A dozen evil spirits.

Immediately became angry.

They roared in rage.

Puff puff! With these roars.

Everyone in the world has lost control of their true essence and spurted blood.


Some people have red eyes.

Almost fell in love.

After you have stabilized your mind.

Only then did the irritable and bloodthirsty thoughts in my heart be completely suppressed! Wait until the world recovers a little.

They are all shocked

Watching the live broadcast in horror.

These monsters.

It's too powerful! "Roar!"

After a while.

When the aura of the fierce devil condensed to the top! They actually roared at the same time.

Boom! Then.

at the same instant.



Self-destruction this time.

It's not like just now, the more than a dozen of the base-building pinnacles who have been enchanted involuntarily blew themselves up.

It was a conscious self-destruction! They blew themselves up this time.

It was because the obsession of Yan Shiying and others could not be found.

Want to take advantage of this self-destruction.

Find out the 'hidden' Yan Shiying and others, and kill them! It can be said.

The dozen or so demons at this moment.

Completely without any awareness.

Born out of just a few obsessions.

And obviously.

The killing of the enemy is the biggest obsession of these dozen evil demons.

That's how they self-destruct.

Come and kill the enemy! Puff puff! With the real energy in them, complete riot.

Their unrecognizable bodies.

Exploded immediately.


Turned into blood mist.

Merged into the real essence that has rushed out of their bodies.

spread out around them.


Although more than a dozen fierce demons have not completely self-destructed.

But their power of self-destruction.

It has gradually spread out.

Yan Shiying and the others did their best just now, creating a towering iron wall.

The first to bear the brunt, was the impact of the self-destruction of the fierce demon.

Whoops! And they are at the moment of contact.

Like a fragile piece of paper, it was torn apart in an instant.

Blink and disappear! Yan Shiying et al.

Looking at the self-destructing power of the fierce demons, so powerful.

All eyes narrowed.

Incredibly shocking.

And another phenomenon.

With the disappearance of the iron wall, it appeared in the eyes of Yan Shiying and others at the same time.

Immediately make them dumbfounded! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 355 The terrifying blood pool spreads throughout the earth!

With the iron wall soaring to the sky, it was torn apart instantly by the self-destructing power of the ferocious demons.

the entire blood pool.

It was like life.

It quickly spread to the outside.

After blinking.

The entire South Pacific Ocean turned into a thick, bloody pool of blood! Gudonggudong! At the same time.

The waters of the entire South Pacific seem to have been boiled.

Bubbles kept popping up.

The corpses on it were instantly wrapped and swallowed.

The creatures in the sea were even more frightened, jumping out of the blood pool.

I want to avoid the swallowing of the blood pool.


They are not monks after all.

There is no way to avoid the laws of gravity of the earth.

After jumping out of the water for a while.

He fell back into the pool of blood again.

In an instant, not even the scum left by the blood pool! Along with countless sea creatures.

swallowed by the blood pool.

After turning into nutrients for the blood pool.

The extent of the blood pool.

continuously expanding.


It hasn't spread to land yet.

But the other oceans, the sea, are actually faint, all glowing scarlet.

Seawater all over the earth.

It seems that they have all turned into blood pools! Even.

Some big rivers and small rivers on the land also faintly glowed red.

Towards the blood pool change! The people of the world media.

This change of the earth will be instantaneous.

Live broadcast to the world.

when the world sees it.

All the seawater on the entire earth evolves towards the red blood water.

Horror in his eyes.

Nothing can be added! Blood pools! It's like life.

It is slowly swallowing the entire earth.

All living animals in the sea.

All turned into the power of its spread! And they are so sure! After the water on the earth has all turned into blood water.

The blood pool will target the land.

At that time, the end of mankind will come! "What should I do, what should I do, the expansion speed of the blood pool is too fast, in such a short time, all the oceans, big rivers, and small rivers on the earth have been turned into Bloody water!"

"Wuwuwu, who can save us, when the blood and water spread to the land, we humans will be finished!"

"That group of... God-killing foundation-building peaks, Jindan masters, only two Jindan auras, why do you want to fight for it like this? There are not only these two kinds of Jindan auras on the earth! Now, the entire earth , will be finished because of your selfishness!"

"Qin Xian, Qin Xian, hurry up and save us!"

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