When they came to the earth, they also had their own providence.

It may be that God, seeing his own power, cannot obliterate Qin Hao.

Therefore, I want to use foreign objects to destroy Qin Hao, a monk who goes against the sky.

Of course, the world doesn't know this kind of thing.

They are insignificant, and they can only guess there for nothing.

at this time.

They are of no benefit to the war between Qin Hao and the aliens.

It's just a bystander like an ant.

And after a lot of discussion.

The journey of rebuilding the home began.

after all.

The invasion of Shu Mu and others has done too much damage to the earth.

Although Qin Hao said in one word, the earth's environment has been restored to better than before, and it can even be said that the pollution has been reduced to the extreme.

But the destruction of those countries is real.

in the next period of time.

With the help of some countries in the Dahan and Yadong plates.

The people of the world returned to their own countries and began to rebuild their homes.

have to say.

After a decade of technology explosion.

The technology of the world has indeed been greatly improved.


Most of the buildings in the world have been demolished by aliens.

With the help of Dahan and other countries.

The rebuilding journey of various countries is extremely fast.


In addition, Dahan also helped all countries in the world to deploy the most advanced missile defense mechanisms.

Let the progress of the world advance a lot.

And Dahan's actions earned Dahan a peerless name.

Almost all countries in the world are grateful to Dahan.

Even the officials of various countries have incomparable admiration for Dahan.


A short and peaceful month passed.

The whole world has returned to normal order.

Without Qin Hao's absorption, the spiritual energy of the world quickly became richer.

Coupled with the improvement of the environment in the world.

Everyone in the world felt like a spring breeze, and their moods were much happier.

at the same time.

The world is also constantly discussing the matter of aliens, shocking Qin Hao's power.



From time to time, the world will watch Qin Hao on the moon through the live broadcast room of the world media.

And the aliens who were brutally tortured.

And after this month.

Qin Hao, however, had already begun to slowly absorb the Void Refinement Spiritual Qi.

have to say.

Refining Void Spiritual Qi is indeed powerful.

Even with Qin Hao's body.

When absorbing it, he was constantly suffering damage, and the meridians in his body were exploded countless times.

This is Qin Hao, who controls the speed of absorbing spiritual energy.

It will be like this.

If all of a sudden, the Void Spiritual Qi will be absorbed and absorbed.

Maybe he has been blown up long ago! Even.

If Qin Hao didn't have the spiritual energy of the whole earth, he would be backing him.

Maybe they won't be able to absorb all the Void Spiritual Qi.


These are all assumptions.

Qin Hao is now absorbing the Void Refining Spirit step by step.


Half a year has passed.

Qin Hao's body became more and more ethereal.

Even the people of the world who are used to seeing Qin Hao's situation every day.

All felt the difference of Qin Hao after this discovery.

The number of people gathered in the world media live broadcast room is also increasing every day.

to the end.

Every morning in the morning.

The number of people in the world's media live broadcast room is not less than [-] billion people! It shows the world's attention to Qin Hao.

And so many people gathered in the world media live broadcast room.

It also made the world's media live broadcast abnormally noisy.

"The melon seeds are sold in the front row, if you need your breasts, come take a look!"

"Drag the melon seed seller downstairs and whip his body a hundred times!"

"Yeah, who is still in the mood to eat melon seeds now! Qin Xian has been sitting there for half a year, and he doesn't know what he's doing!"

"Qin Xian's temperament is getting more and more ethereal. Sometimes, I can't even see his body clearly. It's really weird!"

"Not only can't I see Qin Xian's body, I have been watching Qin Xian all the time, and sometimes I can find that behind him, he will actually transform into an alien combat aircraft and a robot.

You said, Qin Xian will not master alien technology!"

"You still remember that the cluster of flames collected by Qin Xian absorbed all the lasers and alien aircraft.

And the moon also absorbed the wreckage of the spacecraft.

It's not uncommon for Qin Xian to master alien technology!"

"Qin Xian must be refining the flame. I don't know how powerful Qin Xian will be after refining the flame!"

"Huh, Qin Xian, who fully understands alien technology, even if the aliens make a comeback, Qin Xian will have nothing to fear!"

The world looks at the moon 0.

Qin Hao of 6, there is a lot of discussion.

And at this time.

Qin Hao also used the refining spiritual energy in his body.

All absorbed.

his entire body.

Suddenly flickering.

more mysterious.

at the same time.

under him.

A blossoming colorful 7 white lotus surging.

Lift him up slowly.

And around him.

A phantom alien spaceship appeared.

There are even densely packed and countless phantoms of alien fighters.

On the entire moon, even more golden lotus surged.

Rotating rapidly, it shot towards Qin Hao.

As for Qin Hao, the whole body is surging with golden light! Like a saint! And Qin Hao.

His eyes opened suddenly.

The light is surging, and there is a little excitement! It is official, entering the realm of refining virtual power! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

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