Chapter 180 Qin Hao, In Creation!

With Qin Hao, sink your thoughts into the moon.

The current state of the moon is known from time to time.

It is a small world.

But it has the powerful attack power of magic weapon! This makes Qin Hao's eyes light up.


The current moon, although very similar to a small world.

But because of the small world before Qin Hao, the level was too low.

So the transformation is not complete! Now the moon.

Qin Hao can only increase the speed of time by about ten times:.

As for creation.

It is not as arbitrary as the original small world.

It requires Qin Hao to pay the price of true yuan and even blood.

Only then! At the same time.

In addition to maintaining the necessary space attribute energy of the moon, Qin Hao can re-condense the small world to any part of the moon, creating a space the size of a bedroom.

in this space.

Qin Hao can increase the flow rate of time to about a hundred times:! Although, this space.

Compared with the space of a house at that time, it has been reduced several times.

The time flow rate is also reduced by about ten times:.


Qin Hao wants to create something in this world.

There must be a sample! Otherwise, it cannot be created out of thin air! But even so.

Qin Hao is also very satisfied! After all.

In this case.

He can completely create another earth! A world that is above the earth! A world of immortals that is admired and yearned by the world! "What is Qin Xian doing? Why is it standing there still?"

"Yeah, it's really strange. Could it be that Qin Xian is just refining the moon and refining the impurities in the moon?"

"It shouldn't be that simple, if that's the case, Qin Xian will be gone!"

"Yeah, Qin Xian must be brewing a big move, just watch it with peace of mind!"

When Qin Hao looked at the moon, the people in the world media live broadcast room looked at Qin Hao with doubts and kept guessing.

Just after the world was talking about it.

Qin Hao, who was originally hanging there, looking at something indifferently.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

Vibrant all over.


The spiritual energy in the colorful golden light avenue of the earth and the moon is also surging rapidly, gathering towards Qin Hao faintly.

Be ready to supplement Qin Hao at any time! At the same time.

in places out of sight.

The colorful aura will also be a trace of the air in the earth and the gas in the atmosphere.

brought to the moon.

"In the beginning of chaos, the heaven and the earth are clearly defined. The light and clear air rises to become the sky, and the heavy and turbid air condenses down to the earth!"

Qin Hao murmured lightly.

resounded throughout the universe.

people on earth.

It can be heard clearly! Dahan, and even those who are familiar with Dahan culture.

Hear Qin Hao's words.

All were stunned.

Qin Xian's words.

Isn't that what the sage said when he created the world when the chaos was not open?

The moon at this time.

Has it been refined by Qin Xian into a chaotic and unopened new world? Dahan, and even people who are familiar with Dahan culture.

Thinking in shock.

compared to these people.

The rest of the people were all confused.

I don't know what Qin Hao means, but it doesn't prevent them from staring at the moon.


they know.

Qin Hao will not do useless actions.

And just after Qin Hao finished chanting.

The entire moon is in the eyes of the world.

Huge changes have taken place.

They can see.

A pale pale mist slowly floated up.

Some black and gray dust fell quickly.


over the moon.

A faint layer of gas appeared, tightly wrapping the moon inside.

Like that.

Just like the atmosphere of the earth, exactly the same! As for those black and gray dust.

after falling to the ground.

Slowly covering the moon, which was originally shining faintly,


That look! It's like the earth that the world is stepping on.

Exactly the same! People.

see this scene.

They were all dumbfounded, their mouths slightly open.

On his face, there was a flash of shock! "Sure enough, it really is the beginning of chaos and the beginning of heaven and earth!"

"Qin Xian, it's too powerful!"

"It's incredible, it's really incredible, I thought it was just the delusions of people in the classics.

I didn't expect to see it one day!"

Dahan, and even those who are familiar with Dahan culture.

Look at the incredible scene in front of you.

They were all excited and screamed in shock.

As for the atmosphere, is the composition of the soil on the moon the same as the earth?

In the future, whether the moon can also be habitable for human beings is not what they are thinking about now! "Oh my God, is Qin Xian trying to transform the moon into another earth?"

"Qin Xian said, that the moon, the moon, actually created an atmosphere and fertile soil! Am I really dreaming?"

"Creation, Qin Xian is this to create the world?"

As for the people in the live broadcast room of the world media, it was even after the comparison.

Made a loud argument.


Their faces in front of the screen.

All with great shock and deep disbelief! They are completely unimaginable.

One person can be so strong.

One word creates the prototype of a world! When the world is shocked.

Qin Hao felt the current state of the moon and nodded with satisfaction.

The atmosphere above the moon.

But the composition of the earth is all the same, but the proportions are not the same.

However, it can perfectly protect life on the moon! At the same time.

Under the atmosphere, where the human eye cannot see.

There is also the air.

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