All of them were swirling with bursts of hurricanes! This made Shu Mu and others stunned! Space.

This is space! Logically speaking, everything stops flowing! Why, why is there such a big hurricane! And.

That little planet as a satellite of the earth.

Why after that person chanted softly.

Start moving! No idea what the hell is going on here.

The moon is Qin Hao's magic weapon, Shu Mu and others.



A satellite, will move! And it's still smashing towards their spaceship.

Once the satellite, hits the spacecraft.

It is definitely the result of both perishing! But this satellite, is finished, will there be something wrong with the earth? Shu Mu and others.


When in doubt.

There are nearly [-] billion people on earth.

There was frenzy in his eyes.

"Qin Xian, Qin Xian actually hit the moon directly, why didn't I expect it!"

"Haha, turn your hands ruthlessly! I actually saw these four 44 small seals again!"

"Hey, Qin Xian not only integrated the small seal into the moon, but even the moon has the attributes of the small seal! Turning hands is ruthless! I don't know what the moon's collision will make that alien spaceship look like. Woolen cloth"

"Smashed, it is absolutely smashed! The small seal in the past was so awesome, and now it is integrated into the moon, isn't it even more awesome!"

"Look, the moon is slowly getting up, and on the other side of the spacecraft, it seems that the moon has hit it too!"

Nearly [-] billion people in the world are talking about it.

His eyes were fixed on the live broadcast screen.

And in the world.

After seeing the spacecraft discover the moon.

Shu Mu and others also noticed this situation through the corner of their eyes.

their eyes.

Immediately bright.

Found it! The bastard Asari, finally found it! "Hoo, Asari, the bastard, it's so damn good that he didn't find out until this time!"

"Yeah, when we get out of danger, I'm going to kick this guy's butt hard!"

"It's good to find it, although that satellite is very strange, we can't figure out how that person named Qin Hao ordered the satellite! But Asari found it so early, there is still room for recovery.

A satellite of this volume, this mass,,.

The main gun of the spaceship can destroy it with just one shot!"

"Hey, it's just a pity. Without the satellite, the planet will be doomed. I wonder if we can kill that... Qin Hao, who enslaves the entire earth, before all the people on earth die!"

"Even if they can be enslaved, it's just this wave, and they can't be kept in captivity at all!"

The people behind Shu Mu saw that the spaceship moved.

After the main gun slowly extended.

He spoke eloquently.

And in their language.

Blind to the spaceship


It is agreed that before the moon hits the spacecraft, it can be bombed by the main gun of the spacecraft, and there will be no slag! They have this idea.

It is also a strong confidence in the main gun of the spaceship.

after all.

This interstellar cruise ship is equipped with the most advanced main gun of their Maria star.

Once the main cannon energy is fully fired.

Even the stars can be destroyed.

Now it's just destroying a small satellite,.

It's totally out of the question! In the audience, only Shu Mu was alone.

He frowned slightly, looking at the golden characters 'turning hands ruthlessly'.

He was in a daze! He felt more and more that he had seen this picture somewhere.


Still an important place.

But he thought about it for a long time, but couldn't remember.

Where have you seen it! And.

He doesn't believe it.

The powerful Qin Hao, doing meaningless actions.

Let the satellites of the earth go to death.


Just now Qin Hao was behind the moon.

This anxiety is getting stronger and stronger.

And just when the people of the world, Shu Mu and the others, were confused.

In the alien spaceship, Asari, who was left behind by Shumu, waited for a thousand people.

All gathered in front of the ship's home screen.

Beside them, there was a rapid sound.

"Damn, that satellite, why did it suddenly hit us?"

"Yeah, this is too weird! With the fragility of the spacecraft, it must not be hit by it!"

"A satellite of this size, once it hits our spaceship, will definitely consume all our defense energy!"

The people inside the spaceship watched the moon slowly approaching the spaceship.

And the big characters 'turning hands ruthlessly'.

It keeps expanding in the eyes of these people.

They chatted in horror in an instant.

"Why are you still standing and letting the main gun fire!"

After receiving the news, Asari hurriedly ran out of the lounge! He yelled at the crowd.

"Damn, this satellite, why is it crashing toward us that is not its trajectory at all!"

Then, after seeing the picture, he muttered to himself in disbelief.

"Earth, what's going on on Earth right now? Is it because of the war on Earth that the Earth's magnetic field is chaotic, that this satellite,,, has undergone this incredible change?"

After being stunned for a while, Asari asked his subordinates.

And the thousand subordinates look at me, I look at you, and their eyes are blank.

They also gathered in front of the big screen just after receiving the alarm.

I don't know what's going on on Earth.

"A bunch of trash!"

Seeing the dazed look of everyone, Asari cursed angrily.

Ignore the crowd.

I hurriedly ran to the main screen, a meal: operation, turn on the main gun of the spacecraft, and prepare to bomb the moon! Although the moon seems to be slow.

But the spacecraft itself is docked near the moon.

Even if the spacecraft is launched now, it may be swept by the moon.

At that time, the loss will be huge! It is better to use the main gun directly to blast the spaceship into fly ash! Kickkake! After Asari turned on the main gun.

In the lower part of the spacecraft, a hole suddenly opened.

A long barrel protruded from it.

And in this barrel.

Light surges.

The main cannon has started to charge! I can see the main cannon sticking out.

Asari and others, Shumu and others, there are nearly [-] billion people on earth.

All stopped talking.

Look straight at the live footage! Waiting for the final result.

As for Qin Hao, who was standing in the void, his face was extremely indifferent.

from within him.

True essence keeps pouring out.

Break away.

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