"In such a situation, can Qin Xian save us? The energy of this blood pool may have already spilled into the interior of the earth!"

"Yes, if Qin Xian could, he would never be unresponsive, watching the blood pool spread!"

"It's over, we humans are over!"

"Well now, the selfishness, greed, and ignorance of human beings have led to the extinction of the world, you are happy now!"

The people in the live broadcast room of the world media, in fear and despair, constantly swipe the screen in the live broadcast room! Even.

The world saw that Qin Hao did not act for a long time.

I think Qin Hao can't do anything about this crisis.

Therefore, the despair in my heart can't be added! And those people who just participated in the snatch of the golden elixir.

My heart is also extremely regretful! The world is right.

It was their selfishness and greed that caused this catastrophe! When the world is desperate.

The blood pool has not yet flooded the land, another threat.

But it continues to spread towards the world.

That is.

The self-destructing power of the dozen or so ferocious demons.

Is trekking mountains and rivers.

Towards the land, it came quickly and turbulently.

Chapter 356 One word, protect hundreds of millions of living beings!

At a time when the world is dumbfounded.

The self-destructing power of a dozen ferocious demons.

has raged across the South Pacific.

The world saw it immediately.

All the small islands in the South Pacific.

at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Be devoured by the violent energy in an instant.

Disappeared in the world! I saw small islands.

It just disappeared from his eyes.

The hearts of the world were filled with terror and fear.

Boundless despair.

in the hearts of the world.

The whole earth seems to be completely shrouded in a cloud of fear and despair.

Righteous people.

When you are ready to reluctantly accept the fact that you are about to be extinct! Suddenly.

Between heaven and earth, Qin Hao's mighty groan resounded again! "Protect!"

Another word! And be the world.

When he heard Qin Hao's soft moan, he was slightly taken aback.

With this whisper.

Around the world's living beings.

All filled with a colorful protective cover.

The creation of these protective covers.


Even the bodies of the dozen or so fierce demons had these colorful protective shields.

This makes the world a little confused.

As for those creatures who have no intelligence, they are a bit confused.

I don't know what the colorful protective cover covering my body is.

Hu Hu Hu! Right at this moment.

The self-destruction power of a dozen ferocious demons.

It has already swept across the land from the South Pacific.

It is built in the surrounding cities of the South Pacific.

under this power.

There was no resistance, not even a sound.

All disappeared from the eyes of the world.

among these cities.

Except for those people and creatures who are shrouded in colorful protection.

Everything else.

All gone! World.

see this scene.

At the same time as his heart trembled, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Qin Xian's soft moan.

It's to protect our world! "Too, great, Qin Xian took action, Qin Xian let us continue to live!"

"Wow, thank you Qin Xian, thank you Qin Xian!"

"We don't have to die, we don't have to die, it's great!"

Those people, who looked at it in confusion, all the people around them were destroyed by the self-destructing power of the ferocious demon.

After being confused for a while.

Excitedly shouted.

at the same time.

The self-destruction power of the fierce demon.

Quickly towards the whole world, sweeping away! Excited people shouting.

More and more! Just ten minutes.

The demon's self-destruction power is like a hurricane.

The world has been looted again.

land on the entire earth.

All are bare.

at once.

The whole earth presented an extremely shocking scene.

The land of the earth is full of colorful stars.

These are all people and creatures protected by Qin Hao's words.

In between, there are blocks of colorful places.

Those, all of them were preserved by Qin Hao, the high mountains and sacred rivers, as well as the flowers and trees on them! And all the oceans, lakes, big rivers, and small rivers on the earth are all blood red abnormally.

in these blood reds.

Some colorful light spots are looming in them! Those are all aquatic creatures protected by Qin Hao.


All in all.

The world can't see it all.


In the self-destruction of more than a dozen ferocious demons.

After sweeping the whole earth.

The screens in front of the world.

All turned into a black screen! The entire network of the earth, with the destruction of the buildings on the ground.

It also collapsed instantly.


People in the world can still see the earth beyond recognition with their naked eyes.


All of them are trembling in their hearts! Those, the half-step Jindan masters who participated in the melee just now, are extremely self-blaming.

At the same time, some reflections occurred! Please download Feifei to see the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 357

The power of himself and others has been infinitely enhanced by Qin Xian.

Can be increased with strength.

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