Sun Hongfu received the most colorful 7 true essences among this group of people.

It occupies half of Qin Hao's Zhen Yuan Zhen Yuan.

咻咻咻! With Qin Hao's Zhenyuan shock, it was transferred into the bodies of Sun Hongfu and others.

The golden light that floated in the air was like the lotus page of the holy scriptures.

One after another:.

He shot at Sun Hongfu and others.

Sun Hongfu and the others were shocked immediately.

Kekeke! Not only the people at the scene, but also the people in the live broadcast room of the world media.

It was strange to hear the sound of bones growing from within Sun Hongfu and the others.

at the same time.

The people at the scene, and even the people in the live broadcast room of the world media.

After seeing the changes in the scene, Sun Hongfu and others.

All were dumbfounded.

Once again, I am on the spot! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 273 One-handed, creating more than a dozen foundations!

Boom boom boom! I see.

Over the heads of more than a dozen people such as Sun Hongfu and Da Zhuang.

All three flowers are looming.

Shine the world! At the same time.

Multicolored clouds above their heads.

Crazy surge.

Whoa whoa whoa! A moment later.

Among these clouds, multicolored spiritual energy, rain, actually fell! The spiritual energy, rain, fell on Sun Hongfu and the others, and did not wet their bodies.

Instead, they were quickly absorbed.

at the same time.

In the whole surrounding space, fog shrouded.

It's like a fairyland.

in addition.

On the bodies of Sun Hongfu and others, dazzling colorful rays of light were shot out.

That colorful 7.

Although weak.

But it's incredibly shiny.

Like little elves, they jumped happily beside Qin Hao's colorful 7 true essence.

And the momentum of Sun Hongfu and others is also rising rapidly.

Although their faces have not changed much, their temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Sun Hongfu's whole person is more ethereal and indifferent, as if he is just like another Qin Hao.

Do not.

Because his age seems to be much older than Qin Hao.

Therefore, he looks more like an ethereal fairy.

On the other hand, Da Zhuang and the other children had a terrifying aura on their faces.

because of the resentment in their hearts.

They even exuded bursts of murderous aura.


Da Zhuang, who was most concerned about Xiaomeng, had a gleam of energy in his eyes, and the murderous aura in his body condensed into a sword, manifesting in the eyes of the world.

The changes of Sun Hongfu and others made everyone at the scene stunned.

Especially those people who felt the murderous aura of Da Zhuang's children, all of them at the scene were apprehensive and looked at those children with some fear.

"This, these children, are too scary, as if they are going to kill people!"

"Murderous aura is the legendary murderous aura! I didn't expect that there are actually people who can exude a real murderous aura!"

"The aura of these children is so scary. What have they experienced? They have such a big resentment in their hearts, and they exude such a strong murderous aura."

"It's no wonder that the beautiful woman and the old man just stopped talking to Qin Xian. I'm afraid it's because of these children!"

"Qin Xian leads these children into the path of immortality, will they directly let them get lost in the desire for power, thus creating boundless killings!"

"No, no, Qin Xian must be sure to do this!"

"Yeah, Qin Xian absolutely can't let people with bad hearts cultivate immortals, otherwise, he would not have waited until now to lead these children to cultivate immortals!"

The people at the scene looked at Da Zhuang and the other children in a daze for a moment, and began to discuss in a low voice.

at the same time.

These people were silent, and they all stepped back.

For fear that Da Zhuang waits for the children to go crazy, so that they will be implicated.

"My God, that old man, and those children, have all entered the order of immortal cultivators now.

Qin Xian is too awesome, in this short period of time, he has created more than a dozen powerful immortal cultivators!"

"The world is about to change drastically. With these immortal cultivators, our world's progress will definitely be uplifted quickly!"

"Huh, even if those people haven't made a move yet, I feel that they are really powerful! Even when Qin Xian just showed the power of an immortal cultivator, he didn't have this kind of aura!"

"Don't you think that the aura of those children is a bit strange. Why do these children look like they are going to kill people!"

"I just wanted to say,

These children are so hostile, after being brought into the path of immortality by Qin Xian, is it a good thing or a bad thing!"

The people in the live broadcast room of the world media also all started to talk about it.

In the beginning, everyone in the world envied Da Zhuang's children.

But after a while, despite the screen, they still discovered the abnormality of Da Zhuang and other children.

Like the people on the scene, they were all worried.

At this time, Qin Hao's mind moved.

Instantly understood Sun Hongfu and the cultivation of those children.

Sun Hongfu is really powerful after passing through Qin Hao's tailor-made spiritual roots.

Although they only had a sense of qi just now, but after Qin Hao gave them the Suwen Sutra cultivation method.

In an instant, he was promoted to the realm of the pinnacle of foundation building.

Even if it is from Jindan, it is only one step away! And Da Zhuang and other children, although the spiritual roots are not as good as Sun Hongfu.

But it has to be said that the understanding of these children is very high.

With the scene, such a strong spiritual energy, coupled with Qin Hao's secret help.

All of them have actually been promoted to the Foundation Establishment stage.

That is to say.

Qin Hao was in this short time of less than an hour.

It actually created more than a dozen strong foundation-building stage powerhouses.

This is something that is never possible even in some novels! Of course.

The world doesn't know much about the cultivation of Sun Hongfu and others.

The surprise in my heart is not that big! Although.

Da Zhuang and the others have all been promoted to the Foundation Establishment stage.

However, there are highs and lows.

The cultivation of these children is basically all in the early stage of foundation building, and only the strong can have the cultivation level in the middle stage of foundation building.

What surprised Qin Hao the most was that.

Among this group of children, the one with the highest cultivation level is not the big one.

It was that... a simple, but a little dream with firm resentment in her heart.

Although she is also in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, she is much more profound than Da Zhuang, and is about to be promoted to the strength of the late Foundation Establishment.


Qin Hao was only slightly surprised.

Didn't stay stunned for too long.

after all.

For Sun Hongfu and this group of children, he spent a lot of energy and money.

It is reasonable for everyone to have such an improvement!".

I, I feel so strong now!"

"In my mind, I have a lot of knowledge and a lot of fun things!"

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