City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 182: Getting Angry In A Hurry, The Situation Is Critical! 【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 182: Mr. Lu takes action and is under control! [Please subscribe]

Sofitel Hotel.

After Wang Zijian, Lao Xie, Lou Shangguan and others arrived, they all crowded at the front desk like crazy to ask questions.

Lou Shanguan anxiously said to the hotel front desk: "If something happens to her, the consequences will be disastrous. Please check which room she is in."

"That's right, our lives are being threatened now. Can you please check what's going on?" Jiu Bawu shouted.

"She's wearing Snow White's clothes. It's so obvious. Why didn't you see it?"

"That's right, you should check the surveillance immediately!"

Xu Wenchang stood in the lobby, feeling his head buzzing.

He felt guilty why he didn't pay more attention to Zhu Shanshan's affairs. If something happened to Zhu Shanshan this time, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Seeing his colleagues asking the front desk impatiently, but the front desk kept refusing to disclose the guest information, he also became anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

I thought about a lot of bad consequences 02, and thought about Zhu Shanshan’s family.

At the same time, I also felt the helplessness and helplessness of ordinary people.

"Sorry, the privacy of our hotel guests is protected." This is the response from the front desk all the time.

"What kind of protection is there? Now that a little girl's life is threatened, what privacy is there? Can you please help me?"

"Can't you be accommodating?"

"Yes, now a little girl is illegally harmed in your store, don't you do anything?"

Just when everyone was anxious to get angry, store manager Fang also hurried in from outside.

"How's it going? Have you found the person? Where is the Shining person? What's the situation now?"

Xu Wenchang forced himself to calm down, thinking about what to do, and scanned the situation in the hotel.

At this time, the store manager Fang said: "Have you informed Xiao Lu?"

When she said this, everyone stopped a little.

Loushanguan said quickly: "By the way, why hasn't Xiao Lu arrived yet?"

"Hurry up and call!" Jiu Bawu's eyes lit up.

Lao Xie also remembered at this time and said loudly: "I called Xiao Lu earlier. He said there were arrangements, don't worry, will it be..."

"What do you mean?" Wang Zijian asked anxiously.

"I don't know either!" Lao Xie said helplessly.

"What's going on with this little Lu? He's not here yet?" Lou Shangguan said helplessly.

"I'm afraid it won't help even if Xiao Lu comes. The front desk won't tell us the guest information. We'll have to think of a way." The manager of the room said after sighing.

Xu Wenchang thought of a way and was going to take people to look for it room by room.

He quickly greeted: "Let's look for each room one by one!"

At this moment, Lu Yuan collapsed.

He parked the car directly in front of the hotel, handed the key to the doorman and walked in.

Seeing everyone's anxious and angry look, he couldn't help but comfort him: "Everyone, be quiet first, don't be anxious!"

After saying that, he came to the front desk and said: "I am the owner of Yunjin Hotel. I will notify your manager immediately."

When the front desk heard this, he looked suspiciously, but still called the manager.

Soon, a man in his thirties came down from the elevator. After seeing Lu Yuan and others, he hurried over and said, "Who is Mr. Lu?"

Others thought of him too.

When they were on the elevator, everyone was silent at first, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Okay, please!" Manager Chen led everyone to the elevator.

He first glanced at Xu Wenchang and felt that it was not the case.

Lu Yuan said: "We'll find out when we get here."

When Lao Xie, Wang Zijian and others ran to room 848 and saw that the door was open, they immediately wanted to rush in, but they were all dumbfounded by the situation in the room.

"I'm Lu Yuan, manager Chen, right? Take us to room 848 now." Lu Yuan said.

After getting on the elevator, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Xuanxuan had a frightened look on his face, but nothing happened.

Xu Wenchang and Lu Yuan stayed at the end.

However, Lao Xie, Wang Zijian and others couldn't wait any longer and ran directly towards room 848.

He was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly walked in: "Dingying, are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine, he didn't do anything to me, I was scared by them." Zhu Xianxian looked at the strong men sheepishly and said.

Lu Yuan was very calm and walked out of the elevator slowly.

"Wow, bodyguards in black, I thought Xiao Lu Zhiding had a bodyguard!" Loushan Guanliang said in surprise and envy.

Everyone left the eighth floor.

When Xu Wenchang saw this, his pace that was about to run over slowed down.

As for Liang Zhenbang, he had been beaten to a pulp and lay limp on the ground like a dead dog. At the same time, his neck, hands and feet were stepped on by several strong men.

At this time, the store manager asked and comforted Zhu Shanshan: "Are you scared? What's going on? He didn't do anything to you, right?"

Everyone understood now and couldn't help but look at Lu Yuan in shock.

"Cow!" Lao Xie gave a thumbs up.

"Xiao Lu, are these your people?" Xu Wenchang asked.

"It's okay, please!" Manager Chen waved his hand.

I saw seven or eight sturdy men standing in the room.

Finally, Wang Zijian glanced at Lu Yuan and couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Lu, what's going on?"

Lu Yuan nodded.

"Bulls!" Jiu Bawu added.

"Please!" Manager Chen signaled.

Then you look at me and I look at you, wondering what's going on.

"How's it going?" Manager Fang asked after him, and then looked into the room.

After Lu Yuan and Aunt Xu came over, Lao 447 Xie and others looked at Lu Yuan, not knowing what to say for a while.

The seven or eight strong men looked a little innocent. .

At this time, the store manager was comforting and asking about the situation.

Then he glanced at Lu Yuan, and then said to Manager Chen of Sofitel: "Sorry, it's troublesome!"

After Lu Yuan entered the room, seven or eight sturdy men quickly bowed and shouted: "Boss."

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