
Now there is no one on earth who has the will or the ability to record this scene! The world.

While in awe and shock, my heart is curious, what are these small words! "The rules of the world, it's up to me to press!"

Then, under Qin Hao's soft moan.

The world will know what these small words are! Rules! The rules of this world! No wonder, no wonder there is such a deterrent! It can make us all kneel! At the same time.

In the eyes of the world, there was an incomparable gleam.

turn out to be.

Qin Xian wants to use the rules of the world to restrain the spiritual energy of Jindan, so that it will no longer be a disaster for the world! This is too awesome! After that.

The world will see it.

From Qin Hao's body, radiating small characters radiated out.

'咻咻咻' is flying towards the golden elixir above the colorful rainbow, the Nascent Soul Reiki, and the Spirit Transformation Reiki.

Boom! Then.

These world rules are like shackles.

wrapped around these auras.

Haw Haw! Time to go.

From these auras, there was an extremely frightened cry.

These screams, shrill and piercing, resounded throughout the world.

It even made the hearts of the world all tense.

turn out to be.

These auras, when they are in a state of aura, already have spirits, not after being transformed into real essence by humans, they give birth to spirits!

From these auras, a trace of light smoke slowly floated out.

These light smokes all turned into faces.

They looked at Qin Hao in fear.

"You wait to be born in this world, I won't kill you, go to the moon, and in time, you can cultivate into creatures that belong to this world alone!"

Qin Hao glanced at these faces lightly, and after saying something, he waved his hand lightly.

All these faces were swept over the moon.

These personal faces, seeing that Qin Hao did not kill them.

All stunned! However, as they drifted away.

The eyes they looked at Qin Hao were full of gratitude! This kind of gratitude was extremely strong.

And I believe that if some of them really succeed in cultivation, they will never forget Qin Hao's grace of not killing! Of course.

Qin Hao didn't care about their gratitude.

Let's not talk about whether they can be cultivated into positive results.

Even if they succeed in cultivation, their gratitude is only a part of the thousands of beings on the earth.

In this world, the gratitude he has gained is too much! After the spiritual knowledge that has been generated has been swept away.

Qin Hao continued to act.

"My words are the rules of the world!"

"From today onwards, the spiritual energy of the world will no longer be alive!"


Qin Hao.

Chant a few words again.

咻咻咻! The rules that are flying in the sky are small.

Immediately collide quickly! Canopy canopy! Over the entire planet.

Immediately, there were countless flames.


One by one shining small print.

Slowly floating in the air, it appeared above the world.

If you watch carefully.

You will find that these small characters are small and combined.

It's all what Qin Hao said just now.

'From today onwards, the spiritual energy of the world will cease to exist' and these small characters are constantly generated.

It is densely packed and boundless! In a short world, it has spread to the whole world.

over the entire earth.

All of them are actually simple, exuding the rules and small characters of great power.

This immediately caused the people below to be dumbfounded again! Qin, Qin Xian said a word.

There are so many rules and small characters.

This, this is too bad! At the same time.

The excitement in the eyes of the world is getting more and more intense:.

From what Qin Xian said just now.

Even in the future, if we absorb the spiritual energy of Jindan and make breakthroughs, there will be no hidden dangers! Feilu reminds you: Collect three things to read

Chapter 322 Qin Xian protects the law, so lucky!

当 正! Just the world, shocking the densely numbness above the head, the rules that cover the sky and the sun.


All smashed towards the earth.

See this momentum.

The world's scalp was numb in an instant, and their hearts were terrified.

after all.

The deterrent power of these rules and small print is too powerful.

Especially as the small print gets closer.

The fear and awe in the hearts of the world has reached an unparalleled level.

Canopy canopy! But.

Their fear did not last long.

Those rules are small print.

In an instant, he passed them by and smashed into the earth of the world.



As if it never appeared.

Whoosh! Then the small print of the rules disappears.

The pressure in the hearts of the world also disappeared in an instant.

Nearly [-] billion people in the world, at the same time, let out a long breath.


People from other countries except Dahan deeply kowtowed to Qin Hao on the screen, got up from the ground, came to the screen, and expressed their shock in the world media live broadcast room.

"Huh, those powers of rules just now were really terrifying. When they fell, I felt like the sky was falling!"

"Yeah, I was almost scared to pee just now! I'm an immortal cultivator now, and I was almost scared to pee, this is really incredible!"

"The most frightening thing is not the power of those rules, but Qin Xian! You must know that the power of those rules is all in Qin Xian's hands!"

"The power of rules, Qin Xian actually controls the rules of the world, no wonder he is so strong! You say, after we cultivate to a certain level, can we also master the rules of the world?"

"Hehe, even if you master the rules of the world, they are the rules under Qin Xian. Now I am absolutely sure that Qin Xian is the master of our world! The real master!"

"Yes, a word produces rules, this is not what the Lord is!"

"Haha, no matter what

Qin Xian is something in this world, anyway, I know that in the future we will break through Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, and there will never be something like the old man!"

The world swiped the screen in the live broadcast room, venting the shock and excitement in their hearts.

at the same time.

Qin Hao is the master of this world, and he is a real hammer! Compared with the people in the world media live broadcast room, the monks of the big Han.

Worship and awe for Qin Hao, but nothing can be added.

Even after the power of the rules entered the ground, they still did not get up from the ground.

Instead, he knelt down quietly on the ground and looked at Qin Hao in the sky in awe.

As said, after announcing a new rule.

Qin Hao did not leave the scene.

Even the colorful rainbow and the high-level aura didn't dissipate.

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