Qin Hao even felt a trace of resentment.

"Lowly creatures, stay away from me!"

Just when Qin Hao was about to absorb the spiritual power of the Jindan cultivators into himself, a sudden voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

Qin Hao was stunned for a while, then the corner of his mouth twitched and he sneered.

This voice was undoubtedly emitted by something hidden in the depths of the sun.

Chapter 464 Group Attack Qin Hao

Qin Hao was silent in his heart and did not respond to the other party's plan.

He has no interest in talking shit.

In his opinion, the best way to talk is to speak with strength.

He became more and more curious as to what this thing was all about.

There is such a wisdom! "Once again, vile creature, if you continue to approach me, you will not be able to bear the consequences!"

For ignoring Qin Hao's stated attitude, that thing seemed a little anxious, and even the voice became: a little sharp.

"you are afraid of me"

Qin Hao didn't respond to him in his heart, which would appear to be lacking in momentum.

His powerful divine sense turned into a stream of light, dashed straight into the core of the sun, and printed what he was about to say.


The thing seemed to feel that it was offended at once, and it burst into rage: "You'll regret it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire sun instantly brightened.

Then an invisible gust of wind swept across thousands of miles.

Almost right now.

Near and far, thousands of Jindan cultivators who were cultivating here suddenly found their bodies stiff.

It was out of control.

And even the consciousness has become blurred. Even the top gold elixir powerhouses like Yan Shiying are completely powerless to resist, but in an instant, they almost forget who they are.

Then, a very spectacular scene happened.

All the large and small spaceships began to mobilize at the same time.

Then they all rushed towards Qin Hao's direction.

Among them, the closer space began to continuously launch deadly laser weapons, and greeted Qin Hao across the void.

"My God, what's going on"

"Why did they suddenly kill Qin Xian?"

"Could it be that they don't want Qin Xian to subdue the spiritual power in the sun?"

Among the Jindan cultivators who stepped into the distance of thousands of miles from the sun, only the people in the fast ship Li Xianxian were in a normal state.

At this moment, when they saw this scene, they immediately turned pale.

You must know that as long as it is not a fool, no one will disrespect Qin Hao anymore.

Not to mention slaying each other so nakedly.

That's no different from suicide.

And as more and more spaceships joined the siege of Qin Hao, this scene became even more thrilling.

What happened here, and even the conversations of the golden cores in the fast ship, were transmitted to the earth after a delay of nearly eight minutes.

What Qin Hao has done today, it can be said that people throughout the ages have never dared to even think about it.

So almost everyone stayed in the live broadcast room, they wanted to see how Qin Hao got to the sun.

This is definitely an epoch-making scene.

Nobody wants to miss out.

But they never expected it.

Before Qin Hao climbed to the sun, the accident happened.

And what happened was so bizarre.

The Golden Cores who had respected Qin Hao before on Earth actually attacked Qin Hao collectively.

And looking at his posture, he didn't hold back at all.

At least the closest golden cores are not only mobilizing the super weapons on the spaceship to deal with Qin Hao, but also exerting their own magical powers.

It was like a posture that would never give up if he didn't kill Qin Hao.

"It's impossible!"

Chapter 465 It's too awesome!

Almost everyone has this idea in their hearts.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Do they know what they're doing?"

"It's over, it's over!"

I don't know how many people went crazy at this moment.

Including the monks in the Jindan realm.

Almost all people on earth think that Qin Hao is almost absolutely invincible now.

Even if Qin Hao wanted to subdue the spiritual power in the sun, he would just give it to him.

Are you using force, these idiots! Could it be that the Sun's spiritual power is not an ordinary spiritual power, that's why those golden elixir are so anxious but no matter what.

No one thinks going against Qin Hao is a good choice.

They can only pray.

Pray that Qin Hao will show mercy.

Don't wipe out all the thousands of golden elixir that have been cultivated with great difficulty.

Human civilization is basically a secondary stellar civilization now.

But if you add so many Jindan cultivators, you can even wrestle with the third-level civilization.

If you add another Qin Hao who defies the sky.

Not to mention that.

Therefore, no matter which angle they stand on, they don't like the fight between the two sides.

But judging from the picture sent back by the signal.

The battle shows no signs of stopping at all.

Instead, it became more intense.

In the face of this overwhelming offensive, come down.

Stopped in the void.

He is very clear.

All of this was not something the Jindan cultivators did voluntarily, but was controlled.

The controller is nobody else.

It is the thing hidden in the sun.

In order not to let Qin Hao continue to get close to him, it can be regarded as doing its best.

In fact, Qin Hao can completely ignore

these people.

directly into the sun.

Depends on a battle.

This is the strategy of catching the thief first.

But he had to be prepared for that thing to take a risk when he saw that it was hopeless to stop him.

If it kills all these Jindan cultivators.

That was a huge blow to Qin Hao.

The civilization of only one person is not civilization.

If he wants to return to the immortal world, he also needs the power of all human beings.

So he can only stay and solve the problem at hand first.

Faced with the latest offensive.

He turned a blind eye.

The power of these attacks could not even break his protective spiritual power, and there was no threat at all.

There is no need for him to bother with these people.

According to his observations.

These Jindan cultivators are simply irrational.

His focus is on the whole of space.

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