"You said, isn't that so"

"Too, great, we seem to have stepped into the ranks of Xiu Wang Zhao Hao Xian like brother Qin Hao."

"With these powers, we can definitely find out all the people who have bullied us before, and then kick all their butts out!"

"Water Dragon Art!"

"Leaf Dance!"



And just when Qin Hao was looking at the cultivation of all the children.

Originally caught in the confusion for a long time, Da Zhuang and other children, who didn't know what Qin Hao was going to do to them, came back to their senses.

In their eyes, they felt the power in their bodies, and they were all extremely excited.

even close.

Some children closed their eyes and thought about it. Qin Hao used secret techniques to instill some qi training spells into their minds.

at the same time.

After comprehending those spells, they cast them one after another.

at once.

The spells that appear in the scene.

Let the people on the scene, and even the people in the world media live broadcast room.

Confused again.

Chapter 274 The Grace of Teaching

Hohohoho! The water dragons in the sky rushed out majestically from the front of those children.

It appeared vividly in the eyes of the world.

And the world.

Seeing the appearance of these water dragons, all of them thought of Qin Hao's picture of using the water dragon technique to put out the fire of Kester Building in the magic capital.


These water dragons, and the water dragon that Qin Hao released at the beginning.

Exactly the same.

No difference! At the same time.

Among these water dragons, there are thunder lights, green leaves, strong winds, etc., to name a few.

And these thunder lights, green leaves, strong winds, etc., all showed powerful lethality.

Not only did it cut the air into a creaking sound, but it also plowed the ground of the orphanage below into deep pits.


The street ground and telephone poles outside the orphanage were all affected.

It all started to crack and collapse.

You can see from it.

The lethality of these spells is so powerful! There are so many spells.

After shocking the world for a while.

Fear flashed in his eyes.

The spells of these children.

The lethality is too great.

The people at the scene retreated frantically.

Avoid being hurt by these spells.

"Oh my God, these children's 673 spells are too powerful. They have just started to cultivate immortals, and they have such a powerful power. If they practice in the future, it will not be more terrifying!"

"Yeah, the hearts of these children are so hard to figure out, why does Qin Xian bring them into the cultivation of immortals!"

"If they are on the wrong side, how many people will die at their hands!"

"Alas, Qin Xian's pioneering preaching, is it a blessing or a curse for us human beings!"

at the same time.

At the scene, these people all talked in a low voice, and they were extremely worried in their words.

They looked at the air, Qin Hao, who was unmoved, was full of question marks.

I don't know why Qin Hao chooses these children in the first place, the three views are not yet mature, and they become disciples.

"God, these children, even if they practice their own spells, do not deliberately target outsiders, they have caused such a lot of lethality, if once they have bad thoughts in their hearts"

"No, no, Qin Xian shouldn't let these children mess around!"

"Yeah, Qin Xian is the savior of our world, how could it be possible for his disciples to cause massacres on earth!"

at the same time.

People in the live broadcast room of the world media started to talk about it.

Although some people are worried, they are used to seeing Qin Hao's penetrating means of the world.

The people on the scene were not shocked.

After worrying for a while, they all believed in Qin Hao.

Don't let those kids get lost in the power.

"Have you found out that the spells of these children, especially the water dragon art, are very similar to Qin Xian's first appearance.

No, or it is exactly the same! Does this mean that when Qin Xian appeared in the magic capital and saved the fire?

I have just entered the cultivation of immortals.”

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the world media, someone suddenly asked a question.

this question.

In an instant, everyone else was stunned.

Afterwards, the shock in people's eyes was even greater.


However, their gaze shifted from Da Zhuang and other orphanage children to Qin Hao.


If it is true what the man just said.

That means.

Qin Xian has just stepped into the cultivation of immortals, and now he has the ability to control the satellites at will, ,,, waved his hand to control the energy of the entire solar system, and defeated the powerful power of aliens with a few words.

It was cultivated in a short period of ten years! Qin Xian, how powerful is his perception?

Only in such a short period of time can one cultivate to such a terrifying level, not to mention that there is no record in the classics.

Even in some novels and movies.

There has never been a protagonist who can make such rapid progress! "Brother, I agree with your point of view. It took Qin Xian more than ten years to reach such a high level!"

"Qin Xian, it's really stupid. After more than ten years, in only ten years, he has cultivated to such a terrifying situation!"

"If Qin Xian is given another ten years, will he be able to refine the galaxy!"

"What's the matter of refining the Milky Way, Qin Xian can definitely rule the universe!"

"Huh, after saying that, Qin Xian is really awesome!"

After being shocked for a while.

The world was amazed and discussed.


They didn't count the years after Qin Hao accelerated time on the moon.

after all.

Although some people judged that Qin Hao accelerated the flow of lunar time.

However, those are just guesses.

And in the current situation, of course no one mentions this.


Even counting Qin Hao's time on the moon.

It's only a few hundred years old.


those hundreds of years.

Although Qin Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the peak of God Transformation.

But in those hundreds of years, he devoted too much energy to the generation of Void Spiritual Qi.

The time spent on cultivation is not too much! And if you remove the hundreds of years.

As the world has said, Qin Hao only spent more than ten years.

From a rookie in the cultivation period of qi cultivation, to a powerhouse in cultivation of the emptiness standing at the top of the cultivation stage! Even.

What the world doesn't know is.

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