It has returned to the shape of a chaotic sphere.


Qin Hao didn't hesitate at all.

Throwing the chaotic sphere into the moon.

at the same time.

Qin Hao's whole body was full of real energy.

With the chaotic sphere.

into the moon.

Boom! Moon.

Make a loud noise.

As if it started to explode from the inside, it trembled violently.

Wow! A huge and magnificent explosion wave.

appeared immediately.

With all the useless impurities inside the moon.

Throw it out! Fall into the vast universe.

Blink and disappear.


Between Qin Hao's thoughts.

It has become a new world that belongs to Qin Hao! Everything.

It's all in Qin Hao

in control.

Qin Hao.

You can swipe ink on it at will.

transform it into .

The look he needs! The world doesn't know the twists and turns.

They only believe what their eyes see.

And they only see.

Qin Hao suddenly waved his hand.

It was as if something was thrown.


Qin Hao turned into this universe.

The brightest one... the star! No! An existence that shines even brighter than the sun.


The moon! Suddenly there was a loud noise.

This loud noise.

Even if they were on Earth, they could be heard clearly.


The moon is like being blasted from the inside.

from within it.

Countless boulders, dust! With a shockwave that looked like it could kill the world.

Disappeared in the universe! Although.

The world sees that the moon is still there.

But anyone knows.

The moon has changed! This is how the light emanating from the moon looks like.

can be clearly judged.

The moon at the moment.

There is no longer the state of a planet.

as if.

That is a continent.

A continent where chaos has begun, and all things are waiting! I don't know why.

This idea.

It was very abrupt, but it appeared in the hearts of the world very clearly! The shock wave slowly dissipated.

Not a single bit of it hit the earth.

This also makes people in the world media live broadcast room almost certain.

Qin Xian will not hurt people on earth.

And once life is not threatened.

Regardless of whether Qin Hao refines the earth or not.

It's not what people worry about.

"Qin Xian, isn't it transforming the moon?"

At the same time, in the live broadcast room of the world media, there was a person who made an unsure guess.

"It's possible!"

"Yes, but what does Qin Xian want to transform the moon into? What exactly did Qin Xian throw out just now?"

"I don't know what it is, but for sure, it's very shocking!"

"In the past, Fang Xiaoyin was already very arrogant.

And ten years ago, after Qin Xian tempered the moon, he could firmly hold the earth, so that the distance between the earth and the sun would be fixed forever. It can be said that it completely relieved the worries of our human beings! I began to look forward to it, Qin Xian It's time to transform the moon! I don't know.

What kind of power will there be?"

That person's guess immediately opened up the noisy scene in the live broadcast room of the world media.

People were all there with shocking speculation.

At the same time, 673 is vaguely looking forward to it! In the live broadcast room of the world media, there is a lot of commotion.

The rest of the world, people who are not in the world media live room.

Made an amazing discovery.

The moon! It was so abruptly above people's heads.

Whether you are in the southern hemisphere or the northern hemisphere.

It doesn't matter if they are in the dark night or the day with the dark clouds.


All saw the moon clearly! This made everyone in the world.

All of them were a little confused, and looked up at the moon hanging above their heads in amazement.


The moon appeared in the eyes of the world, and it only lasted for a while.

It disappeared! This made the world a little confused.

"What's the matter, did I just see the moon?"

"Did you see it too? I saw it too! The moon did appear!"

"What the hell is going on? I seem to see someone beside the moon!"

After a while, everyone in the world was confused, and there was a lot of discussion.

"You still don't know that Qin Xian might be transforming the moon!"

"Is that person next to the moon Qin Xian? I'll just say, how could someone be so stupid!"

"It's true! I'm going to see it!"

In some world media live broadcasts, people took the time to explain a sentence to others.

World Media Live Room.

There was another surge in the audience.

in the world.

Because of the strange changes of the moon.

And when the guesswork keeps coming, it's weird.

Qin Hao.

However, he is constantly examining with his spiritual sense, the new moon that combines the small world and the moon! Judging.

The moon at the moment.

What is the status.

Is it an unknown new world or a magic weapon, with a little space attribute? To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feifei

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