Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang suspiciously: "Isn't Zhuge Dali already decided? Why are you still recruiting?"

  Zhao Wuliang nodded: "It's Zhuge Dali's appointment, we also informed her, but she said she is your wife! This is her information!"

  Su Xin took the information with a confused expression: "Who is it? Could it be Wan Yu?"

  Su Xin took the document and glanced at it, frowned, it wasn't Lin Wanyu, but it was indeed his wife, just in name only.

  "Alas! What should come will always come!"

  Su Xin pinched his forehead sadly.

  When Zhao Wuliang saw Su Xin's reaction, he was basically certain that this woman was indeed Boss's wife.

  Zhao Wuliang probed the surname and asked, "Boss! Did you remove Zhuge Dali?"

  Su Xin shook his head: "No! As for this woman! Call me when she comes again, and don't take the initiative to contact me if she doesn't come!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Zhao Wuliang nodded and asked worriedly, "Boss! The personnel department seems to have offended her! Will it be okay? Otherwise, you can hang all the photos of your wives with your photos, or I'm afraid that I will I also offended your wife."

  Su Xin didn't look surprised, as if this was normal: "She didn't hit anyone, did she?"

  Zhao Wuliang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No! It's just that the Personnel Department blocked her from joining the company. Both parties are very unhappy!"


  Su Xin sighed: "She has restrained herself! In the past, she wouldn't care about whether you stopped or not! It's true that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong! If I knew I would be the one behind the scenes! In this way, she You can't find me!"


  When Zhao Wuliang heard Su Xin's words, he didn't say anything else. This is a private matter of the Boss family, unless he was hit by a pig in the head.

  Su Xin put away the information and looked at the two of them: "Is there anything else?"

  Zhao Wuliang shook his head and looked at Wang Kuo: "I'm fine! Is there anything else, Manager Wang?"

  Wang Kuo shook his head: "I'm fine too!"

  Su Xin waved his hand a little irritably: "You guys go down!"

  Zhao Wuliang and Wang Kuo walked outside, and Wang Kuo complained, "Fatty Zhao! We are now on an equal footing! You can't let you do everything alone!"

  Zhao Wuliang looked at Wang Kuo with a sneering expression, and joked: "You first think about how to reach [-] billion! If you can't finish it, just run errands for me and pour coffee! By the way! You can also practice. , now make a cup of coffee and deliver it to my office!"

  Wang Kuo replied angrily, and the two began to compete again.

  Su Xin packed up his things and saw that it was getting late, so he was ready to pack up and go home. As for the expansion of the Zhuge Dasheng Law Firm, Su Xin planned to do it another day, and didn't care about the time.

  Su Xin went downstairs, got in the car and drove to the apartment. As soon as Su Xin drove the car into the love apartment complex, he saw Zeng Xiaoxian walking outside with a pile of swimming clothes and Lu Ziqiao in formal clothes. The two were still talking and laughing. , especially Zeng Xiaoxian, almost burst into laughter.indivual.

Chapter 257

  Su Xin parked the car beside the two of them, lowered the window and asked, "What are you doing!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian didn't hide it either, and said directly, "I want to build a swimming pool..."

  Before Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he was pulled aside by Lu Ziqiao. Lu Ziqiao took over the topic and said perfunctorily, "Hold a swimming pool cleaning competition!"

  Su Xin looked at the two of them speechlessly: "Do you think I look like a fool?"

  Lu Ziqiao continued to quibble: "We are really holding a swimming pool cleaning competition. The most important thing is to get money for cleaning the swimming pool!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian listened to Lu Ziqiao's fooling around, and didn't say much. Su Xin saw that the two didn't want to invite him, so he didn't ask again shamelessly.

  "Then you go first! I won't help, and I'll go with Yifei to see Jian Ning's parents later!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin with a puzzled expression: "Zhan Bo sees his parents, what are you doing?"

  Su Xin shrugged helplessly: "Yifei's parents are traveling abroad! The activity of seeing parents naturally falls on Yifei and I!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously, "Zhanbo's progress is so fast? Are they going to see their parents?"

  Su Xin nodded: "Jian Ning is in a hurry. Originally, she wanted to meet Zhan Bo's parents directly, get engaged, and determine the date of marriage! But Zhan Bo disagreed!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a shocked face: "Did Zhan Bo's head get caught by the door? He actually doesn't agree?"

  Su Xin explained: "Zhan Bo wants to propose to himself, and then decide the date!"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a sigh: "His head must have been caught by the iron gate!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said thoughtfully: "Usually I can get by at the exhibition, and I am very Buddhist, but I didn't expect to be macho at the critical moment!"

  Su Xin also agreed with Zeng Xiaoxian's statement: "Maybe he doesn't want Jian Ning to leave regrets! Don't say it! I still have to pick up Yifei! If I'm late, I'll be scolded again!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he raised the glass and drove to the underground garage.

  Seeing Su Xin driving away, Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Zi Qiao! Why don't we ask Su Xin to go together?"

  Lu Ziqiao gave Zeng Xiaoxian a look at Zeng Xiaoxian with hatred: "Stupid! What else does he have to do with us? Have you forgotten what happened yesterday?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian nodded suddenly, and urged, "Yes! Let's go!"

  On the other side, Su Xin returned to 3601, and as soon as he walked into the living room, he saw Hu Yifei wearing very old-fashioned clothes and dressed very maturely.

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Yifei! Where did you find the clothes!"

  "I bought it from the mall on purpose! Tonight is an important meeting with the woman's parents. We can't dress up too young, or the other party will be easily disgusted! I even specially picked a set for you!"

  Hu Yifei picked up a set of clothes on the sofa and handed it to Su Xin.

  Su Xin looked at the clothes in Hu Yifei's hands. It was obvious that they were only worn by people in their [-]s. Su Xin complained, "We are the elders representing Zhanbo, but there is no need to dress like this!"

  Hu Yifei said very seriously: "This is Zhanbo's life-long event, we can't be sloppy, and we will aggrieve you first!"

  Su Xin said very reluctantly: "Alas! Just this time, it won't be an example!"

  Hu Yifei directly handed the old-fashioned clothes to Su Xin: "Don't worry! This is the time!"

  Su Xin took the clothes and walked to his room with a depressed face.

  This is Chen Meijia walking out, and she was stunned when she saw Hu Yifei!With a confused look, he asked, "Sister Yifei! Are you planning to go to the square to dance in the square?"

  Hu Yifei shook her head, took out a pair of glasses from her bag and put it on: "I'm dressed now, do I look like a parent?"

  Chen Meijia circled around Hu Yifei twice, frowned and said, "You don't look like you at all! This dress doesn't match you too much!"

  Hu Yifei sat down on the sofa depressedly: "Then what to do! Does Jian Ning's mother think we don't pay attention to this meeting?"

  Chen Meijia sat down beside the sofa and comforted: "You are so young, unless you put on makeup, you won't look like a parent no matter how you look at it!"

  Hu Yifei's eyes lit up when she heard Chen Meijia's words: "Yes! Makeup can also be done! Meijia, I don't know how to make up, why don't you help me draw a more mature one?"

  Chen Meijia said embarrassedly: "I can paint makeup, but you can't change it!"

  Hu Yifei sighed: "Forget it! That's it! If the other party still dislikes our young age, there is nothing we can do!"

  "Sister! Is Su Xin back?" Lu Zhanbo came over and asked...  

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo displeased: "How did I teach you? Brother-in-law, if Jian Ning's family sees that you are neither big nor small, they will think that our family has no tutoring!"

  Lu Zhanbo said helplessly: "Okay! Is brother-in-law back?"

  Hu Yifei pointed to Su Xin's room: "He went to change his clothes! He'll be out in a while!"


  Su Xin came out wearing an old man's costume, and Chen Meijia said in surprise: "Su Xin! You are the first person I have ever seen who dressed an old man so handsome!"

  Su Xin complained displeasedly: "Nonsense! That's because you only see old people, no young people wear such clothes!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei speechlessly: "Can't you be normal? You are so weird!"

  Hu Yifei patted Lu Zhanbo's head displeasedly: "We're not here to help you! If you had notified earlier, why would my parents travel abroad, if you weren't my brother, I would be like this? Su Xin would be like this? The two of us One, a university teacher, a company president, we are so shameless to help you, do you still have complaints?"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded depressedly: "Okay!"

  Hu Yifei walked to Su Xin's side and helped Su Xin sort out his clothes: "So handsome!"

  Hu Yifei went to the sofa and picked up her bag: "Let's go!"

  The three walked outside, and Chen Meijia saw that she was the only one left in the blink of an eye. She reluctantly walked to the bookshelf and took out a book on pet care precautions and began to read it.

  The three of them arrived at the underground garage. Hu Yifei stood in front of the car and pondered, then threw his car key to Lu Zhanbo: "You drive my car, Su Xin and I drive another one, we have something to discuss!"

  Lu Zhanbo didn't doubt either, nodded and got into the car.

  Su Xin walked to his car and started the car after he was done. Hu Yifei sat in the co-pilot and hesitated for a while, then said with some hesitation: "Su Xin! I want to discuss with you. If the other party asks to buy a car or a house, look at us. Can you give me a little? Don’t worry, Zhanbo will definitely pay it back! If Zhanbo doesn’t pay it back, I will help him pay it back, and I will never use your money in vain.”

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "Is the money I gave you not enough?".

Chapter 258

  "There must be enough money! But the money is all yours! I have to ask you if I want to lend it out!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin and said seriously.

  Su Xin drove the car and glanced at Hu Yifei: "We are husband and wife! Why are you being so polite? Mine is yours too! If you want to borrow it, then borrow it! It doesn't matter if you don't pay it back, it's not much money anyway!"

  Hu Yifei ignored Su Xin, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid you will disagree! After all, many people are now getting divorced because of Fudimo!"

  Su Xin smiled and continued to look at the road ahead: "Fudimo is indeed an excessive behavior, you are different, you just lend it to Zhanbo with pocket money, not a Fudimo!"

  Hu Yifei said a little depressedly: "Actually, I am also a helper demon, but you are richer, just pocket money is enough."

  Su Xin stretched out a hand and gave Hu Yifei a slap in the head: "It's all a family! It's nothing to help! Besides, Zhan Bo's brain is not good, so it's a charity, and you are not allowed to mention this in the future. Something happened!"

  Hu Yifei hesitated for a while, then looked at Su Xin apologetically: "For the sake of you ignoring this matter, I can promise you a condition, which is a reward for you!"

  Su Xin's eyes lit up: "Really?"

  Hu Yifei nodded seriously and explained: "Of course it's true, but except for not eating supplementary vegetables! Everything else is fine!"

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's words, he sighed in disappointment. This was what he wanted to say, but was blocked by Hu Yifei.

  Su Xin said helplessly, "Then don't kick me out today!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's words, he hesitated for a long time. When he was about to arrive at the restaurant, Hu Yifei whispered, "Yes!"

  "Thorn! Thorn!"

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