record, and may even need to appear in court!" Lu Yuan nodded and said.

"Everyone, please sit down for a while!" Manager Fang greeted.

Okay, everyone understood and looked at Zhu Xianxian with hatred.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Instead, he was talking to the store manager with great joy.

No one seemed to believe it.

"You are such a pig!" Wang Zijian roared angrily.

"Okay, let's go back first." Manager Fang protected Zhu Shanshan and said.

"Where's the one named Liang?" Manager Fang looked at Lu Yuan and asked.

"Did he hurt you?" Xu Wenchang asked.

As she spoke, she glanced at Lu Yuan, and then continued: "Then I gave the man named Liang a good beating. By the way, you stayed here just now and didn't maim him? What if he bites him back... ..(Mo Zhao’s).”

In the elevator, everyone was silent again, all looking at Lu Yuan.

The store manager then explained: "Just now, Twinkle told me that Liang really wanted to act like a gangster, but just when he was about to do it, a group of big men broke in.

Then he looked at Zhu Shanshan: "However, I have to ask her about the specific situation!"

Then everyone left the hotel. As for the follow-up matters, Lu Yuan had already arranged for the break-in. .

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, that shouldn't be the case, he asked the bodyguard to have a good sense of proportion!

Others also nodded, showing Chang's curiosity.

"He dares. Master, you don't know that Liang was slapped a few times by Xiao Lu just now and he obeyed. Moreover, he will be punished for this kind of behavior and it will start in three years!"

"Why go to court? I don't want to go to the police station!" Zhu Shasha said quickly.

Then the elevator opened and everyone walked to the lobby.

At this moment, Zhu Shanshan said: ""He broke my heart!"

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