Does he care about alien civilizations, no matter how powerful civilizations are! Can it be stronger than his magic of immortality and.

With his current magical powers.

Even if you don't use this alien spaceship, you can attack aliens! If you don't have to rely on this world, let him continue to advance.

He can now travel across the universe.

Go to attack those alien planets one by one! "Did someone say something in the alien spaceship just now?"

"I don't know, but judging from Qin Xian's actions, it should be what the other party said."

"If it must be some kind of temptation, you can tell by looking at Qin Xian's slightly disdainful expression!"

"Hehe, there is nothing else in this world that can tempt Qin Xian. He is the only fairy in this world! The master of this world!"

Although the world couldn't hear Saric's words, someone suddenly guessed the truth from Qin Hao's subtle expression changes.

And when the world says so.

Qin Hao has already walked slowly and came to the bottom.

He glanced lightly, and Saric and the others in the spaceship glanced.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

after falling to the ground.

Qin Hao groaned softly.


All heard.


The world saw Qin Hao's figure and quickly grew bigger.

After blinking.

Become a Gundam: [-]-meter giant.

Although not in the sky.

But this time there is a comparison with the surrounding environment.

The world sees it more clearly.

My heart is even more shocked by Qin Hao's supernatural power! At the same time.

Qin Hao has become a giant.

But that handsome face was still indifferent.

Even more so than the flying clothes.

And he stood with his hands behind his back, standing upright.

It made the world feel even more excited.

Qin Hao after getting bigger.

Standing tall.

The alien spaceship below is like a model! "Mr. Qin, what do you mean?"

Seeing that he had put forward conditions, Qin Hao did not answer.

After walking down.

Instead, he turned into a giant and stood there.

Saric felt bad at the moment.


Qin Hao.

He lowered his head lightly and glanced at Saric and the others.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.


He reached out and grabbed it.

Grab the alloy top of the spaceship.

Then he jumped and flew into the air.

Boom! With Qin Hao's strong pull.

The whole of the Great Washington state.

It shook suddenly.

This makes the people of the Greater Washington State.

Immediately panicked.

They ran out of the ground or from their homes one after another.

And when they ran out.

Instantly confused.


They found that the streets, houses, and cities where they were located were all rapidly rising into the sky! "What, what's going on"

"Qin Hao, are we going to be exiled to the universe?"

"No, no, you look at the pictures in the live broadcast room of the world media, our entire state in Dahua is actually all on alien spaceships.

Qin Hao pulled the spaceship out of the ground and pulled us up to the sky!"

"That bunch of... damn politicians, actually buried the spaceship under all of us!"

"It's over, this time is definitely dead! Qin Hao will never let go of the alien spaceship, and all of us are going to die!"

The residents of the domineering country in the Dahua state, at first, looked at the place where they lived and quickly lifted off into the sky.

All were dumbfounded.

But when I saw the screen of the world media live broadcast room.

All knew what was going on! Then.

While they were complaining about Trang and others.

My heart was terrified.

Compared to the panic of the Great Washingtonians.

The audience in the world media live broadcast room was shocked! They watched it with their own eyes.

Qin Hao carried the top cover of the alien spaceship and soared into the sky! After that

They saw it.

The land of a state in the hegemonic state of Dahua.

Accompanied by the alien spaceships carried by Qin Hao, they all lifted off quickly.

And wait until Qin Hao reaches an altitude of [-] meters.

The world has discovered.

This alien spaceship is incomparably large.

It's even bigger than that Dahua State! But it's such a huge alien spaceship.

In addition, the entire Dahua state was all captured by Qin Hao.

Lift it up like a chicken.

This is too awesome! First-hand.

Bring up the entire Great Huazhou! This kind of picture.

It's really shocking! People.

They all stared blankly at this scene! Silence! "Mr. Qin, what do you want? Even if you don't want this alien spaceship, there's no need to destroy it."

At this moment.

Saric felt a little scared.

He seems to know what Qin Hao is going to do! "I hope that there is a foreign thing that has always existed in my world!"

"I'm feeling squeamish!"

Qin Hao glanced lightly, and answered Saric for the first time.

And because he turned into a giant.

So his voice.

spread all over the hegemonic country.

Let those in the hegemonic country, the people who originally knelt on the ground.

They all looked up at him.


The eyes of those domineering people gradually widened.

He stared at the next scene in disbelief.

As for the people in the world media live room.

Although I couldn't hear what Qin Hao said.

But Qin Hao's next move.

Let them know what Qin Hao wants to do at the same time.

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