Reply! Those shot into those who committed suicide.

Gradually pulled out from their bodies and returned to the ruins among the ruins, the blood belonging to these people.

Slowly, it flowed back into the bodies of these people! Corpses.

Stand up slowly.

At the beginning.

There was still confusion in their eyes.

But when they see the living people around them.

Seeing is still there: the blood flowing back into the body.

Confused, turned into panic in an instant! The world.

See this weird scene.

All were dumbfounded.

fell into silence again.

Qin Xian.

It's too tough! These upper-level people who can't die any more.

He was actually resurrected by him! At the same time.

they know.

Qin Hao will definitely throw these people into the black hole.

"I, why didn't I

there is death"

"I don't want blood, I don't want blood, I want to die!"

"Woooooo, sure enough, sure enough, Qin Hao didn't even let us die!"

Afterwards, these upper echelons of various countries who had committed suicide, but were revived by Qin Hao who reversed time and resurrected.

He recovered from his horror.

Everyone screamed in horror and despair.

These shouts reached the ears of the world.

Let the people in the world be shocked and come back to their senses! "Qin Xian, it's really awesome, it's even better than the God of Creation!"

"Huh, Qin Xian wants to punish a person, even if the person dies, he can't escape!"

"Although it looks a little miserable and scary, these people deserve what they deserve!"

"Yes, for such inhumane people, Qin Xian should punish them like this!"


After being shocked for a while.

Discussions arose.

"Qin Xian, spare us, spare us!"

"I don't want, I don't want to go into a black hole, I don't want to be smashed to pieces!"

"Wuwuwu, I want to die, Qin Xian, please let me die!"

Those upper-level personnel of various countries who were pulled up to the sky by invisible forces.

Shouting in horror, begging for mercy at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao who can stand above all countries.

His face didn't change at all.

Indifferent and dusty looking.

These people are sucked into a black hole.

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts!"

"My skin, my skin!"

"Ugh! My bones, my bones are broken!"

In the large screen evolved from the sky, there are more figures of those people.

They fled wildly.

Like a lost dog.

They were full of blood.

It was extremely miserable! Their miserable howls also reached the ears of the world at the same time.

at the same time.

Qin Hao on the Great Huazhou.

Speed ​​up the flow of time in the black hole a bit.

Compare the time inside the black hole and reality.

Adjusted to the speed of one minute to one month! Of course, Tate and the upper-level personnel of various countries can still clearly experience the pain of shattering bones at the same time.

And this change.

So that the world can only see the picture in the sky, fast forward faster.


Tete and others have experienced a life and death.


In their ears, the screams of Tete and others became more urgent.

Another half hour passed.

Tete et al., have spent nearly three years in a black hole.

Endured more than a thousand pieces of pain.

Qin Hao's body, suddenly shocked.

Then, he glanced at the world.

this look.

Let everyone be stunned.

Especially those who thought about Qin Hao's death before.

Even the heart skipped a beat.

Follow the sequence of Qin Hao's punishment.

He won't, but he wants to pull them into the black hole as well. "The evil leader has been punished, and everyone who follows will be punished!"

Qin Hao groaned softly again.

at the same time.

His whole body was full of real energy.

Scattered towards the whole earth.

at once.


Before, there were hundreds of millions of people who wanted to let Qin Hao die.

Under Qin Hao's words.

They were pulled by an invisible force and flew into the sky.

And these people are basically all concentrated in the northern hemisphere.

Only a few in the southern hemisphere are pulled toward the northern hemisphere sky.

at once.

over the entire earth.

Presents a stunning picture.

Hundreds of millions of people! Bewildered, slightly frightened, struggling with hands and feet, they flew towards the sky, the huge screen! People on the ground.

But was shocked.

Look at hundreds of millions of people.

Fly to the sky.

I can't get back to my mind for a long time! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 207 Heaven has reincarnation, who will Qin Xian spare?

"No, no, Qin Xian, I didn't speak ill of you, and I didn't want you to die!"

"Woooooo, I don't want to be pulled into a black hole!"

"Who saves me, who saves me!"

"I beg you, Qin Xian, please forgive me! I'm just a bit of a jerk!"

At the beginning.

These hundreds of millions of people are still confused.

But as they flew higher and higher, farther and farther from the ground! While they danced, they shouted in horror.

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