Dotted on the rainbow.

Glittering gold, extremely dazzling! Seeing these golden auras,


All eyes lit up with excitement.

Gudonggudong! Those half-step Jindan masters, after seeing these Jindan auras, all swallowed their saliva and their eyes were infinitely coveted.

Especially those half-step Jindan masters who have been squatting for countless days, their eyes are a little wet.

at the same time.

The shock in the hearts of the world has become more intense.

They squatted hard, they didn't know how many days they spent, and even with the strength of the whole country, they couldn't capture the spiritual energy of the golden elixir.

Qin Xian waved his hand, and all of them came! This is too powerful! In addition.

People in the world also began to count the golden elixir that is usually invisible to the world.

Soon, some experts counted the number of Jindan aura.

There are a total of one hundred and three thousand, more than eight hundred and sixty.

There are so many golden elixir spirits that are hard to find in the world! In addition.

people see.

There are also some villain-like auras, jumping excitedly on top of the golden elixir aura.

These villains must be the Nascent Soul Reiki above the Golden Core.

And on top of Nascent Soul Reiki, there is another Reiki.

That is the flickering and flickering, making the world unable to see the real spiritual energy! It's just.

The amount of spiritual energy is very small.

After such a long time, in the whole world.

There are actually only dozens of Spirit Transformation Spiritual Qi! It shows how difficult it is to generate high-level Spiritual Qi.

It is also proved.

The current strength of the Earth world is not enough to generate more high-level auras.

There is so little spiritual energy, let alone refining virtual spiritual energy! After the world sees this.

Silence for a long time.

Confused mind.

After looking at so many Jindan auras, Nascent Soul auras, and auras of transformation gods.

That's how they know.

How shallow their own knowledge is! In this world, there are still many unknown places that they cannot reach.

There are so many unknowns that they can't capture! At the same time.

They also know.

To be promoted to Jindan, there is such a big danger.

It must be even more dangerous to be promoted to Nascent Soul and God Transformation! I want to cultivate, I want to be strong! Only by continuous cultivation and continuous strengthening! They can continue to follow Qin Xian's footsteps and catch up with the evolution of this world! At this moment.

Countless people in the world have an extremely powerful desire to cultivate immortals! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 321 My words are the rules of the world!

咻咻咻! When there is a strong desire to cultivate immortals in the hearts of the world.

The speed at which the earth generates aura is also gradually accelerating.

There is more spirit.

From all over the world, converge towards the rainbow in the sky.

at once.

the whole earth.

Like a colorful ball, it is really brilliant.

see this change.

In Qin Hao's eyes, a light flashed.

did not expect.

Doing it at will, actually strengthens people's desire to cultivate immortals.

This is a pleasant surprise! However.

His surprise disappeared in an instant.

The world didn't see it.


The world didn't find it.

At that moment just now.

There is more aura, which merges into the rainbow.

after all.

Before, there was also a steady stream of spiritual energy that flowed into the sky.

And wait until the colorful rainbow condenses to a certain extent.

Qin Hao slowly floated into the air and flew to the top of the rainbow before it stopped.

His float.

Let's not know, the rainbow in the sky is the Han monks gathered by Qin Hao.

Immediately understood.

This dazzling scene in the sky was invited by Qin Xian.

at the same time.

Curiosity arose in their hearts.

Qin Xian, what is this going to do?

They saw it.

Qin Hao's eyes suddenly opened! From Qin Hao's body, there were countless tiny lines.

On these small lines, there are also beating characters.


I don't know what these characters are.

But the monks in the Han Dynasty, after seeing these characters.

Without exception.


As if feeling the power of heaven.

this fear.

It is even more profound than the huge disaster caused by Jindan Zhenyuan just now.

As if deep into the bone marrow! Pudong! Then.

In the land of the Han Dynasty, there was a monk who knelt down involuntarily.

Pudong pudong! After that.

All the monks in the big man knelt down one after another.

And, they kept looking up at the sky.

There is also a deep sense of respect and submission in his eyes! This kind of respect and submission is all from the heart! It is obvious.

The appearance of these small characters.

What a great deterrent to the world! What the world doesn't know is.

These small words that make them surrender are the rules of this world! Faced with the rules of the world, how could they not surrender and kneel! Not only the monks of the big Han.

Even in front of the screen, the audience in the world's live broadcast room who saw this scene.

In Qin Hao, thin lines were scattered, giving birth to a child.

Also in succession.

He got up from his chair and fell to the ground respectfully.

Even those, who did not see this scene, nor did they see the small print, were the natives of the backward areas.

They also fell to their knees on the ground.

Facing Qin Hao's direction, I kept bowing! Even.

All the animals on the earth have also stopped running, playing and hunting.

At the same time, all fours were lying on the ground, extremely respectful and fearful lying on the ground.

at once.

In the world, there is a very strange scene.

All living things in the world, be they people or animals, fell to their knees on the ground.

This is nearly [-] billion people and tens of billions of lives! As soon as the rules in Qin Hao's hands come into the world, all tens of billions of lives in the world will crawl on the ground! Such a picture.

Incredibly shocking, yet incredible.

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