Chapter 262 Shocking picture!

After Qin Hao opened his eyes.

The phantoms of the alien aircraft around him suddenly increased rapidly.

Spread out towards the sky.

All of a sudden, beyond the monitoring of the earth satellite.

Covering the entire solar system! This scene explains.

Qin Hao completely comprehends all the alien rules he has absorbed in refining the virtual aura! Even, wait until later.

Aliens have invaded Earth again.

He can totally wave.

Disperse and dismantle those combat aircraft! As for the world.

Seeing this scene, I was stunned.

Although it is a ghost.

But it was like a real phantom.

That dense, endless phantom.

It's like countless alien aircraft gathered in outer space.

In that scene, it was as if the aliens made a comeback and invaded the earth again.

This suddenly made a few Earthlings shout in subconscious panic.

"Oh my God, why did those aliens come back so quickly and brought so many combat aircraft with them.

If these combat aircraft focus on fire at the same time, they can destroy the solar system 19 in an instant!"

"He, not only did they come back, but they also surrounded Qin Xian, can Qin Xian stop it? Is our earth finished?"

"How, how is it possible, how is this possible, even if aliens are on Mars, they can't come so quickly!"

And in the terrified messages of these people, there are other people who are shocked.

They also came back to their senses.

when they see.

In the live broadcast room of the world media, there are all anxious messages.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"I said everyone, are you scared by the aliens? Look carefully at those alien fighters, they are all fake!"

"Oh, yes, how could aliens appear on our earth so quickly, this is the universe, they don't know how many light-years away from our earth!"

"Even if it is a real alien, it is impossible to appear as many as a copy, so fast!"

This kind of message instantly fills the full screen.

Immediately, the people who were terrified before, suddenly recovered after being stunned, and watched the live broadcast at the same time.


They found out.

Those alien combat aircraft are all illusory.

This made their worries go away in an instant.


They were instantly in awe and looked at Qin Hao.

Because after they knew it was a phantom, they all knew that these phantoms were all cast by Qin Hao.

Even these phantoms have no attack power.

But it's bluffing enough! People in the world have already seen that those alien fighters are phantoms.

But on the moon, Shu Mu and others who were punished by Qin Hao could only look at the sky from a distance.

And it's separated by the moon's atmosphere.

So just take a look.


They can see clearly.

In the sky above him, there are countless more devices.

This immediately made Shu Mu and the others extremely excited.

"Qin Hao, you are dead, you are dead, and the big army of this star is here!" "Haha, we are saved, we are saved!"

"Qin Hao, don't worry, we won't let it go, we will make you suffer thousands of times more pain than we are now!"

Some are still there: the painful alien, madly roaring towards Qin Hao in the void.

at this time.

They were completely carried away by the excitement.

Didn't think of it at all.

This star is so far away from the earth, how can it be so fast! But.

as they see.

outside the sky

The combat aircraft of , actually fluttered slowly, and gathered towards Qin Hao.

At the same time, it was absorbed into the body by Qin Hao.

Everyone is confused! This, what is the situation! Why, why, Qin Hao absorbed all our combat aircraft! What kind of existence is he able to absorb our aircraft! Shu Mu and others Starman, thought dumbfounded.

"Qin Xian is this breaking through?"

"It seems so, you look at the light spots on the moon, the fairy energy on the earth, all converge towards Qin Xian! Even, those phantoms are all slowly moving towards Qin Xian, gathering away! "

"My God, when Qin Xian was breaking through, he actually released so many alien phantoms! Did Qin Xian completely refine the flames!"

"The cliff is like this. After Qin Xian refined the flame, he broke through in an instant. The flame is too powerful!"

"It's not that the flame is strong, but Qin Xian is too strong. After the flame, Qin Xian's strength will definitely be improved, even if the aliens come again.

We don't have to be afraid of them anymore!"

"Yeah, for the past six months, I haven't had a good night's sleep, I'm afraid the aliens will come back! Tonight, I can finally get a good night's sleep!"

When the world sees the strangeness on the moon.

At the same time, Qin Hao's momentum was slowly rising.

Everyone was talking excitedly.

When the world is talking about it.

Qin Hao made a breakthrough step by step.

For a full half a year, he has been: absorbing the Void Spiritual Qi.

This also made him extremely familiar with the attributes of the Void Refinement Spiritual Qi.

There is no obstacle to breaking through! Alien vehicles spread throughout the solar system.

One after another, they were all sucked into the body by Qin Hao.

This kind of picture.

It's so shocking.

Let the people of the world keep silent again, and stare blankly.

in addition.

Shu Mu and the rest of the aliens, all endured the pain of bone-thirsty and heart-burning, while staring at the sky in astonishment.

Couldn't calm down for a long time.


There are too many combat aircraft, which were inhaled into the body by Qin Hao! At the same time.

Regardless of

Is it the people on the earth, or the aliens on the moon.

All in mind.

Silently counted the number of alien aircraft phantoms absorbed by Qin Hao.

Ten thousand.

Twenty thousand.

One hundred thousand.


more and more.

The shock to the hearts of the world is getting stronger and stronger! I can't believe the picture I see in front of me.

What the world doesn't know is that.

Qin Hao released the phantom of the aircraft that spread throughout the entire solar system.

It's not aimless.

Qin Hao absorbed the phantoms of these alien aircraft at the same time.

It actually uses the phantoms of these alien aircraft to inhale some discrete energy in the solar system into the body.

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