But it made their hearts.

Shocking Six! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feifei

Chapter 198 Exploding the Alien Spaceship!

on the live screen.

I saw Qin Hao.

Just toss it lightly.

He threw the huge alien spaceship, and even the entire Great Huazhou, into the air.

in front of him.

And he.

Looking indifferently at the top of the spaceship, the people of the domineering state of Dahua.

looked at him in horror.

He thought about it together.

In that Dahua state, those his fanatical fans, and even neutral overbearing people.

They were all caught in his eyes.

The dumplings are as follows.

flew out.

fall to the ground.

Those who were swept away by him.

It fell quickly and fell to the surrounding ground without damage.

There was still fear on his face.

However, when they saw Qin Hao's next move.

Confused in his eyes.

All of them were full of surprises.

Such joy.

It is the joy of the afterlife! I see.

Qin Hao hanging above the nine heavens.

When the spaceship and even the Great Huazhou landed on the chest of the giant Qin Hao.

Qin Hao suddenly opened his hands.

Afterwards, he pressed hard towards the alien spaceship.


"six seven, three"

The entire Great Washington state on an alien spaceship.

All under Qin Hao's huge palm.

Gah ah ah! Alien spaceship.

Immediately, there was an overwhelmed voice.

Deformed slowly.

And those who are still above the spaceship, the people in Dahua State.

At first, he was confused.


when they see.

Qin Hao's huge palm.

Hold them all around.

There is only one piece of sky left! They are at this moment.

It's like being in a prison.

And, this prison.

Still: zipping fast towards the interior.

The people above immediately screamed and begged for mercy.

"Qin Xian, it's none of our business! It's none of our business!"

"Qin Xian, please forgive us, please forgive us, the spaceship below and the matter of killing you have nothing to do with us!"

"Woooooo, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

The people who were wrapped by Qin Hao's giant palm ran in all directions.

But there was absolutely no way out.

In the end, I could only watch in despair.

The living space is getting smaller and smaller.

"Qin Hao, Qin Xian, do you know what you are doing? This is the only alien spaceship in the world! After you destroy it, you will lose an opportunity for the rapid development of people on earth!"

"Qin Xian, please, please don't destroy it!"

"No, Qin Xian, don't destroy it, don't kill me!"

"Aiya, why, why is the outer shell of the alien spacecraft that can't be blasted even with aurora, even with 1, to you, it is so vulnerable!"

Inside the spaceship, Saric kept shouting at Qin Hao with a loudspeaker.

The more he said to the end, the panic, unwillingness in his words became stronger and stronger.

at last.

After a scream.

fell into silence.

Crunch! For the begging of the people of the Great Washington state, for the temptation of Saric.

Qin Hao's face didn't change! The strength in his hand was getting bigger and bigger! There were bursts of fire from the spaceship.

It indicates that everything inside will be destroyed quickly! And when these fires light up.

All the screens inside the spaceship are down.

After sending a message towards an unknown place.

Fast off! It's on and off too fast.

Even the internal Saric and others are all there! And the people in the world media live broadcast room.

Just staring at it.

Qin Hao will take such a big alien spaceship, together with the buildings, reinforced concrete, bridges and lakes, automobiles, subways, and people in the entire Great Huazhou.

Like kneading a ball of paper.

Just crushed into a pile of ruins! Only.

This paper ball is a bit big.

It's as big as a city! People.

He stared at Qin Hao blankly.

Destroyed the only living alien spaceship in the world.


It wiped out all the people in the Dahua state.

And after Qin Xian did all this.

As if nothing was done.

He even played leisurely with the ruins of Nuoda.

As for the Great Huazhou, those people who were thrown out by Qin Hao with a single thought.

The shock in my heart is compared to the people in the world media live broadcast room.

Even more! Because.

They looked at it with their own eyes, it was as big as the sky

Alien spaceship.

Qin Hao gave him so many times.

Crushed into a lump of scrap metal.

That kind of... visual shock.

It's like people in Lilliput, watching people destroy their city! Their hearts.

While shocked.

Reverence arises spontaneously! When the world is confused.

Qin Hao played with scrap iron casually, but lost interest.

Throwing one of them down below.

It's like throwing out garbage.

Boom! There is a city-sized scrap of iron.

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