However, after hearing Wen Tang Herbal Medicine, she only smiled coldly and pouted.

"Bullshit, it's all bullshit. You can show your strength. This time, I want to see how much strength you have."

Qin Hao looked around, he looked at Wentang Herbal Medicine again, and said.

"Okay, then we've fought, but it won't work here. When our strength is revealed, this place will be turned into ruins. Let's find a remote place to fight, so as not to hurt innocent people."

"Okay, follow me."

As soon as the warm soup herbal cold sword was collected, he turned around and walked away.

Seeing this, Qin Hao had to keep up with her figure.

This time, Qin Hao will definitely take it orally,

Although it is still impossible to grasp the exact strength of Wentang herbs, Qin Hao believes that he will definitely be able to defeat Wentang herbs.

Perhaps, the only thing that can compete with Qin Hao in the whole of today's Yumen is the so-called Fire Ghost Sword.

Qin Hao followed Wentang Herbal Medicine to a place he was completely unfamiliar with.

This should be a place similar to the back mountain area. Anyway, there is no one person, surrounded by woods, but it is just a little wider.

Wen Tang Herbal stopped, she turned around, stretched out her hand, and instantly, the cold sword appeared in her palm again, Wen Tang Herbal looked at Qin Hao, she said indifferently.

"Go ahead, Qin Hao, stop talking nonsense."

Seeing this, Qin Hao also stopped, he stood there, looking at the warm soup herbs, Qin Hao didn't say anything, but his face was indifferent.

At this time, Qin Hao secretly moved his palm.

From the palm of his hand, rolling white lightning appeared. Her brows wrinkled when the warm soup herbs watched this scene.



In the next second, the warm soup herbs suddenly pointed to the sky, the body rose up, and the wind was blowing around.

It was a normal sky just now, but now, dark clouds are gathering.

Black dark clouds came, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and the warm soup herbs directly motivated Tianlei, slashing down at Qin Hao, Qin Hao's face tightened.

Where is this still a competition? Wang Zhao, if this is not good, it will kill people.

Qin Hao immediately moved, dodged the lightning strike, and instantly, the lightning strike just hit the ground, blasting a big hole, and the soil flew up.

Qin Hao, who dodged and hid aside, quickly moved his palms, then squeezed his palms into a gossip shape, and attacked the Wentang herbs in unison.

Qin Hao didn't care about her life or death.

That is to say, if she didn't dodge this blow, she would definitely die. Maybe, the competition among the masters is like this.

Chapter 403 Two wins

Seeing Qin Hao fighting back with thunder, Wentang Herbal immediately blocked with her sword.

In an instant, the cold sword blocked Qin Hao's lightning strike, but the herbs in the warm soup were still sent far away by the powerful force.

After she stabilized her body, she held the sword in front of her face again, closed her eyes, held her two fingers up, and silently recited the sword art.

Qin Hao had already experienced this trick.

It was the shape of the tornado last time, and it seems to be called the dragon god wind.

Sure enough, after the warm soup herbs did this, the surrounding water vapor instantly condensed into shattered ice and gathered around her, and the powerful air flow began to form a tornado.

The tornado, centered on her, grew bigger and bigger.

In the end, a huge tornado formed into the sky, Qin Hao watched this scene, and he was a little scared.

The surrounding trees were all swept down by the strong wind.

The broken corpses on the ground and the fallen trees all joined the 673 tornado.

Such a huge battle, how could it not alert the attention of the people in Yumen? When Qin Hao was watching, the tornado rushed towards Qin Hao. Seeing this, Qin Hao was in a hurry, and he immediately flew away. , and chased after Qin Hao.

Wherever the tornado went, all the green plants on the ground were destroyed.

Those trees were really pulled up directly from the ground, and then joined the tornado. For this reason, the tornado was also getting bigger and bigger.

After Qin Hao noticed that it had such destructive power, he fled in the direction of the present house of Yumen before.

But Qin Hao was in a hurry, and immediately changed his direction and fled to a more remote place.

Because this tornado passed by.

All those houses are going to suffer, this warm soup herb, she has already ignored it in order to win and prove herself.

After Qin Hao fled to a remote place, he floated in the air.

Look at that tornado

: Came in, seeing this, Qin Hao opened his foot horizontally, and immediately stepped on the void, he waved the knot with one hand.

When the knot is finished, Qin Hao suppresses the tornado.


The powerful palm force collided with the powerful tornado, and when the two forces collided, in an instant, the waves of power scattered, and the entire present pylorus was caught in a slight tremor.

The trees also rustled.

There is no wind, it is completely formed by the force wave blowing them.

Qin Hao's hand tightly maintained the form of repression, he pressed it hard, that tornado, it was still there: resisting and stubbornly resisting.

The two sides were at a stalemate.

Seeing this, Qin Hao used another palm, and he slammed it fiercely. Finally, the tornado was instantly shattered, and a shadow quickly fell from the sky.

That is the body of the warm soup herbs.

Seeing that the tornado was finally shattered, Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief. When he went to look at the warm soup herbs, she had already fallen into the woods. Seeing this, Qin Hao had to go down to find it.

When Qin Hao fell to the ground, he found that the people in charge were also rushing over with them.

Warm soup herbs lie on the ground, life and death unknown.

After the sect master and the others ran, they squatted beside the warm soup herbal medicine. The sect master probed for her breath, and then quickly tapped her acupoint, so that he had the warm soup herb on his back and quickly brought it back.

At this moment, the headmaster who stood up turned his head to look at Qin Hao, who was standing quietly not far away.

Qin Hao didn't say anything.

He really had nothing to say, the competition was like this, if it wasn't for the serious injury of the warm soup herbs, then Qin Hao was seriously injured, and they didn't see the tornado formed by the warm soup herbs just now, how terrifying.

If he didn't fight back with all his strength, Qin Hao couldn't believe it, if he was caught in that tornado, would his body be strangled in an instant: Shred Feilu Reminder: Three Things to Read Collection

Chapter 404

It seems that Wentang Herbal Medicine has been seriously injured again, and Qin Hao feels that things are a little serious.

Therefore, he stayed in the room silently again, and did not go out. At this time, don't make trouble for them.

In the process of waiting, Qin Hao never got any news.

The disciple didn't say anything except delivering meals to Qin Hao every day, which was delivered silently throughout the whole process, so Qin Hao couldn't take the initiative to ask.

He could feel that the atmosphere was a little heavy.

Could it be that it's not that exaggerated that the herbs in the warm soup will cause serious injuries and death? Qin Hao's heart is confused, however, he still waits patiently. If there is no result, he will wait more than a month.

Anyway, compared to stamina, Qin Hao is very stamina, especially when he is patient.

Next, Qin Hao really won't go out in January.

No one in the head and the others came to Qin Hao to say anything, everything lived in silence like this, which was really a strange feeling.

Qin Hao eats normally every day and sleeps normally every day.

When he was really bored, he read a book.

Anyway, the book he borrowed before has not been fully returned, it really can't be done, he just practiced drawing teleportation symbols, anyway, he can always find something to do.

I hope they are in charge and don't blame Qin Hao.

Because it was Wentang Herbal Medicine who took the initiative to ask Qin Hao for a test.

If the warm soup herbal medicine has woken up, she should tell the truth, her character, it seems that she should not be a person who would let herself lie, because if her character is noble, her belief will not allow her to do such a thing.

It has to be said that the process of waiting is a torment and a long time.

Qin Hao basically lived a self-cultivation life.

Fortunately, although the leaders didn't say anything, but in terms of food,

Qin Hao was not deliberately embarrassed, the food Qin Hao could eat was the same as before.

No one restricts Qin Hao's movements and goes out frequently.

It's just that Qin Hao doesn't want to go out.

He really didn't want the people in charge of them to be upset when they saw Qin Hao, the so-called out of sight is pure, Qin Hao appears less in front of everyone, maybe it will make them less reminded of this matter.

Sometimes, procrastination like this is a good solution.

Because anger is only temporary.

If you wait for a long time, you may not be in the same state of mind in the future.

At this moment, Qin Hao is tired of reading books.

He stretched drowsily, just in time, that disciple came to deliver food to Qin Hao again, Qin Hao was in a good mood now, he had been avoiding talking about it before, but today, Qin Hao couldn't help asking.

“How about the warm soup herbs”

Hearing this, the disciple was startled, and he looked at Qin Hao strangely.

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