They are very clear.

after being weakened.

What ending will they face! Their ending.

Even compared to Qin Haotian's punishment, those who turned into pigs and dogs are even more miserable! They will become the lowest existence in this world.


Compared to those pigs and dogs, it is even lower! Because.

The purpose of their continued existence in the world is just to let the world remember Qin Hao's punishment.

Let the world always have awe towards Qin Hao and crime.

Don't dare to take a step beyond the pond.

And they can totally imagine.

Once seen as a monkey, he and others.

will be under the supervision and interference of the world.

Completely follow Qin Hao's preset trajectory and live that tragic life.

even if.

After they know their end.

It's not possible to change everything! By this time.

These [-] million people not only have panic, but also have a strong sense of despair! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 286 The most shining time comes from Qin Hao!

"No, Qin Xian, don't take away my power! I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

"Wuwuwu, no, I don't want to be weakened, I don't want to become the lowest existence in the world!"

"Qin Xian, please forgive me, I will never dare again!"

"Qin Xian, I am willing to take out all the black money I earned before, please let me go!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the families who died because of me and destroyed because of me, I was really wrong!"

"Retribution, is this the retribution? Hahaha, the retribution in this world, I have long known that if I embark on this road, it will not end well, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable! And in this world, there will be retribution. !"

The more than [-] million people all begged for mercy in fear.

This plea for forgiveness is all from the heart.

Some even repented.

Some people are even completely insane.

I regret the unscrupulous things I have done! Facing so many people, so "six, seven, three"

Sincere repentance and begging for mercy.

Qin Hao's heart did not move at all.

Not his heart of stone.

It's him who can't let: these people who have made unconscionable because of money and interests, continue to be active in this world.


The next world.

It will be a world of immortal cultivation! And any immortal cultivator, if he cultivates above Nascent Soul.

It's enough to destroy the world! He.

I will not let the world, nor the world, take such a big risk! Besides, people always have to pay the price for what they do! Even if God does not punish, there will always be someone to punish! When these people wailed, Qin Hao looked indifferent.

Inside these people, the multicolored lotus flowers all began to spin rapidly.

Not only did they get the benefits from Qin Hao in the past, but also the benefits they got from the spiritual energy and richness of the world, all absorbed back.

They even took back part of their body's original strength.

The disappearance of these powers will not cause these [-] million people to lose their lifespan and lose their functions.

But it also made these people extremely weak.

Swish! Hundreds of millions of golden lotuses, from the bodies of hundreds of millions of people.

Fly out.

Slowly floating above the heads of everyone, in the sky above.

The world is extremely shocked! Hundreds of millions, these are hundreds of millions of golden lotuses! This picture is really regrettable! Even, countless people have recorded this picture.

As for the more than [-] million people, watching those today, they flew above their heads.

Gradually rise.

All of them are extremely desperate! There is hesitation and loss on their faces.

Qin Hao.

He didn't look at the more than [-] million criminals in front of him, and he didn't look at the densely packed lotus that shone with golden light.

He waved his hand lightly.

at once.

The eight hundred million lotus flowers flew down from the sky.

Most of them were shot into the orphanage, the rest of the children, the staff of the orphanage, and even Yan Shiying's body.

A small part fell into the bodies of the people in the surrounding magic capital, those who knew him.

Swish! Although it is hundreds of millions of golden lotuses, it can be under Qin Hao's mind.

All of them were brought into Qin Hao's body according to Qin Hao's wishes.

People in the world media live room.

Seeing so many golden lotuses merged into the orphanage, then tap into the bodies of the children and employees.

There was so much jealousy in my heart, and even some people's eyes were red from jealousy.

they know.

Importing so many golden lotuses means that these people have been strengthened by an unknown amount! At the same time, it also means.

If Qin Hao really decided to lead the world to cultivate immortals, these people may have a higher starting point than others.

The world is jealous of everyone in the orphanage.

outside the orphanage

Those, the people of the magic capital gathered around.

But for Chen Lan and other old classmates of Qin Hao.

Incomparable envy, jealousy and hate! At the same time.

But there is a little bit of surprise, as well as a touch of awe and worship.


Those golden lotuses that fell from the sky all merged into the bodies of those people.

Especially Chen Lan.

At first, others could count clearly how many golden lotuses had entered Chen Lan's body.

But in the end, it was completely lost.

After all, there are too many golden lotuses in Chen Lan's body.

Even, from start to finish.

Chen Lan's body has been surging with golden light.

Coupled with her classical and soft temperament, she is like an exiled immortal, and her golden light is holy! As for the more than [-] million felons, it seems that they originally belonged to the power within her own body.

Deprived by Qin Hao, it merged into someone else's body in the blink of an eye.

Unwilling, unwilling, but also full of despair.

At the same time, neither of them went to cry and beg for mercy.

Because they know it doesn't change anything at all.

Even, some people's eyes are full of dead ashes, and they have no love for life! Although there are more than [-] million golden lotuses, it is not long for them to merge into everyone's bodies.

After only a few minutes, it all disappeared on the spot.

How quickly these golden lotuses merged into everyone's body.

Wait until all the golden lotus are gone.

"What is the relationship between these children and Qin Xian? Why does Qin Xian love them so much!"

"Does it even need to be said that Qin Xian has a great possibility that he came out of that orphanage, and Qin Xian had improved the old man's spiritual roots before, so that Qin Xian could spend so much energy and The improvement of spiritual roots shows how close the relationship between this old man and Qin Xian is!"

"Why, why am I not an orphan, not an orphan of a big man, not an orphan who entered that orphanage!"

The people in the world media live broadcast room looked enviously at all the people in the orphanage on the screen.

"Who is that beauty, and why does she have so many golden lotuses!"

"Yeah, look at her, the golden light on her body hasn't dissipated yet, how much golden light it has!"

"I remembered, she seems to be Qin Xian's ... classmate of the host, but in recent years, she has not often appeared in the live broadcast room, even if it is live broadcast, it is only live broadcast of some big men's classical literature, so the popularity has dropped. few."

"Is that... the anchor named Princess Lanlan? I remember before, although she was beautiful, she didn't have such a temperament!"

"I know Princess Lanlan, it wasn't like this before!"

"That's because you are ignorant. I have always been a fan of Lan Lan. She has been studying Sinology all these years, and her temperament has also changed. It is normal for you not to recognize her!"

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