There was a sound of braking, Su Xin stopped the car in surprise, and then looked at Hu Yifei in disbelief: "Really?"

  Seeing that Su Xin braked directly, Hu Yifei urged, "It's true! No parking is allowed here, hurry up!"

  Su Xin restarted the car with joy on his face, and asked again: "Today is a dangerous period, do you know what this means? You don't want to imitate Xiao Qing!"

  Hu Yifei blushed under her head. When encountering such a thing, even the resolute Hu Yifei began to feel embarrassed.

  "I know! Originally, I planned to be an associate professor within one year and a full professor within two years, but in addition to being a teacher, I am also your wife, and we have also obtained a marriage certificate! We also raised children after giving birth. From now on, it's okay to postpone my plan for a year or two!"

  Su Xin nodded with a smile on his face, then turned his head and said Hu Yifei, "That's great! You are not allowed to drink tonight! Not even red wine!"

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin: "I'm driving! Look at the road!"

  Su Xin hurriedly continued to look at the road, and Hu Yifei threatened to see Su Xin continuing to drive.

  "Of course I know I can't drink! You're not allowed to drink either! If a staff is born, I will fight with you!"

  Su Xin laughed twice: "Don't worry! I won't make fun of this kind of thing!"

  Su Xin drove to the restaurant they had made an appointment with. When the two arrived, Lu Zhanbo hadn't arrived yet, and the two sat in the car chatting.

  After waiting for another ten minutes, Lu Zhanbo was late. The three of them walked to the door of the restaurant. Seeing Su Xin smiling, Lu Zhanbo asked curiously, "Brother-in-law! What are you happy about?"

  Su Xin patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder with relief: "Thanks to you! Otherwise, I don't know if I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon to wait for this day!"

  Lu Zhanbo pointed at himself with a bewildered expression: "What's up with me?"

  Just as Su Xin was about to explain, Hu Yifei kicked Su Xin and gave Su Xin a look: "Stop talking! It's not good to let Jian Ning wait for a long time!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei didn't want to say anything, Su Xin didn't say any more. The three walked to a box, where Jian Ning and Louise had been waiting for a while.

  Lu Zhanbo began to introduce each other: "Jian Ning! This is my old sister, Hu Yifei, and the one next to her is my brother-in-law!"

  Jian Ning saw that Su Xin didn't look embarrassed, but said calmly, "Su Xin! I know! Old friend!"

  Su Xin nodded politely: "Long time no see!"

  Hu Yifei started chatting with Louise, Lu Zhanbo and Su Xin ordered some dishes, and Jian Ning also ordered some dishes.

  After a few people chatted for a while, Louise saw that Jian Ning was reluctant to talk about the wedding, so she took the initiative to mention it.

  "Yifei! We still have to discuss things about the two of them in advance!"

  Seeing that Louise was starting to get to the point, Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, "Say it!"

  Louise looked serious: "Jian Ning is my only daughter, I don't want her to suffer, I want her to have a place of her own!"

  Before Hu Yifei and Lu Zhanbo spoke, Jian Ning spoke first: "Mom! Didn't I tell you! Zhanbo's parents have a four-bedroom house, and we all live there just right, which is convenient for taking care of the elderly and not crowded. After you have a child, you can also help take care of it, and the most important thing is that there is no pressure on the mortgage, how wonderful!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei looked at each other, both of them were quite satisfied with Jian Ning.

  Louise glared at Jian Ning in disgust, and said helplessly, "It's always a little inconvenient to live with the old man!"

  Jian Ning poured a glass of wine for Louise: "Mom! What's the inconvenience of this, I think it's good, at least it's better than renting a house with that unreliable lawyer!"


  Su Xin and Hu Yifei both knew that Jian Ning was talking about Zhang Wei, and Louise sighed when she heard Jian Ning's words: "Lawyer Zhang is a good person, but his friends are not reliable! Forget it, since there is a place to live, then I won't pick it up!"

  Louise admired Zhang Wei quite a bit. After praising Zhang Wei, she continued, "You don't have to buy a house, you have to buy a car!"

  "Of course I have to buy a car! I have saved some money myself, and my parents have prepared some, so it's no problem to buy a [-]-[-] car!"

  After Lu Zhanbo finished speaking, he took the wine from Jian Ning's hand, poured a glass for Jian Ning, and then poured it for Hu Yifei and Su Xin.

  Su Xin stopped Lu Zhanbo directly: "Just drink it! From today, I'm going to quit drinking for a while, and Yifei and I will just have a drink!"

  Su Xin poured Hu Yifei a drink with a drink. As for the waiter who was in charge of pouring the drink, Lu Zhanbo had long since shooed him away.

  When Louise heard that Lu Zhanbo wanted to buy a car in the [-]s and [-]s, it was also within the acceptable range, and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! The main reason for buying a car is for the future. After you have children, you can't take your children on the bus. The subway is crowded!".

Chapter 259

  Jian Ning gave Louise a little dish: "Mom! The matter has been asked, let's eat!"

  Louise nodded, picked up the chopsticks and was about to eat, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Do you still have any savings after buying the car? You can't buy the car with all the money!"


  Lu Zhanbo was a little embarrassed. He didn't know how much money his parents had prepared for him, so he was a little uncertain.

  Louise frowned and put forward additional conditions: "In addition to the car, you must prepare another [-] dowry! But don't worry, the dowry is yours, I won't ask for a cent, I just don't want you to get married after the wedding. There's no money left!"

  Lu Zhanbo was even more embarrassed. Seeing that Lu Zhanbo was embarrassed, Hu Yifei turned to look at Su Xin: "Tell me!"

  Su Xin nodded and looked at Lu Zhanbo: "Zhanbo, if you are getting married, your sister and I will always give you a present to pass by. Since you have a car, then we will give you a car, [-] yuan. You can choose anything below [-], and if it exceeds [-], I'm afraid you won't be able to support it!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin in shock, and pulled Su Xin: "You are crazy! Just send a few hundred thousand!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei: "Zhanbo has helped me a lot. Besides, if I'm a little more generous, your parents won't be able to embarrass me!"


  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin speechlessly: "If you think too much, my parents will definitely not embarrass you. They can't wait to push me out earlier!"

  The three of Lu Zhanbo also recovered from their shock, and Lu Zhanbo quickly refused: "Forget it! Your present is too heavy, I dare not accept it! If I do accept it, even if I touch it, I will feel distressed for a long time, so forget it! "

  Jian Ning also agrees with Lu Zhanbo's words: "If we have a car, the pressure of maintaining a car is even greater than paying the mortgage!"

  Hu Yifei took over the topic: "It's really not good to have a car that is too expensive, just choose a car that costs about [-]!"

  Su Xin frowned, leaned beside Hu Yifei and said in a low voice, "You also have to be careful about me, if someone knows that my brother-in-law is getting married, I will send a car of hundreds of thousands of dollars, so that others think I am a People who don't care about their feelings, if this spreads out, where do I lose face! Let my partners think of me! If someone takes the opportunity to blackmail me, I'm going to be flooded with trolls~ˇ!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words. Su Xin represented a company, and his reputation must not be damaged.

  "Then it's about one million! No matter how expensive the auto show is, there will be psychological pressure!"

  Seeing that Su Xin and Hu Yifei had already negotiated, Lu Zhanbo did not refuse any more, but looked at Louise who was stunned: "Auntie! Is that all right?"

  Louise nodded hurriedly: "Of course! I didn't expect your brother-in-law to be so rich! Will his family agree to take so much money?"

  Hu Yifei explained: "Auntie, don't worry! Su Xin's money is all his own, and one million is not enough for him to buy me some clothes!"

  Louise nodded: "That's good!"

  Jian Ning looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Why do you want to rent a house if you are so rich?"

  Most of the reason why Su Xin lived in the love apartment was because of the system, but this secret must not be revealed, so he made up a reason casually.

  "We have a lot of friends who live there and they are so much more fun than we live in the big villa!"

  Louise didn't ask any more. Jian Ning looked at Lu Zhanbo: "When will your parents be back? Let's also confirm the wedding day!"

  Lu Zhanbo was a little hesitant. He had already bought the diamond ring, and he was planning to make a good plan, and then make a romantic proposal, so that neither of them would have any regrets.

  Seeing Lu Zhanbo's hesitation, Hu Yifei said quickly, "My parents will be back in half a month!"

  Jian Ning nodded and explained, "I'm not urging marriage, but I'm not too young."

  Lu Zhanbo nodded and took Jian Ning's hand: "I understand, I just don't want us to have any regrets!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei saw that everything was going smoothly and didn't say much.

  A few people had a very harmonious meal, and there was no dispute. After the meal, Su Xin and Hu Yifei drove to the apartment and went to do a big business.

  As for Lu Zhanbo, because he had been drinking, he had to find a chauffeur to take Jian Ning and Louise home, and then back to the apartment.

  At noon the next day, Hu Yifei directed Su Xin and Lu Ziqiao to clean up 3601, while Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Zhanbo arranged the house and hung balloons.

  Guan Gu Magic is pulling a banner and hanging it in the middle of the sample.

  Guan Gu looked at Hu Yifei after he hung it up magically: "Yifei! Can you look at it like this?"

  Hu Yifei looked at the banner: "Watching Lin Wanyu return from her studies?? What the hell?"

  Hu Yifei glared at Lu Ziqiao: "Lu Ziqiao! What copycat printing factory did you find? The words are all wrong!"

  Lu Ziqiao said embarrassedly: "¨"d I asked Xiao Hei to do it!He is so unreliable, I will go and get the money back in a while! "

  Hu Yifei said angrily: "Forget it! It's too late to do another one now, Wan Yu probably won't pay attention to these little details!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a speechless expression, "As long as Wan Yu is not blind, she can see at all!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao angrily and said, "I asked you to find a more reliable printing factory, but you found Xiao Hei as a wild way to go back and get all the money back, I'll feed you this banner if you lose a cent. !"

  Lu Ziqiao nodded quickly: "Don't worry, it's definitely a lot!"

  Hu Yifei looked at the time: "Does it take so long for Yoyo and Meijia to go shopping?"

  Su Xin also looked at the time: "Yifei! It's time for us to go!"

  Hu Yifei nodded, looked at several people and threatened: "Take care of yourself, if you screw up the welcome party (Zhao Zhaozhao), I will hang you all on the crooked neck tree downstairs!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian and the others immediately made various guarantees. Hu Yifei picked up the bag on the sofa and followed Su Xin to the outside.

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei drove to the airport, they waited for a while, and Lin Wanyu came out wearing a pair of sunglasses.

  Seeing Lin Wanyu's change, Hu Yifei said with a shocked expression, "Oh Maiga! Did she have plastic surgery? She has grown at least three sizes, and she seems to have gained a little weight!"

  Su Xin nodded: "I deliberately made her gain weight. She used to be too thin. As for the increase in size, don't forget, you stole your secret recipe from her!"

  Seeing Su Xin and Hu Yifei, Lin Wanyu trotted over quickly. Su Xin opened his hands and waited for Lin Wanyu with a smile on his face.

  However, the truth was cruel, Lin Wanyu pushed the suitcase directly to Su Xin, then hugged Hu Yifei: "Feifei! Long time no see!".

Chapter 260

  Hu Yifei smiled and nodded: "Long time no see! You've changed a lot! I almost don't recognize it!"

  Lin Wanyu said a little depressedly: "It's all Su Xin! He said that I was too thin and insisted that I gain weight. I only gained a little weight after eating high-calorie food for three months in a row!"

  Su Xin pinched Lin Wanyu's face: "How wonderful! It's even more beautiful than before!"

  Seeing Su Xin and Lin Wanyu complaining about each other, Hu Yifei said with a smile, "Let's go back first! Everyone is waiting in the apartment to surprise you!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line: "What did you say!"


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