All eyes lit up.


Qin Hao is a mortal body.

In outer space, it is definitely not the opponent of the spacecraft.

By the time.

We just watched him die! And while these aliens thought so.

in the live screen.

Qin Hao was at them.

He smiled lightly.


The smile was so flat.


Shu Mu and others, still from his smile.

A strong self-confidence is seen.

and slight disdain for them.

Shu Mu and the others were stunned.

Then see.

Qin Hao's eyes suddenly opened.

Vibrant all over.

Colorful 7 lingering.

He said softly, "Fan Tian, ​​turn your hands ruthlessly!"

After speaking.

The true essence of his whole body.

All rushed towards the Earth-Moon Channel.

rushed to the moon.

at the same time.

All the auras on the entire earth,

They all rushed towards the moon.

Whoohoo! All over the earth.

In an instant, a huge aura blew up, a hurricane.

All rushed towards the Earth-Moon channel.

Shu Mu and other aliens.

Seeing the whole earth, there is aura, hurricane.

Immediately stunned.

this person.

Who is it and why! His control over the earth will be so powerful! And.

What exactly are those colorful auras? What did that sentence just say mean? Shu Mu and the others were extremely puzzled.

There are so many problems.

at the same time.

They also know.

All the changes on earth.

It's all about Qin Hao.


Qin Hao is using the power of the entire earth.

Go destroy the spaceship! Such a guess.

It made Shu Mu and the others instantly worried.

"Using the power of the earth, maybe he can really destroy our spaceship!"

"Asari, you idiot, what the hell are you doing!"

"Asari, I ordered you, hurry up and hide for me, hide away from me, and wait until that...the person named Qin Hao, come back after the big move!"


They screamed wildly.

I want to use this shout to warn the spacecraft that Asari, who has no abnormal shape on the earth, has not yet been found! And there are nearly [-] billion people gathered in the Yadong plate.

After hearing Qin Hao's words.

All were slightly taken aback.

They don't know what Pantian means.

However, he knew the words "relentless"! Wasn't that Qin Xian's magic weapon at that time?

It seems to be integrated into the moon! Why does Qin Xian mention it again now?

Immediately his eyes lit up.

Nearly [-] billion pairs of eyes.

All gleamed with excitement.

Looking at the live broadcast of the moon! The small seal engraved with the words ruthless and ruthless is Qin Xian's magic weapon.

The moon is also Qin Xian's magic weapon.

Qin Xian.

The two magic weapons must have been smelted together.

And now.

The meaning of Qin Xian's words.

Obviously using small prints.

Qin Xian.

This is to use the moon.

To destroy alien spaceships? Thought of that.

But the world.

Still can't guess.

How on earth will Qin Hao use the moon to destroy the spacecraft! So.

in the hearts of the world.

All of them are looking forward to seeing the next screen! Please download Feifei to see the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 250 Use the Moon as a Hammer! ! !

Shu Mu and others, while looking forward to Asari, find the crisis quickly.

On the other side, his eyes looked back.

I want to see the situation of the spacecraft through the original live screen on the moon.


when they saw this live broadcast.

But his eyes gradually widened.

There was a flash of disbelief.

at the same time.

nearly a billion people.

When you see the situation on the live screen.

All stopped talking.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

only see.

on the live screen.

In the blazing moon.

The four 44 golden characters of 'turning hands ruthlessly' slowly emerged.

Shine the world! At the same time.

A moon like a wasteland.

Move slowly first.

Slowly accelerate.

at last.

It suddenly moved towards the alien spaceship and slammed into it! The momentum of a forward charge.

The entire space is stirred up, a mess! Around the moon.

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