The sun-facing side of the sky was almost obscured.

So many people have gained a lot of confidence out of thin air.

And countries also send information to the entire solar system, so that space fleets performing missions everywhere are on guard.

Chapter 462 Good!

Compared with the fact that the earth is waiting, Yan Shiying and other cultivators have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

When they saw Qin Hao's fast ship approaching quickly, they all consciously stopped practicing.

And concentrated, waiting for Qin Hao's approach.

At this time, there is no point in continuing to practice cultivation.

As the fast ship approached, Yan Shiying's eyes lit up.

Thirty years.

She hadn't seen Qin Hao for [-] years.

Saying you don't miss it would be a lie.

Although for practitioners, thirty years is just a flick of a finger.

But she is not very old after all.

I haven't experienced that kind of precipitation of thousands of years.

So, at this moment.

She was so excited that her heart beat faster.

And in the fast ship.

Qin Hao's eyes have been observing the sun, and at a certain moment, it shifted a little bit.

It fell on Yan Shiying's body.

After staring at her and discovering the rich solar energy in her body, she couldn't help frowning.

Almost at this moment, a Jindan cultivator stood up behind him.

"Qin Xian, just let us stop here, and if we move forward, we will be overwhelmed."

At this distance, it is almost the limit that most of the fast ships can reach.

If you continue to approach the sun, there is a risk of exploding and dying at any time.

Although generally speaking, as long as it is not actively absorbed, there will be any problems.

But because of Qin Hao's previous words, they were somewhat vigilant.

Don't dare to advance rashly.

Qin Hao looked back for the first time.

He glanced at Li Xianxian.

Li Xianxian's strength and the strength of these Jindan cultivators

Compared to the strongest people, it is slightly inferior.

It's also a good idea to let them stop here.

"it is good!"

He raised his hand slightly, and a spiritual power burst out from the bodies of these Jindan cultivators.

These auras turned into golden rays of light, gathered on Qin Hao's palm, and disappeared in the next second.

After doing this, Qin Hao's figure flashed, and he stepped into the vast space alone.

All the golden pills left behind, except Li Xianxian, were all a little disappointed.

Because Qin Hao's hand directly made their previous months' efforts come to nothing.

All the solar energy absorbed in their bodies was instantly sucked away, and there was nothing left.

"It's over, our cultivation base has been beaten back to its original shape."

The monk smiled bitterly.

Having said that, the expression on his face was not just an expression of disappointment.

Instead, there was a hint of relaxation.

Ever since Qin Hao said that the sun's spiritual power is weird, it has always been a heavy pressure on the hearts of many Jindan cultivators.

Now that the pressure is gone, people will naturally come to life.

"Even so, at least we are no longer taking unknown risks."

"Everyone should stop trying to continue cultivating, let's just wait and see how things change."

"Although Qin Xian speaks little, he never tells lies. If anyone practices secretly, don't blame us for not being sympathetic."

A group of golden pills warned each other in vain.

You must know that once a Jindan cultivator accidentally self-explodes due to cultivation, the damage caused is very great.

At least the fast ship in front of me probably won't be able to keep it.

So they have to avoid this possibility.

Everyone who saw this scene on Earth also breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter 463 Crossing the Void

Facts have been proven.

In this space far away from the earth, Qin Hao's strength is still stable.

As long as Qin Hao's strength is not affected, there will probably not be any big waves in the end.

And those Jindan cultivators who haven't come here are secretly glad.

Fortunately, I didn't come here, otherwise I would have wasted a lot of time.

And the people on these earth are really too optimistic, and unexpected changes happened very quickly.

Qin Hao, who was separated from the fast ship, almost turned into a shining meteor under the action of the pulsating spiritual power and the power of rules.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he kept accelerating and threw it towards the sun.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Is this the strength of the strongest human being?"

"The vacuum of the universe is not only breathless, but also filled with all kinds of dangerous rays. Qin Xian was able to cross the void with his fleshly body!"

"The most strange thing is his speed, it seems to be faster than the fast ship he just took, how did he do it?"

People on Earth who watched this scene exploded their nests almost instantly.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

Although Qin Hao also took Li Xianxian out of the atmosphere before and boarded the starship.

But it was only a short time after all.

Before everyone could react, it was already done.

So it's not too much of a distraction.

Now it's completely different.

Now the distance Qin Hao has to travel is not only ten million times larger, but also the environment is completely different.

Get closer to the sun without protection.

The higher the temperature it has to withstand.

From this, they have a new idea of ​​Qin Hao's strength.


After seeing this inhuman scene with their own eyes, those who were not very convinced by Qin Hao at first were no longer... speechless.

their hearts.

In addition to admiration, there is nothing but admiration.

Because it is beyond human understanding of life.

As for the Jindan stage cultivators who saw this scene, they were all excited.

on their journey of practice.

Qin Hao not only constantly corrects the wrong path of their cultivation, but also sets an example by example.

And this example.

Now I tell them once again how powerful human beings can be through practice! On the way forward, they will see spaceships of various sizes active everywhere from time to time.

These spaceships stop for the Jindan monks who practice here.

After all, their strength is far inferior to Qin Hao.

Therefore, it cannot be parked outside the spaceship for a long time.

They can only pay attention to them when Qin Hao passes by in the spaceship.

No one knew that Qin Hao's pressure also suddenly increased at this time.

This pressure does not come from the heat of the sun itself.

Not from the squeeze of a vacuum.

It was the violent reaction of that thing inside the sun, which took it to a higher level.

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