"No, it's not just us, you, your houses! The houses that were originally overturned, and only a single floor of ashes are left, are actually all heavy!" This, this is too awesome! This white light is treating us people, even even Everything on the ground, even if it's turned into powder, is being repaired!"

The people who fell into the smelting furnace saw the condition of their own bodies, and they recovered instantly under the white light, and they were all extremely excited.

And when they saw, the white light fell.

Not only did they save them, but even the Great Han Kingdom, which had been destroyed into ruins, slowly returned to its original state.

These people suddenly shouted in shock.

"Fuck, Qin Xian's spell is too heaven-defying! It can actually revive all those dead objects!"

"This kind of spell is even better than the time spell! But as far as I know, this is just a light spell. Although it is a high-level spell, it will never have such power!"

"Huh, Qin Xian's power is really too powerful, it's not something I can guess at all!"

"It all depends on Qin Xian, otherwise, if our big man wants to rebuild, it will cost a lot of resources and time!"

"Breakthrough, bully! I admire Qin Xian so much!"

The people in the world media live broadcast room were just caught in front of Qin Hao's spells.

A black.

However, after the white light fell, they also saw most of the Celestial Dynasty that had been destroyed and turned into a huge furnace.

Weird but quick recovery.

at the same time.

The billions of monks on the ground also recovered in an instant and flew into the sky one after another.

All of them swiped their screens in shock! "You, look outside your house, Qin Xian's magic is not only aimed at the Great Han Kingdom, but our own side has also changed!"

And just when the world was talking about it.

Suddenly, a netizen sent a message in the live broadcast room in shock.

The administrator of the world media live broadcast room, with a keen sense of news, instantly marked this message in red and put it on the top.

at once.

Countless people in the world moved their eyes from the screen in front of them to the real world.

And when they see the situation outside.

They were all stunned, dumbfounded.

Without exception.

in their external environment.

With Qin Hao's white light falling down.

Actually from the ground, countless golden glows shot into the sky.

This golden light, shining with golden light, is awe-inspiring.

One after another, there are five people who are so thick that they are surrounded by five.

The number is very large.

In almost every city, there are hundreds or thousands of them.

And these beams of light are like lifting the sky.

Straight into the sky, the eyes of the world are completely unable to see where it is shooting.

at the same time.

The people who control satellites in the world media also mobilize satellites at the same time to give a panoramic view of the earth.

And when the people who control the satellites see the panorama of the earth.

They were all dumbfounded, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

on the screen in front of them.

Towering golden pillars spread all over the earth.

Dazzling, dense, boundless! The whole earth is printed like an ocean of gold.

at the same time.

With the help of this God's perspective, they discovered it in an instant.

This golden pillar in the sky, after reaching the atmosphere.

It's all condensed into swords.

They all point directly to the big man and the devil! Even.

At the tips of the golden swords condensed by each golden pillar, the face of a villain is looming! Let the world media, these people who control the satellite.

Instantly guessed the identities of these golden swords.

Sun Hongfu refined the golden core spiritual energy, and the golden core essence condensed! After recognizing the identity of this golden sword.

The shock in their hearts is even stronger! This Jindan Zhenyuan is too powerful! It has spread all over the earth in a short period of time, and it is still hidden underground! If you give it time, let it absorb more spiritual energy , After refining the true essence of the billions of monks of the great man.

Will it turn the whole earth into a furnace?

Refining nearly ten billion monks in the world.

The power used to make it must be! It will definitely be! The world media, the group of people who control the satellite, instantly answered a question with great determination.


The group of people stared at the close-up picture of Sun Hongfu in horror, with deep shock and fear in their eyes.


When they saw that in front of Sun Hongfu, behind the indifferent Qin Hao.

The heart that was hanging tightly suddenly fell down.

Regardless of

This golden core is so powerful, but as long as we have Qin Xian.

Nothing is a problem! After relaxing, the group of people who control the satellites of the world media, instantly broadcast the aerial view of the earth they took to live broadcast.

And the people around the world were shocked by the towering golden pillars.

At this moment, they all came back to their senses, and hurried back to the screen, wanting to share what they saw with netizens all over the world, and discuss with the world what these golden pillars are.


Before they started writing big characters, they were shocked by the pictures on the screen again! Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read

Chapter 316 Qin Xian will win

"Fuck, in so many beams of light, all have the little face of that golden core, and in such a short period of time, it has spread all over the world!"

"This, this spread is too fast, and it seems that no beams of light all have powerful attack power!"

"This damn Jindan Zhenyuan is definitely planning to bring all the immortal cultivators in our world into one pot.

If it wasn't for Qin Xian, maybe all of us would have been sucked into it and turned into powder!"

"I always thought that after cultivating immortals, our power is strong enough, but we are not enough to see the strange beings in the world! If it wasn't for Qin Xian this time, we humans would not know how much disaster we would suffer! "

"Yeah, I feel that the layer of golden light outside the old man's body is definitely not easy to do so many things.

When it matures, those of us will definitely be wiped out!"

"Haha, that is simply impossible, Qin Xian will never let such monsters appear in the world!"

The world looked at the shocking picture on the screen in front of them, and was stunned for a moment.

There was a sudden discussion.

They looked at the countless golden pillars, and their hearts trembled, and they couldn't help but feel fear.


Like those who control satellites in the world media, after seeing Qin Hao, they all put down their worries.

at the same time.

They all looked at Qin Hao's picture curiously.

they know.

These golden pillars, appearing at the same time, must be a last-ditch effort.

So many powerful attacks attack Qin Xian at the same time.

I don't know how he will respond, or counterattack, the world thinks curiously.

As for saying that Jin Danzhenyuan can kill Qin Hao and even hurt Qin Hao.

People in the world don't even think about it.


In their hearts, Qin Hao is invincible! Even if Jin Dan Zhenyuan makes a big noise.

Qin Hao can definitely block it! It can even be blocked lightly.

"Heh, it's all out, and it saves me from having to look for it one by one!"

Although Qin Hao did not see the top view of the earth.

But when Jin Dan Zhenyuan moved, he sensed it instantly.

with his control of the earth.

Of course he knew.

Jindan Zhenyuan, in a short period of time, has developed to an incredible level.

Already spread all over the earth's ground! After all.

It absorbs the true essence of billions of people.

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