Qin Yumo tossed the coin, caught it with his hand, and did not open it immediately.

  Hu Yifei asked curiously, "Do you have an answer?"

  Qin Yumo shook his head blankly: "No."

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with contempt: "It seems that you can't do this!"

  Su Xin shrugged helplessly, saying that he was innocent. That's what the narration in the original TV said. He said something casually, and it wasn't his own fault that it didn't work.

  Hu Yifei looked at Qin Yumo and asked, "What should I do then!"

  "Since I can't decide on my own, then let God help me!" Qin Yumo no longer hesitated, and opened his palm directly, the reverse side of the coin facing up.

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei: "Looks like I'm going to leave for a while!"

  Su Xin was not surprised, but asked calmly, "When are you leaving?"

  Qin Yumo hugged Su Xin a little reluctantly: "Time is tight. Three days later, the staff of the branch will be in place, and the manager will be left!"

  Su Xin comforted: "It's not that we don't see each other anymore. Now that the traffic is so developed, you can call me when you miss me, and I will take a plane to find you!"

  Qin Yumo nodded: "Okay! Let's go shopping later! I want to buy something!"

  "Let's go now! Let's have a meal outside by the way!" After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she stood up and walked to her room.

  Qin Yumo also stood up and walked to his room: "I'll go clean up!"

  Half an hour later, Su Xin drove Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo to the mall.

  At noon the next day, Su Xin was helping Qin Yumo pack up when Zeng Xiaoxian walked in.

  "Su Xin! Don't forget to watch my live broadcast tonight!"

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with disgust: "You have notified three times today!"

  "Really? Just don't forget it!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian left with an embarrassed look on his face...  

  As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian left Tang Youyou, he walked in angrily from outside the door, and Guan Gu miraculously complained behind Tang Youyou.

  "Yoyou! How can you peek at my time capsule! It's immoral for you to do this!"

  Tang Youyou started to argue unreasonably: "I don't see how I know that my place in your heart is not as good as a broken comic!"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou with a helpless expression: "Yuyou! You are unreasonable again! The time capsule is for the future! Our love should be to grasp the present, not live in the future!"

  Tang Youyou pushed the magic of Guangu: "The future? Is there still a future? Just live your life with your broken comics!"

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, he walked directly to his room, Guan Guwei looked helplessly at Tang Youyou's back, and after Tang Youyou returned to the room, Guan Guwei started to complain to Su Xin and Qin Yumo: "You guys are critical. Yoyo peeked at my time capsule, is she wrong?"

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu miraculously with sympathy: "To reason with your girlfriend, you're probably crazy!"

  "It's her fault this time. If she doesn't apologize, I won't forgive her!"

  After Guan Gu said magically, he walked directly to the balcony and walked back to 3602 from the balcony.

  Qin Yumo said with a smile, "The apartment is still interesting!"

  Su Xin nodded and agreed with Qin Yumo's words very much: "Yes! This is one of the reasons why I don't want to leave here! I'll go to the new city with you tomorrow! Come back when I help you settle down!"

  Qin Yumo shook his head and refused directly: "Forget it! I'm not a child, I don't need your company!"

  Su Xin nodded helplessly: "Okay!"

  Qin Yumo saw that he was almost finished, and looked at the time: "Yifei's public defense class is about to start, let's go quickly!"

  "I'm going! I almost forgot!"

  When Su Xin heard Qin Yumo mention Hu Yifei's public defense class, he immediately picked up his jacket and prepared to go outside.

  "Yifei said that if I'm late this time, he will kill me! Let's go!" Su Xin urged Qin Yumo as he walked outside.

  At night, everyone in the love apartment sat in the living room of 3601, watching Zeng Xiaoxian's live broadcast around the TV.

  Lu Ziqiao asked, "How many questions do you think Teacher Zeng can hold?".

Chapter 218

  When everyone heard Lu Ziqiao's words, they all turned to Su Xin.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Su Xin immediately refused.

  "I refuse to spoil me! Yifei strictly forbids me to spoil me! I'm afraid she will kill me!"

  Hu Yifei patted Su Xin on the shoulder: "It's okay! This time it's a big deal, you can spoil it a little bit, I'll make more soup for you later."

  Guan Gu looked at Su Xin excitedly with a magical expression: "You tell me in advance, so that I can know if I have won!"

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou, who was very far away from Guan Gu: "Did you two bet?"

  Tang Youyou glanced at Guan Gu's miraculous, and turned his head to the other side angrily: "I'm not familiar with him, who wants to bet with him!"

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou speechlessly: "Are you two still pissed off?"

  Guan Gu said with a mysterious expression: "Since she turned over my time capsule, she hasn't said a word to me!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked suspiciously at Guan Guqi: "Then what did you mean by winning?"

  Guan Guqi said brightly, "It's a competition organized by the black downstairs. I bet that Teacher Zeng will lose or win. I bet against Teacher Zeng for five yuan, and I bet that he will win!"

  Su Xin's eyes lit up and took out his mobile phone: "I'll call Xiao Hei now. Last time he cheated on Yifei's camera 28, this time I'm going to teach him a good lesson. What are the odds now!"

  "One to two hundred and five! Which side do you push, I want to push a little bit more, it's a disappointment in the love scene, and the casino is proud of it!" Guan Gu looked at Su Xin with anticipation.

  Lu Ziqiao also took out [-] yuan: "Help me press it. Whether there is money to pick up girls in the future depends on this time!"

  Su Xin shook his head and refused directly: "Forget it! A small bet on happiness, a big bet hurts one's health, and a strong bet in ashes! I'm just a few hundred million points!"

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Hei: "Hello! Xiao Hei! I want to beat Teacher Zeng to win. What are the odds now?"

  Xiao Hei's voice came from the phone: "If you beat Zeng Xiaoxian to win, you will lose two hundred and fifty-five. I suggest you press more, everyone will beat Zeng Xiaoxian and lose, if he really loses! Uh! He will definitely lose, and if he loses, I will bankrupted!"

  Su Xin smiled and said, "Don't worry! I'm here to beat Teacher Zeng to win!"

  Xiao Hei's excited voice came from the phone: "That's great! You don't have to worry about losing money this time! How much did you press?"

  Su Xin thought for a moment: "I still have more than [-] billion in cash in my card, so let's press [-] billion first!"

  "Damn it! You're crazy! I don't dare to take it, I'm all limited to less than ten yuan! This way you won't be caught. If you give out more than [-] billion at a time, you are afraid that I won't be shot enough! I wanted you to be shot. Stop at the next two or three hundred!  …”

  Xiao Hei sprayed a few words and hung up the phone.

  Su Xin looked at the phone helplessly: "Originally, I saw Xiao Hei as a talent, and I wanted to trick him, bah! It's a pity to recruit him to our company!"

  Everyone looked at Su Xin speechlessly, and Guan Guqi couldn't help complaining: "Thank you for telling me, so much money is enough to scare Xiao Hei to death!"

  Su Xin shrugged: "I'm just teasing him. In fact, I want to pay a few thousand dollars. Who would have thought that he would be limited to less than ten yuan, it's boring!"

  Lu Ziqiao hid in the corner and started calling friends and companions on his mobile phone, splitting the five hundred and betting that Zeng Xiaoxian would win.

  Zhang Wei also quietly called Xiao Hei.

  Su Xin glanced at Hu Yifei beside him, and said in a low voice, "You persuade little aunt, it's not the way for them to quarrel like this!"

  Hu Yifei looked embarrassed: "But, I don't know how to persuade me!"

  Qin Yumo reminded: "They have a special skill, have you forgotten?"


  Su Xin suddenly realized that he looked at Guan Gu Jiji and Tang Youyou: "Aren't you two going to save it? Save it for now! You can argue when no one is there!"

  Guan Gu looked at Tang Youyou miraculously: "Archive?"

  Tang Youyou hesitated for a while: "Save it first!"

  The two were silent for two seconds, then Tang Youyou was no longer angry, but walked to the table, picked up the potato chips and sat beside Guan Gu Qiqi, and the two began to be glued together again!

  Zhang Wei was stunned and said incredulously, "Is this okay?"

  Guan Gu gave Zhang Wei a scornful look: "What's the fuss about, Su Xin can predict the future! What are we?"

  Seeing that everyone was there, Qin Yumo announced that he was about to leave: "Everyone! I'm leaving tomorrow!"

  Zhang Wei looked at Qin Yumo suspiciously: "Are you going too?"

  Everyone looked at Zhang Wei in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

  Zhang Wei smiled and took out a letter: "Our dean sent me a letter, and the letter contains news of my relatives, so I plan to visit relatives!"

  Lu Ziqiao walked back and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you an orphan? How do you still know your relatives?"

  Zhang Wei smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I don't know if this person is my relative, but our dean said that when we visit relatives, we will kiss them when we visit them!"

  Qin Yumo asked suspiciously, "When are you leaving?"

  Zhang Wei took out a train ticket: "I'm one day later than you, I'll leave the day after tomorrow, and I'll pack up tomorrow!"

  Lu Ziqiao asked curiously, "How long will you be going? We might as well consider whether to rent out the house!"

  Zhang Wei thought about it for a while, and then said uncertainly: "Two or three months at most, three or five years at a long time, let's rent out the house first!"


  Lu Ziqiao gave an OK gesture.

  Tang Youyou looked at Qin Yumo and asked, "Yumo, how long are you going?"

  Qin Yumo shook his head: "Not sure, but at most two years, I want to have a baby with Su Xin before the age of [-]!"

  Guan Gu looked at Su Xin with a puzzled look: "Why don't you let Yu Mo work in your company?"

  Su Xin shrugged helplessly: "I mentioned it before, but she still plans to manage cosmetics! I plan to help her open a cosmetics company when she has management experience! As for products, with my hacking skills, even the world The top cosmetic formulas are also at your fingertips!"

  Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin helplessly: "So you already planned it?"

  Su Xinlou comforted Qin Yumo: "I always have to plan for the future!"

  Hu Yifei asked displeasedly, "Did you help me plan?"

  Su Xin nodded: "Also..."

  Su Xin was interrupted by Hu Yifei as soon as he said two words, Hu Yifei pinched Su Xin directly: "I am in charge of my future style! You can't interfere!"

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