Hu Yifei nodded and warned: "My mother likes seafood, you can book a better seafood restaurant!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin responded and walked outside. Lu Zhanbo also stood up and followed Su Xin to the outside.

  "I will go with you!"

  The two walked out of 3601, Su Xin was completely relieved, and Lu Zhanbo was also relieved.

  Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo suspiciously: "I'm nervous because I saw my mother-in-law, why are you nervous?"

  Lu Zhanbo opened the door of 3602 helplessly: "You know she is my stepmother, but she treats me better than my own mother, I feel a lot of pressure!"

Chapter 267

  "What's the pressure? If she's not good to you, it's normal for you to be stressed. She's good to you and you're still under pressure?"

  Su Xin walked into 3602 with Lu Zhanbo with a puzzled face.


  Lu Zhanbo sighed and said with a worried look: "You don't understand! By the way, aren't you going to the restaurant to set a seat? Why haven't you gone?"


  Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo and explained, "I saw you coming in, so I followed you in!"

  Lu Zhanbo sat on the sofa: "I said just now that we will go to the restaurant with you, just to get out, you go quickly, if you can't book a place, my old sister will definitely be angry!"

  "What are you going to order?"

  Lu Ziqiao came out of the room and looked at the two of them suspiciously.

  Su Xin saw that Lu Ziqiao had nothing to do, so he "kindly" helped Lu Ziqiao find something.

  "Zi Qiao! I heard that you have to queue up in advance to eat at a seafood restaurant. Go and help me queue up, and I'll invite you to dinner later!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin in surprise: "Are you going to invite Wanyu and Yifei? They beat you only yesterday, don't lose face of our family, wife Guan Yan will be pointed at you. Stand up and take out the way you ran..."

  Seeing that Lu Ziqiao was about to say something that shouldn't be said, Su Xin quickly stopped him: "What are you talking about? It's Yifei's mother who is here. She likes seafood!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin suddenly: "It turns out that your mother-in-law is here! I thought you were afraid of being beaten by Hu Yifei and wanted to be a jerk!"

  Su Xin kicked Lu Ziqiao: "There is no show for you today, you just need to line up! If you dare to steal the show, don't blame me for being rude!"

  "Don't you know me yet? Wait a minute!"

  Lu Ziqiao walked back to the room, changed into a formal attire, and walked out. He vowed, "I can't change my habit for many years! But don't worry, I won't steal your limelight! And I'm still your cousin, so I should participate!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "Your habits are not suitable, hurry up and queue up!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at the two curiously and asked, "What is Zi Qiao's habit?"

  Su Xin explained with a very unhappy look: "Zi Qiao vowed many years ago to treat every middle-aged woman as her mother-in-law, because they may all be Zi Qiao's mother-in-law."


  Lu Zhanbo looked at Lu Ziqiao in shock: "Are you going to steal my sister from Su Xin? When did she become so popular?"

  Lu Ziqiao felt Su Xin's murderous aura, and quickly explained: "How could I like Hu Yifei! Who would like her in a normal person! This is just a habit I have developed over the years."

  Su Xin frowned when he heard Lu Ziqiao's words: "Am I abnormal? Believe it or not, I will maim you now?"

  Lu Ziqiao realized that he had said something wrong, and said quickly, "I'll go to the restaurant first, and you all will follow. I'm a super VIP and don't have to wait in line!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he quickly walked outside. Su Xin did not chase after Lu Ziqiao, but looked at Lu Zhanbo: "Are you going?"

  Lu Zhanbo refused without thinking: "I'm not going! You just said that Jian Ning has something to do with me, and I'm going to help Jian Ning!"

  "You've been her son for more than ten years, and you're still not used to it? Forget it! Don't go if you don't go!"

  Su Xin complained a few words, then walked out of 3602, turned around and walked back to 3601. At this time, Yuan Chunli and Lin Wanyu were chatting happily.

  Su Xin was also a little depressed: Why doesn't Wan Yu have any eyesight!She should avoid this situation!

  Although Su Xin complained about Lin Wanyu in his heart, he didn't show it: "Auntie! Yifei! The position has been set! Let's go!"

  Yuan Chunli and Hu Yifei stood up and were about to leave. Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin pitifully: "Can I go with you? I still have a lot to talk to auntie!"

  "This! It's inconvenient!"

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu with an embarrassed expression, and Yuan Chunli also liked Lin Wanyu very much at this time: "Xiao Su! Let's go together! It doesn't matter if there are multiple people!"

  Su Xin saw that his mother-in-law had spoken, so he could only helplessly agree.

  Yuan Chunli looked at Tang Youyou: "Yuyou! Come with us!"

  Tang Youyou was more discerning, and immediately refused: "Sister! Go with Su Xin and the others! My boyfriend is still waiting for me! I won't go!"

  "All right!"

  Yuan Chunli and Lin Wanyu walked outside. Hu Yifei took the bag and was behind Su Xin for a distance. Hu Yifei asked aloud, "Don't you think it's weird?"

  Su Xin nodded and said in a low voice, "What do you think Wan Yu is going to do?"

  Hu Yifei shook his head and threw the question to Su Xin: "How do I know! You handle this matter well! Don't let my mother know about you and Wanyu, or I will be miserable!"

  Su Xin said with some embarrassment: "Why me? The conflict between me and Wan Yu has not been resolved! Aren't you afraid of backfire?"

  Hu Yifei glanced at Su Xin displeasedly: "I don't care! You are the head of the family, of course you solve the problem!"


  Su Xin nodded helplessly: "Okay! I'll try my best! Wan Yu is also a little unusual. She's usually quite sensible, but it's just this time to cause trouble!"

  Yuan Chunli looked back at the two of them: "Why are you walking so slowly?"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei quickened their pace, and Su Xin whispered, "Separate Wan Yu and your mother for a while, and I will discuss with Wan Yu!"


  Hu Yifei nodded, walked to Yuan Chunli's side, and looked at Lin Wanyu: "Wanyu! Did you forget something?"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she gave Lin Wanyu a wink, Lin Wanyu immediately understood what Hu Yifei meant, and looked like she was suddenly enlightened......

  "Yeah! I almost forgot if you didn't say it! You guys go to the garage first! I'll go get something!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Lin Wanyu suspiciously: "What? Do you want us to help?"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei had created a chance for him, Su Xin said quickly, "Auntie! You and Yifei go to the garage first, and I'll help Wanyu find something!"

  Yuan Chunli also had no doubts and nodded: "Alright! Let's go to the garage first!"

  Hu Yifei and Yuan Chunli walked into the elevator, Su Xin frowned and looked at Lin Wanyu: "Wanyu! What do you want to do? Aren't you afraid that Yifei's mother would know about our affairs and kill me?"

  Lin Wanyu said disapprovingly, "You will know sooner or later! It's just a matter of one day and one night! It doesn't make much difference!"

  With a depressed mood, Su Xin began to explain to Lin Wanyu.

  "This is a big difference! If Yifei's mother knew now, she would definitely take Yifei with her, and I wouldn't even have a chance to explain!"

  Lin Wanyu disagreed with Su Xin's words and retorted: "They won't agree to it if they know it! What's the point of you hiding it like this?".

Chapter 268

  Su Xin was also very helpless about this matter, and this problem was difficult to solve.

  Su Xin was silent for a while: "Let's talk about this later! Talking now is to push Yifei to the forefront! I don't want to embarrass her, I will handle things well in the future! The most important thing now is, don't make trouble. If you accidentally say it..."

  Su Xin didn't want to see such consequences, so he didn't say it.

  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "I know you have no good way! I am doing this now for the future. If I have a good relationship with my aunt, even if she knows about our affairs in the future, she will not embarrass me. I It's all for you, but you despise me!"

  "Uh~" →_→

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu in surprise, and asked very uncertainly, "Do you still have this IQ?"

  Lin Wanyu kicked Su Xin: "Don't look down on me, I'm also a top student who graduated from a famous university! You can honestly see how I do it!"

  Seeing Lin Wanyu's swearing appearance, Su Xin could only helplessly agree.

  The two 28 people walked towards the elevator, and Lin Wanyu took out her mobile phone from Su Xin's pocket.

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin speechlessly: "How dare you say that my IQ is low? Have you forgotten what excuse we used to stay? I didn't bring a bag, so I could only pretend to be your mobile phone!"


  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu helplessly, if before, Su Xin would have punished her, but now the relationship between the two is very embarrassing. It is said that they are husband and wife, but they seldom even talk, and that they are ordinary friends, but they are both They are still legal couples, both of them feel that they are not wrong, and neither of them is willing to give in.

  The two walked into the elevator. In the elevator, Lin Wanyu glanced at Su Xin dejectedly. Until the elevator reached the underground garage, Su Xin still didn't say anything.

  Lin Wanyu murmured in a low voice, "Scumbag! When you were chasing me, you talked about it, but now you're a passerby again!"

  The two walked to Hu Yifei's car, and now Yuan Chunli was sitting in the back seat looking around.

  Hu Yifei handed Su Xin the key, then sat in the back seat, Lin Wanyu sat in the co-pilot, and Su Xin was in charge of driving.

  Su Xin started the car and drove out of the apartment towards the seafood restaurant!

  After seeing the car, Yuan Chunli sighed, "Su Xin's car is really good! It's just a bit expensive!"

  Hu Yifei explained: "Mom! Su Xin gave it to me! His car is much better than mine!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Hu Yifei in surprise: "Better than this? How much does it cost!"

  Hu Yifei thought for a while, but didn't tell Yuan Chunli the truth: "It's very expensive. With my salary, I can't even buy a tire if I don't eat or drink within ten years!"

  Yuan Chunli frowned slightly, and began to persuade Su Xin bitterly: "Xiao Su, don't blame Aunt for being long-winded! It's not easy for your parents to make money! You can drive a car, so there's no need to buy a good one!"

  Hu Yifei explained helplessly: "Mom! He earned all this money, including his current company, and has nothing to do with his parents. When I first met him, he couldn't even pay the rent!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Su Xin in disbelief: "It seems that Xiao Su is quite capable!"

  After Yuan Chunli finished speaking, she looked at Hu Yifei and said with a little emotion: "Fortunately, you started early, otherwise Xiao Su would not be able to marry you!"

  Hu Yifei said very depressed: "Are you still my own mother? Is there a mother who looks down on your daughter so much? And I have to declare that it was Su Xin who chased me first, and he confessed to me as soon as he came to the apartment!"

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