
Seeing her true essence cannot save Yan Shiying.

Immediately became anxious.

They all shouted at Qin Hao in the sky.

And with the shouting of these children.

Qin Hao shifted his gaze from Sun Hongfu in front of him to Yan Shiying on the ground.

He glanced at Yan Shiying and knew that her current situation was extremely critical.

at the same time.

Qin Hao also found that the situation of Wei Haoran and others was not very good.

If you wait for a while, Jindan Zhenyuan will attack these people.

Maybe they will really be wiped out and disappear! Qin Hao glanced at Yan Shiying and the others, then turned to look at Sun Hongfu.

The current Sun Hongfu, or the Jindan Zhenyuan who covered all Sun Hongfu.

Facing Qin Hao's gaze.

Slightly restrained.

With Sun Hongfu's body, he retreated instantly.

In the blink of an eye, it was pushed [-] meters away.

There is even a tendency to flee further afield.

Seeing the speed at which Sun Hongfu escaped, it was so fast.

The people in the world media live broadcast room were stunned for a moment.

at the same time.

The cities and countries that Sun Hongfu passed by became nervous.

I am deeply afraid that Sun Hongfu will give them a city and a country like this.

Judging from the cultivation base of the immortal practitioners in their country.

Once Sun Hongfu comes, let's do it.

There will be countless casualties! After all.

Not every monk in every country can be as powerful as a big man.

"Bring me back!"

Facing the escape of Jin Danzhenyuan, Qin Hao did not pursue it.

Just groaned softly.

And after this soft moan.

The world only sees.

Sun Hongfu, who was like a gust of wind just now, was immediately bound by an invisible force.

"Quack quack!"

at the same time.

On Sun Hongfu's face, the child's face that Jin Danzhenyuan transformed into also immediately showed panic.

Constantly driving Sun Hongfu's body to struggle.


No matter how hard it struggles, it still can't break free of that power.


That's the power of rules.

It, since it has not yet become a creature that transcends the five elements.

Just can't break free! And just after Sun Hongfu, who was controlled by Jin Danzhenyuan, stopped in the air.

Huh!! He, at a faster speed than when he escaped.

back to its original position.

Even the satellites that have been continuously developed by various countries can't keep up with this speed! "Where did they go?"

"Why did it suddenly disappear? Could it be killed by Qin Xian?"

"Yeah, it was still there just now!"

"Uh, Qin Xian is too strong, and he killed the old man so quickly."

"No, it's impossible, Qin Xian will never kill the old man!"

"Difficult, did Qin Xian take it back?"

The people in the world media's live broadcast room looked at the place where Sun Hongfu suddenly stopped just now, and was slightly taken aback.

He swiped the screen suspiciously.

And after a while, the person who controlled the satellite in the world media came back to his senses and quickly shot the satellite.

Aiming at Qin Hao's side.

At the same time, it was also discovered that Sun Hongfu, who fled quickly just now, or Sun Hongfu who was controlled by Jin Danzhenyuan, had returned to his original position.

Seeing Sun Hongfu, the world returned to his original position in the blink of an eye.

It all felt a little unreal.

Just as they wanted to express their inner shock.

Qin Hao's bullshit.

But I was stunned by the next live broadcast on the screen! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 315 With Qin Xian, nothing matters!

Qin Hao, with the power of rules, pulled Sun Hongfu back in front of him.

Not much to say.

Wave your hand lightly.

Hahahaha! The little face transformed by Jin Danzhenyuan was instantly full of horror.

There was even a terrifying scream.


The world will see it.

From the Jindan True Essence, a multicolored True Essence suddenly shot out.

Yan Shiying, Wei Haoran and the others rushed towards the ground.

Whoa whoa! At the same time.

Most of the Celestial Dynasty, which was originally covered by huge fire and lava, shrank back in an instant.

If not, there are ruins everywhere.

People in the world really doubt that what they saw just now are all hallucinations! You can see from this.

Qin Hao's spells are against the sky.

In such a short period of time, there is no way to take this big Han country with all the power of the whole country.

A cataclysm that was enough to kill billions of monks.

In a wave of Qin Hao's hand, he disappeared like this! At the same time as the disaster disappeared.

Jin Dan Zhenyuan, it took a while, from Yan Shiying and the others, all the blood and essence absorbed from Yan Shiying and the others returned to Yan Shiying and the others.

The bodies of Yan Shiying and others returned to normal in an instant.

His face was rosy and he was in good spirits.


Yan Shiying, who was already in a coma and was dying, also woke up.

With eyes full of brilliance, he looked at Qin Hao, who was standing in the sky with his hands behind his back.

For waving, causing such a big reversal.

There was no change in expression on Qin Hao's face.

As if everything is done at will, without any effort! Of course.

For Qin Hao.

It really didn't take much effort to do such a thing, and even the real energy in his body was not lost even in case! It shows how deep Qin Hao's real energy is! "Saint Grace!"

After that, Qin Hao let out a soft moan.

at once.

A dazzling white light burst out from him.

This white light illuminates the whole world.

Everyone in the world felt a flash in front of them.

The world in front of me suddenly turned white!

This white light shone down from the sky.

It fell on those who had just fallen into the furnace, and the injuries on their bodies were instantly restored! "Okay, so comfortable!"

"God, god, I've been roasted for so long just now, my whole body is almost depleted of real energy, but after absorbing Qin Xian's white light, not only does my real energy fully recover, but my cultivation has improved!"

"Qin Xian is simply too good. He can force billions of us monks into such an embarrassing catastrophe. With a single spell, Qin Xian not only solves it, but also restores us to the way it was before!"

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