Tang Youyou corrected with a black line: "You mean, it's very meaningful!"

  "One meaning!" Guan Gu started to explain to Tang Youyou the origin of this award.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin curiously: "Su Xin, what was your first certificate of award? Do you remember?"

  "Certificate? What is a certificate? I have been allergic to certificates since I was a child, so the school has never given me a certificate!" Su Xin said casually.

  Tang Youyou looked contemptuous: "Su Xin has not studied hard since he was a child, and he has never been left behind when he asked his parents. Allergies to awards are all fooling people!"

  Su Xin looked at Tang Youyou with a black line: "Who said that, although I haven't won a certificate, I have won a few red flowers, and the teacher has praised it!"

  I have something to do today, so it's late, please forgive me! .

Chapter 216

  Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin with contempt, and laughed: "You also took the little red flower when you were in kindergarten! You happened to help the teacher when you were making trouble."

  "Anyway, I'm rewarded!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he picked up Hu Yifei's drink and took a sip.

  Tang Youyou turned his head to look at Guan Gu's magical time capsule: "Where did you buy this time capsule? I also want to buy one, put what I have in it, and take it out after fifty years, how romantic that is what!"

  Guan Gu Qiqi also wanted to save what he has now, and he also has a memory in the future: "There are online sales, why don't we buy it now?"


  Tang Youyou readily agreed, pulling Guan Gu miraculously to the outside.

  "Don't forget to take your time capsule!" Su Xin handed the time capsule to Guan Gu Qiqi.

  Guan Gu miraculously took the time capsule and took Tang ~ Youyou out.

  Seeing that there were no idle people waiting, Su Xin whispered, "Yifei! Help me persuade Yumo! Now she doesn't even go to work, and she haunts me all day!-"

  Hu Yifei waved her hand and stayed away from Su Xin: "I can't help! Yu Mo just wants to have a child with you before the age of [-], how can I persuade?"

  Su Xin complained gloomily: "How can you be in such a hurry with this kind of thing!"

  "Su Xin! You really came to the bar again!"

  Qin Yumo came over and looked at Hu Yifei: "Yifei, I took Su Xin back!"

  Hu Yifei nodded, without any intention of blocking: "You are free!"

  Su Xin's helpless expression was pulled up by Qin Yumo and walked outside.

  At noon the next day, Su Xin sat on the sofa of 3601, watching Tang Youyou grab a time capsule more than one meter high, and began to put various things in it.

  And Qin Yumo was sitting opposite Su Xin with a depressed face.

  Hu Yifei came over and looked at Qin Yumo and Su Xin curiously: "You two are quite free today!"

  Qin Yumo nodded dejectedly: "We went to the hospital for a check-up. Su Xin and I are fine. I asked the doctor by the way, and the doctor suggested that I go with the flow!"

  Hu Yifei nodded: "This kind of thing really can't be forced, it's best to let it go!"

  Seeing that Qin Yumo was no longer bothering about the child, Su Xin gave himself a compliment. All this was arranged by Su Xin, and even the examination was requested by Su Xin. From the doctor, Su Xin had already established the relationship. , everything is to prevent Qin Yumo from being so entangled.

  Hu Yifei looked at Tang Youyou's time capsule, took out a box of chocolates, and asked suspiciously, "Yuyou! What are you putting this for? Could it be stored for fifty years?"

  Tang Youyou took the chocolate and explained: "This is a gift that Guan Gu gave me on Valentine's Day. I have never been willing to eat it. I put it in now and take it out fifty years later, not for eating, but for eating. It's for good memories!"

  Su Xin teased: "Do you dare to take it out in fifty years? Expired chocolate that has been aged for fifty years, not only looks similar in color and appearance, but also smells very similar!"

  Tang Youyou hesitated, and put the chocolate outside: "Forget this chocolate! I'll bury everything else in it!"

  Tang Youyou took a stack of letters, filled the last bit of space, and then locked it with a lock.

  Hu Yifei pointed to the small time capsule on the table and asked suspiciously, "Have time capsules started to buy one get one free?"

  Tang Youyou shook his head and walked to the table: "This is Guan Gu's time capsule, I'm curious what he put!"

  Su Xin stopped Tang Youyou and persuaded: "We won't watch Guan Gu's time capsule. If you watch it now, you may be very disappointed!"

  Tang Youyou said very confidently: "What Guan Gu put must have something to do with me, you can guess it without looking at me!"

  Tang Youyou continued to open Jingu's magical time capsule, which contained a comic book.

  Tang Youyou's face slowly became a little gloomy, she took out the comic book and read it: "Love three-legged cat? How could this be?"

  Tang Youyou put the comic back in frustration: "How could this be! He actually only put one comic!"

  What Hu Yifei wanted to say, Su Xin grabbed Hu Yifei in advance, shook his head, and motioned Hu Yifei not to speak.

  "I want to ask him why there is only one comic, is it important that I don't have a comic yet?" Tang Youyou closed the time capsule and walked outside.

  It just so happened that Zeng Xiaoxian walked in with excitement on his face, Tang Youyou directly pulled Zeng Xiaoxian aside and walked directly outside.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin and the three with a confused look, and asked suspiciously, "What happened to Youyou?"

  Su Xin sighed: "Tang Youyou is angry, he went to Guan Gu to settle accounts! What's the matter with you coming to 3601?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Su Xin's question, he immediately put Tang Youyou's affairs behind him, and said excitedly: "Yes! I almost forgot about the business. I will be on TV tomorrow night, and by the way, I will fulfill my dream before I turned [-]. !"

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously: "We know about your appearance on TV, isn't it the Dance Forest Conference! What does this have to do with your dreams?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian walked across from Su Xin and the three of them: "Of course it has something to do with it. Lisa Rong helped me change from the Dance Forest Conference to who can become a millionaire. As long as I answer the right questions, I can become a millionaire!"

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian suspiciously: "Is there a lot of million soft sister coins? How can you say that you are a rich man with such a little money?"


  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin helplessly: "One million is not enough for you to buy a car, but for me, this is a huge sum of money!"

  After Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he walked over to Su Xin with a mean smile: "I've been working hard for the past few days. I'm afraid of failure, so I want to ask you, do you know the answer to the millionaire question?"

  Su Xin nodded: "I can help you, but what good do I have?"


  Zeng Xiaoxian hesitated, Su Xin was not short of money, it would be too vulgar to give money directly!I don't know what to give as a gift.

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked tentatively, "I invite you to dinner?"

  Su Xin knew that Zeng Xiaoxian could get all the answers right, so he could tell him the answer directly, and he could also bring in the relationship between the two!So agreed to tell him the answer

  "no problem!"

  As soon as Su Xin finished speaking, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo sat beside Su Xin, and they pinched Su Xin directly: "No!"

  Su Xin comforted: "It's all small problems, it doesn't matter if you tell Teacher Zeng!"

  Qin Yumo said firmly: "No! It's only a million, it's not worth it."


  Su Xin hesitated for a moment and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian.

  Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian still wanted to talk, Hu Yifei threatened to say, "If you ask Su Xin again, I will keep you from seeing the sun the next day!"

  "Excuse me! Don't forget to watch my live broadcast tomorrow!"

  When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Hu Yifei's threat, he immediately persuaded and ran out after saying a word.indivual.

Chapter 217

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo helplessly: "It's just a little thing, it doesn't affect me!"

  Hu Yifei interrupted Su Xin's words: "All big things are small things that accumulate slowly! If I say no, I can't!"

  "All right!"

  Su Xin didn't fight Hu Yifei either, after all, Hu Yifei was doing it for his own good.

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Qin Yumo's cell phone rang, and Qin Yumo connected it.

  Su Xin saw that Qin Yumo's face became a little tangled, and asked suspiciously: "Yumo! What's wrong?"

  Qin Yumo said to the phone, "I'll think about it!"

  Qin Yumo hung up the call after speaking, and looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei with a confused expression: "The company's personnel department asked me if I would like to be the manager of the newly opened branch!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Qin Yumo in surprise: "Yumo! Have you been promoted?"


  Qin Yumo snorted, and then became more entangled: "But after being promoted, I have to go to work in another place, and I don't know when I will be able to come back!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin and asked, "Su Xin! Do you support Yu Mo to be the manager of the branch?"

  Su Xin didn't answer directly, but asked Qin Yumo, "Yu Mo, do you want to be the branch manager?"

  Qin Yumo nodded, then shook his head again: "I thought about it before! But we just decided to have a child!"

  Su Xinlou comforted Qin Yumo: "Don't worry about this matter! We are still young! It's not too late to talk about the child after two years!"

  Qin Yumo didn't know how to choose, so he turned to look at Hu Yifei: "Yifei! What do you think I should do?"

  Instead of helping Qin Yumo choose, Hu Yifei encouraged her: "Follow your own choice, no matter what you choose, we will support you!"

  Qin Yumo thought for a while, but still couldn't make up his mind: "I don't know how to choose!"

  Su Xin took out a coin and put it in Qin Yumo's hand: "You can decide which one to choose by flipping a coin!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "Is this too hasty?"

  Qin Yumo also agreed with Hu Yifei's words: "I also think flipping a coin is a bit hasty!"

  Su Xinyu explained earnestly: "Flip a coin is not to let the coin help you choose, but the moment you toss the coin, the choice you most hope will appear in your heart!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin in surprise: "Is this your line? When did you say such philosophical words?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line: "Why can't I say philosophical words?"

  Qin Yumo interrupted the two of them, holding the coin in one hand: "I'm going to start tossing! Keep the heads! The tails will be the manager!"

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