"That beauty is Qin Xian's classmate, could it be that other people are also 0.

6 Qin Xian's classmate"

"It must be like this, otherwise, there won't be so many golden lotuses that merge into their bodies!"

"Hey, I really envy them so much, how come I don't have the kind of luck to have a classmate like Qin Xian!"

"Yes, I also want to have a classmate who is a cultivator!"

The people of Modu surrounding the orphanage all looked at Chen Lan and the others, and whispered enviously.

Besides Chen Lan, other Qin Hao classmates.

I saw so many people and looked at them with admiration.

All are holding their heads high, extremely proud! Even, some ordinary people think.

This is the most shining time in their life! Of course.

They also know.

They can be admired by so many people and envied by so many people.


Also got so much benefit.

All because of the old classmates in there.

Qin Hao! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 287 Jumping So High, So Powerful!

"Huh, I'm so envious of those children, so many golden lotuses have been imported. I believe that even if we stand in front of them now, we are definitely not the opponents of those children!"

"Yes, but the body's original power of more than [-] million people is now concentrated in the bodies of hundreds of people.

How terrifying this kind of improvement will be!"

"I really want to know how much improvement has been made by those who have gathered more than [-] million people!"

The people in the world media live broadcast room were envious for a while.

All began to wonder how much the orphanage personnel who had been brought in after so many Jinlian had improved.

"You said, how much improvement will Qin Xian's acquaintances have after absorbing so many golden lotuses?"

"It must be very large, that is the power of [-] million people, although most of them flew into the orphanage inside, but I estimate that at least one-fifth, which is equivalent to more than [-] million golden lotus, It has been imported into their bodies! This kind of improvement is absolutely shocking!"

"Huh, although they haven't started cultivating immortals yet, they have definitely become, apart from Qin Xian and the immortal cultivators inside, the strongest!"

The people outside the 19th perimeter are all curious, what they can see, how much improvement Chen Lan and others have made.

The world is so curious.

Qin Hao's group... old classmates, those in the orphanage, who absorbed Jinlian, were all confused after a while.

Be curious about how much you have improved.

Yan Shiying was the first among the crowd to practice it.

I saw that she jumped up suddenly.

Whoosh! On time.

She is like a cannonball.

Soaring into the sky! A moment later.

She was already at an altitude of [-] meters.

At this time, her upward trend slowed down.

After jumping another hundred meters.

Only then did Yan Shiying stop completely.


Because of gravity, she fell towards the ground at a faster speed.

Boom! Another moment later.

Yan Shiying fell heavily to the ground.


Immediately, a small hole appeared! This small hole is bottomless! As for Yan Shiying, she disappeared from everyone's sight.


People will see it.

The opening of the small hole was shaking constantly.

There are also cracks around the small hole! Even.

People can still see it.

Dirt was constantly being thrown out of the small hole.

from these trends.

After falling, Yan Shiying, who created the small hole, did not die.


Now I'm still trying to dig a hole and want to get out of it! See this scene.

The people in the world media live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe what I saw at all.

The world was shocked.

Not only because of the height that Yan Shiying jumped up, but also because of the bottomless hole that was created after she smashed it down.


After falling down, Yan Shiying didn't die, she even had the strength to find a way to get out of the small hole.

Even, the movement she came out was so loud! It took a full minute.

Although everyone, they have always seen the mud quilt coming from the entrance of the cave.

But they didn't see Yan Shiying coming out of the small hole.

The shock in the hearts of the world is getting stronger and stronger! How deep is Yan Shiying's fall! It took Yan Shiying to be lifted to such a terrifying body, and it took one minute, but she didn't even climb out! It took a minute and a half later , Yan Shiying crawled out of the hole with a head full of dust.


After she climbed out, her eyes were sparkling and she was extremely excited! Compared to the world.

She knows better herself.

How terrifying is his own improvement.

It's not an exaggeration to call yourself a superman! "Qin Hao, you are too good!"

Yan Shiying gave Qin Hao a thumbs up, she was convinced, and shouted with great excitement.

she did not follow

Continue the experiment, after all, this is an orphanage now.


She was a little bit and couldn't wait to return to the military base.

Practice it, how much improvement has been made in other aspects of yourself! Qin Hao saw that Yan Shiying called him by his first name, so straightforward, not like outsiders, who respected and feared him.

He smiled lightly.

At his current level, there are not many people in this world who still treat him as an adult, not a fairy! He actually cherishes such a person! Other children, as well as the staff of the orphanage , Seeing Yan Shiying, she can jump so high and her body is so strong.

All eager to try.

Especially a group of children, when they are playing, they can't stop it! Immediately.

over the entire orphanage.

Countless children appeared, jumping excitedly.

There are even people who, after getting used to it, still flash their little hands.

Like a bird, she wants to fly high in the sky! In the orphanage, Yan Shiying made a leap that shocked the world, and when the children jumped for joy.

Outside the orphanage.

Those old classmates of Qin Hao also began to experiment with their own power.

And just fine.

Next to one of Qin Hao's classmates, there is a car.

The classmate just held down the car, wanting to see if he could lift the car.

He did this action completely subconsciously.

He didn't even think he could lift a ton of cars.

Crunch! But when he reached out and pressed the car.

The iron sheet of the car suddenly dented.

at the same time.

When he tried his best to move the car.

The car actually followed his strength.

Suddenly, he was lifted to the top of his head! When he found out.

After lifting the car.

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