For example, in this world, the teleporter is the most basic thing that must be used.

Qin Hao is very lucky, he can be taught by the real person in charge.

The teleportation symbol is to be drawn.

Qin Hao sat cross-legged at the desk, he "six seven, three"

I drew it with a brush, and the real head took a look at it and thought it was good, he said.

"Well, very good, Qin Hao, now, you have also learned the teleportation talisman."

Qin Hao was very happy to see that he finally drew correctly.

He said immediately with a sigh of relief.

"It's great, I finally drew it right, so I can go wherever I want."

However, after the headmaster heard it, he looked at Qin Hao and asked.

"Qin Hao, are you still happy in today's Yumen?"

Hearing this, Qin Hao was startled, he looked at the real person in charge, and nodded seriously.

"Well, I'm happy, they are all very good to me, that is, I haven't had anything to do, and I feel very sorry."

Because, Qin Hao here is completely free to eat and live.

The real master listened, he thought for a while, and then said.

"If you're bored, you can go to the kitchen and help. Can you cook?"

Hearing this, Qin Hao was stunned, and he nodded immediately.


Seeing this, the real master said.

"Then go to the kitchen to help you"

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, thinking that if he went to the kitchen to help, he would definitely not be so meticulous. Then, when he wanted to eat, he could set up a small stove by himself.

For this reason, Qin Hao was overjoyed, and he immediately responded.

"it is good."

Although your own strength is very strong, you can always give birth to

, and Qin Hao, he is only serious when he encounters things, but in his heart, he is no different from normal people.

Seeing Qin Hao's promise, the head was also very happy and smiled slightly.

Next, Qin Hao went to the kitchen to help.

His cooking skills were good, but cooking such a big pot of dishes made Qin Hao in trouble again, Qin Hao said while cooking.

"This dish is too much, it's too hard to turn it."

Stir-fry that kind of food that one person eats is about the same.

Hearing this, the other disciples spoke.

"Qin Hao, the dishes here are fried like this"

Qin Hao listened, he was very curious.

"Does the head chef cook their dishes like this?"

The disciple immediately shook his head.

"That's not the case. The head and their dishes are all fried separately, and the pot fried now is eaten by ordinary disciples."


Qin Hao was very speechless. He was holding the... big shovel and couldn't move it.

No way, Qin Hao simply used his palm, then slapped the table and shouted loudly.


In an instant, the whole dish in the pot flew up.

They flew up and fell back into the pot, but this has already achieved the effect of turning over. For this reason, all the disciples looked at Qin Hao's magical power and were amazed.

"Qin Hao, you are amazing."

"That is, he was able to defeat the herbal fairy that day, what is the herbal fairy?

6 in"

Hearing their exaggeration, Qin Hao laughed slyly.

These vulgar people may not know that in the previous life, he had been revered as a god. Now, when he lives with these vulgar people, it is because the gods deliberately restrained their abilities and pretended to be ordinary people.

However, Qin Hao is not at all curious about whether he can defeat the real master holding the Fire Ghost Sword.

Chapter 401

Today, the sect is a sect with a large area of ​​residence. In fact, the number of disciples in the sect should be small.

How many, Qin Hao really doesn't know.

However, he didn't feel much.

But there are not many disciples, and the area of ​​the whole mountain is very large, so, it also caused the area of ​​houses to be small and the area of ​​green plants to be large.

Qin Hao has lived until now, except for a few places he often goes to, in fact, many places he has never set foot in until now.

Today, the pylorus has basically perfected the degree of self-production and self-sufficiency.

Their 19 food, not externally, is cultivated and raised directly from their own mountains.

The most common one is nothing more than the chicken.

It can lay eggs and eat meat.

In modern times, Qin Hao likes to eat chicken breast meat, because the fat content is the lowest. Qin Hao is in charge of the kitchen, so planting vegetables and feeding chickens are also within his jurisdiction.

At this moment, Qin Hao was squatting on the vegetable field and was busy.

Suddenly feeling someone approaching from behind, Qin Hao turned around and saw Fairy Herbs. Qin Hao also knew her full name.

The names of people in this era seem to be different from those in the previous... Earth era.

Because the text is also different.

But Qin Hao has lived here for so long, he has already learned the exact pronunciation here, so the words he speaks now are no different from those of the people here.

The full name of the herbal girl is Wentangcao.

Isn't it strange that when Qin Hao first knew her full name, he was very strange, thinking that there is actually a compound surname of Wen Tang? Because Qin Hao doesn't know exactly what the compound surname is, so he thought, there might be Wen Tang. Rename it.

When Qin Hao saw that it was a warm soup herb, he immediately stood up to greet her.

"Hi, you

All right, herbal girl."

Looking at Qin Hao, Wentang Herbal Medicine didn't say a word, she just watched it coldly.

Qin Hao has long been accustomed to her way of expression. In fact, Qin Hao feels that no one is really indifferent. Cold appearance does not necessarily mean cold heart.

When encountering something, Qin Hao also behaves very calmly, like a big man with responsibilities and responsibilities.

Therefore, in the last life, those people would be deceived by Qin Hao's appearance, and if they respected him like a god, they called him Qin Xian.

In fact, in Qin Hao's heart, he is the most real side now.

Therefore, Qin Hao can understand the state of warm soup herbs very well.

Opposite, Wen Tang Herbal looked at Qin Hao, she frowned and seemed to say to herself.

"I really don't understand, how can a person with extraordinary abilities like you behave like this, cook, grow vegetables, raise chickens, there is nothing you can't do, don't you feel that you are wasting your talent? "

Qin Hao listened, he was very calm and asked.

"The herbal girl thinks, how should I behave and do nothing, hold it all day long, this is what I should do. Moreover, in the herbal girl's opinion, cooking, growing vegetables, raising chickens are very important. A lowly thing?"

Wentang Herbal frowned, she didn't say a word.

Qin Hao looked at her like this, but smiled.

At this time, Qin Hao sighed deeply, he continued to squat back to get his dishes, and said.

"Herbal girl, you haven't experienced it after all, your experience is too shallow, and when you've experienced everything, you'll find that in fact, simplicity and ordinaryness are the most fundamental of human beings. I believe that you must feel me now. This is too pretentious, but when you have gone through all kinds of hardships and hardships, you will find that the so-called pursuits may not be what you want in the future."

Chapter 402 The ratio of life and death

However, Wentang Herbal Medicine should still not understand what Qin Hao said, or she doesn't have that... experience, so she won't have that kind of state of mind, won't have that kind of... experience.

Warm soup herbs just stretch out the right hand.

In an instant, an ice-cold sword burst forth from her palm.

Qin Hao felt cold all of a sudden, this kind of cold, he experienced it once last time, Qin Hao could guess something almost instantly, when he saw this, he turned around to check.

Seeing that Wentang Herbs really showed her sword, Qin Hao frowned.

He stood up, his face darkened, and asked.

"what are you doing"

Opposite, Wentang Herbal said indifferently.

"Let's make a move, Qin Hao. I was careless last time, so I was defeated by you. However, my ultimate move has not been revealed yet. This time, I will show you my true strength."

Qin Hao didn't dare to despise her, but Qin Hao didn't think highly of her either.

Qin Hao just reminded seriously.

"Herbal girl, you really want to be better than you, if you insist, I won't let you, your strength is indeed not to be underestimated, but I hope you don't underestimate my strength. "

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