
  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin in shock. She always thought that Su Xin first established a relationship with Xiao Qing, and then chased after her, followed by Hu Yifei, but the situation seemed to be different from what she thought, and she became the third one!

  Yuan Chunli sighed regretfully: "Good boy, he fell into the clutches of the devil at a young age!"

  Su Xin also began to wonder if Yuan Chunli was Hu Yifei's mother, and she actually belittled Hu Yifei so much.

  Lin Wanyu turned to look at Su Xin, her eyes were full of anger, but the surface was still very calm.

  "Su Xin! I'm more curious. You confessed when you and Yifei first met? Did you fall in love at first sight?"

  Su Xin could feel Lin Wanyu's anger, although she looked calm, Su Xin smiled and said a little embarrassedly, "It's not just love at first sight! I also waited a long time to meet Yifei!"

  Seeing that the atmosphere was a little weird, Hu Yifei quickly changed the subject: "You guys say, what method should Zhan Bo use to propose marriage?"

  Yuan Chunli didn't care about this issue: "No matter what method is used, as long as it is as soon as possible!"

  Lin Wanyu thought for a while, then looked at Su Xin, as if intentionally reminding Su Xin.

  "The proposal scene I want must move me, and it must not be too vulgar. It is best if he suddenly falls from the sky and proposes to me with roses! It is best to be surrounded by acquaintances, and the background music should not be less, And it has to sound good!"

  Su Xin complained with a black line: "Your first request can send your boyfriend away! Do you think he is a superman? He even fell from the sky!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Lin Wanyu in surprise: "Wanyu! Do you have a boyfriend?"

  Lin Wanyu nodded and began to speak upright and upright.

  "My boyfriend is a scumbag! He looks good enough, he makes me angry every day, he wants to break up with me, he bullies me, he even hits me, and now he's ignoring me, Su Xin, you say Is this man human?"

  Su Xin glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that Yuan Chunli's expression had not changed, and said embarrassingly, "Maybe it's your own reason? You haven't discussed with him when you want to go abroad, and you have a large part of the reason! "

  Lin Wanyu ignored Su Xin's rebuttal, and continued: "When chasing me, what are each other's promises, why are you my only one, the hype is all over the place, and the result is! After chasing me, I don't cherish it! Su Xin, do you think he is? Scumbag?"

  Just as Su Xin was about to refute, Yuan Chunli said first: "This kind of man is so immoral, Wan Yu, you should break up with him and let him know what regret is! Go back and let Su Xin introduce you to a few successful people!"

  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin with a smile on her face: "It's up to Su Xin to introduce you!"

  "Wanyu! This kind of joke can't be said casually!" Hu Yifei immediately stopped Lin Wanyu's words.

  Su Xin's face sank, and he didn't say anything. Lin Wanyu also seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and quickly explained: "I'm just joking! Don't take it seriously!"


  Su Xin drove the car to the door of a restaurant, parked the car in front of the restaurant, waited for a few people to get out of the car, and Su Xin handed the key to the person in charge of parking. .

Chapter 269

  Seeing that Su Xin didn't care about this matter, Lin Wanyu subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Her relationship with Su Xin was already very bad. If she and Su Xin were completely over because of her wrong words, then she would really cry. Nowhere to cry!

  Su Xin walked inside with the three of them, and the waiter walked over.

  "Do you have an appointment for the four of you?"

  "Lu Ziqiao should have made an appointment for us, take a look!"

  The waiter was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words: "Sir! We don't have a place for Lu Ziqiao here. Did you remember it wrong? Or you can call and ask again!"

  Su Xin nodded, and subconsciously reached for the phone, Lin Wanyu immediately handed Su Xin's phone to Su Xin: "Use mine first!"

  Su Xin didn't say much. After all, this was his own cell phone. Su Xin dialed Lu Ziqiao's cell phone, and the phone rang a few times.

  "Hey! Su Xin! Did you leave?"

  Su Xin heard Lu Ziqiao's voice and the voices around him, feeling a little familiar, and asked suspiciously, "You didn't come by bus, did you?"

  Lu Ziqiao's voice came from the phone.

  "I'm here by bus, but don't worry, I'll be there before you. I'll be there in two stops. You're leaving now, and I'll have to wait for you for a while!"

  Su Xin suppressed his anger and said, "Your uncle! Can't you be a taxi? We've already arrived. It's useless to mention your name!"

  Lu Ziqiao's natural voice came from the phone: "It's useless to report my name, of course, you have to report my trumpet! I'm a super VIP, no need to line up! Oops! Who stepped on my feet? Do you have any merit? "

  Hearing Lu Ziqiao's voice, Su Xin could probably guess Lu Ziqiao's situation. Su Xin looked at the waiter and said, "Lu Xiaobu is your super VIP. He said that you don't have to wait in line!"

  The waiter looked at Su Xin and found that Su Xin should spend more, so he reminded: "Sir, if you use Super VIP, you don't have to wait in line, but there is a minimum consumption. Super VIP is the lowest VIP, and the minimum consumption is [-]. Five~ˇ!"


  Hu Yifei complained, "I thought super VIPs were so rare!"

  Su Xin thought the same as Hu Yifei. He thought that the super VIP mentioned by Lu Ziqiao was the top level, but he didn't expect it to be the primary level.

  "Don't worry! We can still spend this consumption!"

  The waiter nodded, stretched out his hand to do a courtesy, and then led the four of them into the hall.

  Su Xin didn't want to be disturbed, so he asked the waiter, "Do you have a separate room here?"

  The waiter said with an embarrassed look: "You are only the most basic VIPs, and the minimum requirement in the room is a gold VIP!"

  Hu Yifei complained impatiently: "There are too many shady scenes in your family! It's normal..."

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was about to get angry, Yuan Chunli said quickly, "Yifei! Let's eat in the hall! It doesn't matter!"

  Hu Yifei hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

  The waiter led a few people to the table and handed them the menu. Lin Wanyu picked up a copy and started ordering. Yuan Chunli also ordered a few with her last name, most of which were ordered by Lin Wanyu.

  While the four of them were waiting for the food, Lu Ziqiao came over.

  "Sorry! It's late!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao displeasedly: "What are you doing here? The business is not done, and you are too embarrassed to eat for the first place?"

  Lu Ziqiao sat aside cheekily: "I'm here to see Auntie. I really want to know how Auntie taught Yifei to be so knowledgeable and understanding!"

  "Knowledge and reason? Be considerate?"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with a bewildered expression: "It seems that neither of the two you mentioned has anything to do with Yifei, right?"

  Although Yuan Chunli knew that Lu Ziqiao's words were all polite, she was still very happy: "Xiao Su! Your friend is very good at talking!"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a serious face: "What I said is from the bottom of my heart! And in order to welcome Auntie's arrival, I want to perform a violin for Auntie, I don't know if I can make a fool of yourself!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Lu Ziqiao in surprise: "You can still play the violin?"

  Lu Ziqiao smiled, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

  A waiter came over with a violin. When Su Xin saw that Lu Ziqiao was about to put a fork on, he was immediately unhappy. The protagonist of today's banquet is himself, how could Lu Ziqiao steal the limelight!

  Su Xin said bluntly: "Zi Qiao! I can't give you the money. Are you sure you have enough money to pay? Don't let anyone detain you to wash dishes!"

  Lu Ziqiao did not feel embarrassed, but took advantage of the topic: "Someone doesn't want me to steal the limelight, it seems that I can only perform for my aunt in the future!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was unhappy, Yuan Chunli said to smooth things over: "¨" It's not good to perform in the hall, let's talk about it later! "

  Hu Yifei directly dismantled Lu Ziqiao: "Mom! Don't be fooled, he doesn't know how to play the violin at all. He used to sell magic pills with Su Xin, and he never learned the violin at all!"

  Lu Ziqiao didn't care when she saw Hu Yifei dismantling herself. She didn't look embarrassed at all: "Auntie! This secret drink is very good for the body! Would you like a drink?"

  Su Xin saw that Lu Ziqiao still had a sense of existence, although he was very reluctant, but did not show it.

  After a meal, Lu Ziqiao showed great hospitality and made Yuan Chunli very happy. After a meal, people who didn't know thought that Lu Ziqiao was Yuan Chunli's own son!And Lin Wanyu's plan almost failed, and she could only eat seafood.

  After everyone finished eating, Su Xin watched the car and took everyone to the love apartment. As for Lu Ziqiao, he still made the bus.

  It was already afternoon when a few people returned to the love apartment. Hu Yifei tidied up her room and let Yuan Chunli live in Hu Yifei's room, while Hu Yifei naturally moved (Zhao Qianhao) to Su Xin's place to live!

  The next day, Su Xin had to deal with the problem due to the shaking hands company, and it took two consecutive days to deal with the outline.

  Only when Su Xin was empty did he learn that Lu Zhanbo was planning to propose at the cinema!

  In the living room of 3601, everyone sat together to discuss things, Lu Ziqiao was groggy on the sofa, and Guan Gu Jiji and Tang Youyou had closed their eyes and slept, and they were still snoring.

  Su Xin clapped his hands and woke the three: "What are you three doing? We're discussing business here! You guys are actually sleeping!"

  Tang Youyou yawned and explained, "Yesterday Guan Gu and Zi Qiao went to the restaurant to compete, and the two kept playing until [-]:[-] in the middle of the night!"

  Lu Zhanbo asked suspiciously, "What game? Can you compete until [-]:[-] in the middle of the night?"

  Lu Ziqiao opened his eyes and woke up: "The restaurant's order-free event! The last guest can get a free order!".

Chapter 270

  Chen Meijia looked at Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu curiously: "Which one of you won?"

  Tang Youyou complained displeasedly: "They didn't win! They all lost to a sleeping person!"

  Lu Zhanbo asked suspiciously, "Since you guys are back, why are you still so sleepy?"

  Tang Youyou pointed to Lu Ziqiao: "It's all Ziqiao, they took us to a very hilarious bar! We played there until they got off work, and we didn't sleep all night, and now we're so sleepy!"

  Hu Yifei looked at everyone displeased: "We are discussing about Zhanbo's proposal! You can talk about other things later!"

  So everyone looked at Lu Zhanbo, and Hu Yifei continued, "Zhanbo, tell me about your plan!"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded, took out a bank card and put it on the table: "First of all, we have to buy all the tickets for the next movie, in case there is a troublemaker! I have already selected the movie, which is the latest and hottest change. King Kong! I'll propose after we've finished watching, you all come out and sprinkle flowers to add to the atmosphere, and you're done!"

  Hu Yifei frowned and said, "I remember that Jian Ning is an archaeologist. She definitely doesn't like this movie. You should change it!"

  Lu Zhanbo said confidently: "Sister, don't worry, I'm [-]% sure that Jian Ning will definitely like it!"

  Su Xin shook his head and directly rejected Lu Zhanbo's idea: "I agree with Yifei's statement, if Jian Ning doesn't like watching it, what should I do if I have to go halfway? Isn't it a waste of time? Why don't you look at literature and art, such as Exploring Shixing's? life?"

  Hu Yifei immediately rejected Su Xin's proposal: "This is no good, Jian Ning will definitely not like it! She will definitely fall asleep when she sees the life of the explorer!"

  Chen Meijia nodded again and again, and complained about Su Xin: "Even if Jian Ning doesn't sleep, we will be bored enough to sleep!"

  Lin Wanyu took out a magazine and suggested to everyone: "This movie is very good, Chrysanthemum Warriors vs. Peach Blossom Monster!"

  Lu Zhanbo immediately refused: "This name is not good at first glance, it is better to explore the life of Shixing!"

  Lin Wanyu said disappointedly: "I wanted to take the opportunity to see it! I don't want to see it by myself!"

  After Lin Wanyu finished speaking, she deliberately glanced at Su Xin, as if reminding Su Xin.

  Su Xin didn't pay attention to Lin Wanyu's reminder, but explained to everyone: "Jian Ning is an archaeologist, and she definitely likes to explore the life of Shi Xing!"

  Everyone discussed with each other, and finally decided to explore the life of Shixing.

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