"Damn it, you guys are still here, hurry up and take a look outside, the black hole in the sky has been transformed into a black hole by Qin Xian's magical power.

We can clearly see the whole process of Tet and others being punished!"

After a few minutes passed.

Only among the people who looked at the sky from the outside world, only some people came back to their senses.

Remind the people in the world media live room.

Go and see the sky outside in reality.


I rely on, true and false"

"No, we didn't see it!"

"The sky on our side is still the big sun, and we haven't seen a black hole just now!"

"Qin Xian's black hole just now covers only the northern hemisphere, so only people in the northern hemisphere can see it!"

"Is there any... brothers in the northern hemisphere, open a live broadcast room and broadcast the situation in the sky for us to see!"

"Yes yes yes!"

Under the reminder of that person, everyone in the live broadcast room.

The people in the house leaned over to the window.

People on the street look up at the sky directly.

And people in the northern hemisphere, when they see the miserable scene of Tet and others in the sky.

All fell into a daze.

People in the southern hemisphere have not seen any abnormality in the sky.

Instantly thought of Qin Hao's black hole, which only covered the northern hemisphere.

Immediately anxious! In the live broadcast room, keep swiping the screen.

I hope that people in the northern hemisphere can broadcast the pictures of punishing the special and others on live broadcast! However.

But did not respond to them.

The person who just came in to remind the audience in the live broadcast room, Wang Zhaohao has looked up at the sky again, and fell into shock.

As for the northern hemisphere personnel who rushed out, it was after seeing the picture in the sky at a glance.

He fell into a long slump.

There is still time to deal with those people in the southern hemisphere! Instead, it is the upper-level figures of the world media who have recovered after being shocked for a while.

Immediately arrange people to take the situation on the northern hemisphere sky.

Live broadcast to the eyes of people in the live broadcast room.

People in media live room.

Watching the miserable scenes of Tete and others.

Hearing the miserable cries of Tete and the others.

Just like people in the northern hemisphere.

Trapped in a long-term ignorance! At this time.

the whole earth.

Trapped in a weird scene.

All the people in the northern hemisphere looked up at the sky with horrified expressions on their faces! Even some people's faces were still twitching in fear.

As for people in the southern hemisphere, everyone is staring at mobile phone screens and computer screens.

His eyes widened involuntarily.

Flashes of fear! World.

Falling into a deep silence! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 206 The evil leader has been punished, and all who follow are punished!

"I can't count how many times it's been!"

"God, we looked like we were fast-forwarding.

But Tate and the others must be very complete in it, and they clearly feel the pain.

Otherwise, they wouldn't scream so mournfully after being crushed so many times!"

"This kind of punishment is really terrifying!"

"Huh! I want to take a picture of this scene and show it to my son and grandson after they are born.

Let them remember that they must not have bad thoughts towards Qin Xian!"


After watching it for half an hour.

They all came back to God.

at this time.

Most people take out their cell phones.

All the scenes above the sky were photographed.

And what the world doesn't know is.

Although the reality is only half an hour later.

But in the black hole, the special and other people who lived like years have passed for more than a month.

I have experienced more than [-] times of shattering pain.

at the same time.

Those who were sucked into the black hole in Qin Hao cheered with excitement.

People who want Qin Hao to die.

My heart is extremely panic! Although it has been half an hour, Qin Hao has not punished them yet.

But Qin Hao is still here after all! Who knows.

The next moment in the black hole, will be smashed to pieces, will it be them! In addition.

top officials of the country.

However, his body was already soft, and he was paralyzed in fear.


Beside these people, 673 is full of blood.

Those high-level personnel in the country, whoever had a bit of strength, all committed suicide! And at this time.

Qin Hao's main body located in Dahua Prefecture.

The original Shen Ning expression moved slightly.

at the same time.

He opened his mouth and said softly: "One thought of incarnation!"

The world heard Qin Hao's voice again.

Immediately stunned.


The world will see it.

The capital of the country is empty, and Qin Hao's avatar has all appeared.

Boom boom boom! At the same time.

The building where the minds of nations reside.

They all turned into powder.

and where Tete was just now.

Exactly the same! At the same time.

top officials of the country.

They were pulled up into the sky by an invisible force.

Even the corpses of those who committed suicide.

No exception! And Qin Hao's clone.

after seeing those corpses.

A faint smile appeared.

A wave of both hands! A shining light.

Shot from his double hands.

shot at the corpses.

those corpses.

Immediately, a shocking change took place.

only see.

Those who were originally soft, even stiff corpses.

It suddenly seemed like a replay.

Slowly moving towards their pre-suicide state.

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