"Yifei! What's wrong with you? I just want to chat with you! You don't have to do this!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly.

  "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't been sleeping well recently, it's always been like this, don't worry about it."

  Tang Youyou breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously: "¨" I was scared to death, I just saw that look in your eyes, I thought you were going to hit me! "

  Hu Yifei looked at the two suspiciously: "Did I just do that? Why didn't I notice it?"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded immediately: "You just looked like you were going to hit someone!"

  Seeing that both of them said this, Hu Yifei said a little embarrassedly, "I'll try my best to pay attention!"

  Tang Youyou put the tablet on the table and began to persuade Hu Yifei.

  "Yi Fei! Don't you think it's unfair to Su Xin to put someone else's fault on him? And the child is not only Su Xin's alone, but also yours! You are so arrogant and arrogant, now it's only you I am pregnant, if Wan Yu and Xiao Qing are also pregnant, you will just push Su Xin away!"

  Hu Yifei didn't care at all when she heard Tang Youyou's words.

  "Don't worry about these things, Wan Yu has gone abroad to study, Xiao Qing only has work, and Yu Mo is not in this city, so you don't need to worry about these!"

 (Qian Wangzhao) Tang Youyou saw that Hu Yifei was in control of everything, and knew that he couldn't be persuaded for the time being, so he sighed helplessly.

  "Hope nothing happens!"

  "Don't worry! Nothing will happen! Help me to see, how can I find this rumor maker?"

  Hu Yifei picked up the tablet, opened her application record, and handed it to Tang Youyou and Lu Zhanbo.

  Tang Youyou looked at the reason for rejection.

  "Student Hu Yifei passed away five years ago, and he has confirmed with witness Du Yi that the impostor is a thunderbolt!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "Since this witness is Du Yi, you can find him directly, won't the person who spread the rumors be found by then?"

  Hu Yifei's eyes lit up: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it! I'll contact him now!"

  With a guilty conscience, Lu Zhanbo stopped Hu Yifei from the toilet.

  "I may know who the rumor is!".

Chapter 320

  When Hu Yifei heard Lu Zhanbo's words, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he turned to look at Lu Zhanbo and asked coldly.

  "Who is the rumour maker?"

  When Lu Zhanbo saw Hu Yifei looking like he was about to hit someone, he immediately shook his head.

  "I'm not sure yet! Let me ask again!"

  Hu Yifei stood up and stared at Lu Zhanbo.

  "Say! Don't blame me for being rude if you don't!"

  Tang Youyou saw that Hu Yifei was getting more and more abnormal, and immediately reminded: "Yifei! Calm down!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Tang Youyou's words, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, then sat back on the table and looked at the two of them suspiciously.

  "Did I just want to hit someone again? What happened to me recently?"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei no longer looked like he was going to beat someone, Lu Zhanbo said quickly.

  "Sister, in fact, it was me who said you were dead back then!"


  Hu Yifei slapped the table and stood up, looking at Lu Zhanbo angrily.

  Lu Zhanbo immediately put his head in his hands to prevent himself from being killed, Tang Youyou quickly grabbed Hu Yifei.

  "Calm down! Calm down! First ask what's going on!"

  Hu Yifei sat back angrily, staring at Lu Zhanbo.

  "If you don't make things clear, I'll let you know how fast the hospital's internet is!"

  Lu Zhanbo pointed at Hu Yifei with an innocent expression on his face.

  "This is what you told me to say!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Lu Zhanbo's words, he pointed at himself with a bewildered expression.

  "When did I let you say I was dead?"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was no longer about to hit someone, Lu Zhanbo let out a sigh of relief subconsciously.

  "When that Duy chased you back then, in order to avoid him, you asked me to drive him away, and I said you were busy, busy, busy, and died!"

  Lu Zhanbo said that the voice behind him was very low, and Hu Yifei laughed angrily.

  "So, you are spreading rumors?"

  Lu Zhanbo stood up and looked at Hu Yifei warily.

  "You asked me to say it casually at the time. I said it casually, and I can't blame it!"

  "Don't blame you, blame me, blame me for not taking you to the hospital to test the internet speed earlier!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards Lu Zhanbo. Tang Youyou hurriedly stopped Hu Yifei.

  "Yi Fei! The most important thing now is to let your classmates know that you are not dead! It's better to let Zhan Bo take the blame and give this matter to him. If he does it, then don't hold him accountable, if not do it. If it is successful, then the new account and the old account will be calculated together!"

  Hu Yifei hesitated after hearing Tang Youyou's words, then glared at Lu Zhanbo.

  "Can you do this?"

  Lu Zhanbo immediately stretched out three fingers and vowed.

  "I work! Don't worry! It's all right!"

  "Then go quickly!"

  Hu Yifei stared at Lu Zhanbo and shouted.

  "I'll go now!"

  Lu Zhanbo immediately ran outside and breathed a sigh of relief when he left the door.

  Seeing Lu Zhanbo go out, Hu Yifei sat back at the dining table and asked worriedly.

  "Yuyou! You said, will Su Xin really go to someone else's place and never come back?"

  Tang Youyou looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously.

  "You were so confident just now! Why are you worried now?"

  Hu Yifei said a little depressedly: "I didn't want Zhan Bo to worry, that's why I said this. Do you want me to apologize to Su Xin?"

  "You should give..."

  Tang Youyou was interrupted by Hu Yifei before she could finish speaking, Hu Yifei said thoughtfully.

  "If I apologized first, wouldn't I be embarrassed? Besides, I'm in a special period now, and he should let me!"


  Tang Youyou looked at Hu Yifei with an embarrassed expression. She wanted to persuade Hu Yifei, but Hu Yifei wanted face the most. In the end, Tang Youyou decided not to go into this muddy water.

  "Yifei! You rest first! I still have a studio to go, so I'll go first."

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, he ran away. Hu Yifei saw that Tang Youyou was also gone, stood up and walked to the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

  On the other side, Su Xin left the apartment and drove to the garden community. When he came to Nuolan's house, Nuolan was still resting.

  Su Xin didn't bother her either. He sat in the living room and picked up the phone to find a professional escort team. Since all the requirements were women, it was difficult to find. So Su Xin directly used his banknote ability, paid a lot of money to dig a doctor, and took pictures. They went to the love apartment to take care of Hu Yifei.

  After doing everything, Su Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the sofa and sighing about life.

  "It's really not easy! Everything has to be considered, but now I can finally relax for a few days! And Zhuge Dali, it seems that I need to find some time to accompany her to watch a movie, overwhelming the road!"

  Su Xin sighed with emotion, turned on his mobile phone and looked at the company's various reports.

  Time flies, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. This half month can be said to be the most relaxing half month for Su Xin in recent months. There is no mess.

  Every day I go shopping with Nuolan, watch movies, and occasionally go out with Zhuge Dali and watch movies.

  In Nuolan's house, Su Xin was drinking tea, watching TV leisurely, and sighed.

  "This is life!"

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin's cell phone rang. Su Xin lazily picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was Xiao Qing who called, and Su Xin answered the call.

  "Hey! Sister Qing! What's the matter?"

  The voice of Xiao Qing's order came from the phone.

  "Come to my house tonight, I have something to say!"

  Su Xin complained helplessly.

  "Don't come, you said the same thing the day before yesterday, but you made me stand in front of your house like a fool for a long time. You even changed the door. What am I going to do if you don't give me the key? Talk on the phone!"

  "I can't tell on the phone, I have... beep!"

  When Xiao Qing heard the sound of the phone hanging up, he gritted his teeth and said.

  "It's really against you. I finally took a day off to make up for what happened a few days ago, but you didn't answer the phone! Wait, you are beautiful!"

  On the other side, Su Xin was still drinking tea leisurely. Since the last time the two fought, Xiao Qing always wanted to fix Su Xin. Every time there was a valid reason, Su Xin seriously suspected that these were Xiao Qing's revenge.

  It was the first time that Su Xin was called to his house, and he was about to take a rest. As a result, he got a call saying that there was something important, and Xiao Qing just slipped away.

  The second time was more direct. She threw Su Xin on the side of the road by herself. She drove to do errands by herself. Fortunately, there were taxis around. If she was in the wilderness, Su Xin would probably be able to enjoy the treatment that Chen Meijia used to do.

  The third time I asked Su Xin to go to her house to wait, but the door was changed. She also said that she had something important to talk to Su Xin, but she made Su Xin stand for three or four hours, and finally asked an irrelevant question.

  Su Xin now doesn't believe Xiao Qing's words at all, not even a single punctuation mark.

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin's cell phone thought again, and Su Xin connected without looking at it.

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