Lu Zhanbo took a few steps back, looked at Hu Yifei alertly, and moved out his backstage by the way.

  "You think I want to control it! I'm also afraid of being beaten by you, but this is what my mother specially ordered, and I can't help it!"


  Hu Yifei saw that Lu Zhanbo had actually moved her mother out, so she stopped caring about these little things and continued to look down at her phone.

  Chen Meijia looked at Lu Zhanbo with contempt: "Are you lacking in your eyesight? How could they quarrel with such harmony! Hurry up! Don't get stuck!"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard Chen Meijia's words, he immediately left in despair!

  Su Xin took Hu Yifei's mobile phone: "Zhanbo is also kind! Don't worry about it!"

  Hu Yifei glared at Su Xin and reached for his mobile phone.

  Su Xin avoided Hu Yifei and reminded: "You are coming to the bar to chat with everyone, wait for your phone to go back and look at it!"

  Hu Yifei glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian and Chen Meijia who were chatting with their mobile phones.

  "You see how they look like chatting? I'd better look at my phone!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he grabbed the mobile phone in Su Xin's hand. Su Xin sighed helplessly when he saw that everyone was immersed in the Internet.

  "It seems to me that I have started an era of bowing my head!"

  Su Xin boredly watched Hu Yifei looking for his class group, and each time he found a Hu Yifei, he would chat for a long time.

  Time flies. At night, when Su Xin was sleeping, he was woken up by Hu Yifei angrily.

  Su Xin opened his eyes in a daze, seeing Hu Yifei looking at him angrily, Su Xin asked suspiciously.

  "What's wrong? Why are you angry again?"

  Hu Yifei handed the phone to Su Xin: "See for yourself!"

  Su Xin took a look at Hu Yifei's mobile phone. At this time, the mobile phone had been slightly deformed, and there were still five finger pits on it. It was obviously pinched by Hu Yifei. The mobile phone screen was a little cracked. Although the screen was on, nothing out of sight.

  Su Xin took the damaged mobile phone suspiciously: "You woke me up in the middle of the night just to let me see that you broke the phone?"

  Hu Yifei glanced angrily at the damaged mobile phone and explained.

  "I wasn't angry at first. They were all those damn high school classmates. They actually said that I was dead. They had eaten too much of their brains! Even if they all died, I won't die!"

  Su Xin put the damaged mobile phone aside and comforted softly: "Don't be angry about these little things, it's not worth it, rest early, it's not good to stay up late, and the mobile phone also has radiation!"

  Hu Yifei gritted his teeth and said, "It's best not to let me know who made the shake, or I'll beat him without fucking knowing him!"

  Hu Yifei complained for a while, then looked at Su Xin depressedly: "Tell a joke! Our baby wants to hear it!"


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line. This excuse was too clumsy, but Su Xin could only start to tell some funny jokes he had seen in his previous life.

  The next morning, Su Xin sat listlessly at the dining table, eating breakfast while complaining to Tang Youyou and Lu Zhanbo.

  "Last night I told a joke for half a night, and every time I was about to fall asleep, she woke me up! If it goes on like this, I will collapse sooner or later!"

  Lu Zhanbo said thoughtfully: "My mother didn't seem to have said about this matter, should I call and ask why?!"

  Su Xin put down the tableware: "No need! I'll find a way myself! If it doesn't work, I'll record it with a tape recorder and play it on a loop!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Did you say something in a dream that made Yifei unhappy, so she deliberately harassed you?"

  Su Xin vowed: "Impossible! I never talk in my sleep, and with Yifei's temper, do you think if I make her angry, she won't do anything?"

  Lu Zhanbo and Tang Youyou said at the same time.


  Seeing Su Xin's depressed look, Tang Youyou persuaded him.

  "Just treat it as exercise, it's only a few months! Grit your teeth and it's over!"


  Su Xin sighed sadly and asked for his opinion.

  "If this goes on like this, my teeth will be crushed! Say, how about I go to Xiao Qing's place to live for a while?"

  Lu Zhanbo immediately stopped Su Xin's thoughts: "No! My mother said that you can't be separated for too long, or my sister is likely to suffer from depression!"

  Tang Youyou nodded quickly and gave Su Xin a few examples.

  "I have also heard that it is said that many people are suffering from depression at this time!"


  Su Xin interrupted the two of them helplessly: "I'm a little scared for what you said! I'll think of a way!"

  Tang Youyou thought for a while and made a suggestion.

  "If you want to solve this matter, you must first know why Yifei wants to punish you, and then you can solve the problem only if you find the problem!"

  Su Xin said a little depressedly: "How do I know what the problem is? I don't dare to ask her. If she does it directly, I'm not afraid, but if she moves the fetal gas again, I will be weak!"

  Tang Youyou turned to look at Lu Zhanbo: "Maybe we can ask someone who she doesn't know how to do!"

  Su Xin also turned to look at Lu Zhanbo, Lu Zhanbo looked at the two of them in horror: "You don't want me to ask! I don't ask, I'm afraid of being beaten to death by her!".

Chapter 319

  Su Xin patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder and began to flicker earnestly.

  "Zhanbo! Don't worry, I still understand Yifei's temper. Ask her, she will never kill you!"

  Tang Youyou nodded, and patted Lu Zhanbo's other shoulder with a serious face: "Don't worry! Yifei can't kill you, it's just a disability at most, don't worry!"

  Lu Zhanbo immediately opened the hands of the two of them: "What does it mean to be disabled? I won't go to such a dangerous thing. Although I'm stupid, I'm not a fool!"

  "What are you talking about?"

  Hu Yifei came over with a tablet and looked at the three of them suspiciously.

  Tang Youyou and Su Xin pointed to Lu Zhanbo at the same time.

  "Zhanbo is looking for you for something!"


  Lu Zhanbo pointed at himself in disbelief and looked at a few people.

  Hu Yifei sat down at the table in confusion: "What's the matter with me?"

  Seeing that the matter had been pushed to him by Su Xin and Tang Youyou, Lu Zhanbo could only reluctantly admit it.

  "Sister! Have you had any troubles recently?"

  Hu Yifei nodded, pointed at the tablet and began to complain.

  "There are all kinds of rumors on the Internet now. Someone said in my high school classmates last night that I was dead! I'm now tracking down the person who spread the rumors!"

  Lu Zhanbo heard that what Hu Yifei said was not about Su Xin, so he directly asked his doubts.

  "Sister! I heard Su Xin say, you let him tell jokes all night yesterday?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and looked at Su Xin suspiciously.

  "Are you trying to sue me?"

  Su Xin shook his head helplessly: "How dare I! You guys continue to talk, I'm going to clean up the tableware!"

  Su Xin stood up, took the tableware and gave Lu Zhanbo a look, then walked to the kitchen.

  Lu Zhanbo didn't understand Su Xin's meaning at all, and scratched his head in confusion.

  Tang Youyou saw Lu Zhanbo sitting all the time, so he began to ask.

  "Yifei! Why did you ask Su Xin to tell you a joke! It's normal to talk for an hour or two, but it's too much to talk for a night~ˇ!"

  Hu Yifei put the tablet on the table displeased.

  "I just want to teach him a lesson. Yesterday I was going crazy. He still slept like a pig. Don't you know how to comfort me?"

  Tang Youyou looked at Hu Yifei with a question mark.

  "Just because of this?"

  Hu Yifei nodded and explained to Tang Youyou very depressed.

  "I became what I am now because of him. I can't do this or eat that. I'm angry, can't she coax me?"

  Tang Youyou saw that Hu Yifei put all the responsibilities on Su Xin, and she didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

  And Su Xin, who was standing in the kitchen, heard it clearly. Su Xin was also a little angry. What does Hu Yifei's anger have to do with the child?Even if it is unreasonable, there should be a limit, I have already accommodated her very much.

  Su Xin just wanted to walk over to teach Hu Yifei a lesson, but just two steps away, he remembered that Hu Yifei had almost lost his child because of eating. If he taught her now, in front of Tang Youyou and Lu Zhanbo, Hu Yifei would definitely refute for the sake of face. Okay, let's get started.

  Su Xin thought again and again, and decided to go to Nuolan's place for a few days, and then come back when he was in a better mood to avoid conflict with Hu Yifei.

  Hu Yifei didn't feel embarrassed when she saw Su Xin approaching, but looked at Su Xin as a matter of course.

  "You don't care that I asked you to tell a joke yesterday! Actually, you didn't tell me, you told him!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, he pointed to his moon soil, Su Xin's face darkened, in order to prevent himself from getting angry, Su Xin casually found a reason and planned to go out and hide for a while.

  "I don't care. I have something to do right now. I won't be back at night. Let Guan Gu cook some food!"

  Tang Youyou saw that Su Xin looked angry, and said quickly in order to prevent them from quarreling.

  "Go get busy! You can rest assured that I'm with Yifei!"

  Hu Yifei wanted to say something, but seeing that Su Xin had gone out, she didn't say anything, but looked at the tablet depressingly.

  Seeing Hu Yifei's unhappy appearance, Lu Zhanbo asked tentatively, "Sister, do you want me to call my mother to chat with you?"

  Hu Yifei glared at Lu Zhanbo and threatened: "No! If my mother knows that I am embarrassing Su Xin, she will definitely tell me again. If you dare to tell my mother, I will definitely not let you go!"

  "Don't dare! Don't dare!"

  Lu Zhanbo lowered his head immediately, and Tang Youyou brought the tablet in Hu Yifei's hand.


  As soon as Tang Youyou said two words, she saw Hu Yifei staring at her, and immediately looked at Hu Yifei vigilantly.

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