That is ten years ago.

The golden rope he left behind to pull the earth! Expand this rope as a passage.

A powerful and sturdy gas field channel can be established between the earth and the moon.

Let the two be completely integrated! Qin Hao looks like he is walking and flying upwards.

It was discovered by countless satellites in the sky.

Officials from various countries were the first to receive the news.


Gather all the personnel and gather them to the satellite, before the screen.

Looking at the satellite, Qin Hao in the picture.

Step by step for a lifetime of lotus.

A blossoming seven-colored white lotus, followed his steps forward.

And slowly emerges.

From where he ascended to the sky.

to where he is now.

There is an extra colorful 7 white lotus ladder.

That picture.

Absolutely beautiful and shocking, but mysterious! At the same time.

Around Qin Hao.

the spiritual energy of the world.

As if in: welcoming the king.

They all swirled around.

The space around Qin Hao.

Colorful prints.


in such a beautiful environment.

Qin Hao.

But he looked calm.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky.

Clothes fly.

Go up step by step.

Extremely fluffy.

Extraordinary! The faces of official officials from all over the world flashed thick doubts.

Qin Hao, what are you going to do? At the same time, the world's authoritative media also communicated quickly and set up a live broadcast room called 'Qin Xian is floating in the sky, why is it'.

Qin Hao.

as the biggest hot spot in the world.

His news spread so fast that it was unimaginable.

When the World Media Live Room was just opened.

Countless people poured in.

The number of people in the live room.

From 0, the blink of an eye has reached hundreds of millions.

And the people who enter the live room.

Look at the screen.

Looking up at the sky, floating up.

Qin Hao, who had a relaxed expression on his face and a little thought, was extremely out of the world.

All were stunned.

The word 'cheerful' appeared in everyone's mind.

Qin Xian, who does not create massacres in the sky and does not show his ferocious fangs.

It's so dusty! At the same time.

Everyone sighed silently in their hearts.

"Qin Xian, why is this going, there will be no major incident or who is it?

Did you provoke Qin Xian?"

"Yeah, this time he soared into the sky, why didn't he just go up like before, 'Hey!', but so slowly."

"It's really strange, looking at it like this, it shouldn't be an urgent matter, or someone to deal with!"

After a while, the people in the world who were immersed in Qin Hao's style all returned to their senses, strangely swiping the screen in the live broadcast room.

at the same time.

in the world network.

It's all news of Qin Hao's reappearance and flying to the sky.

"Have you heard that Qin Xian has appeared again, walking to the sky in the leisurely courtyard, so free and easy, so airy!"

"It's true and false, where did you see it"

"The World Media Live Room is live now!"

"I'm going, I'm going to see!"

Such dialogues have appeared in countless countries and among countless familiar people.

at the same time.

Audience in the world media live room.

It also skyrocketed.

This is the first time since Qin Hao sentenced the world to turn nearly one billion people into livestock! The world doesn't seem to miss such a grand event.


Two billion.

four billion

The number of viewers in the world's media live broadcast room has broken through to an astonishing 6 billion in a short period of time.

half of the world's people.

They were all in the live media room, looking up at Qin Hao.

"Qin Xian is so handsome!"

"Xian is worthy of being an immortal, this demeanor kills any TV series and immortals in movies!"

"Huh, when will I be able to be like Qin Xian and come out of the dust!"

People in the world sighed and looked at Qin Hao, who was floating and refined in the picture.


under the eyes of the world.

Qin Xian seemed to be strolling in the courtyard.

But the speed is not slow.

Soon without any protection, with physical strength alone, he broke through the atmosphere and went to outer space.

and headed towards the moon.

Look at Qin Hao.

Breaking through the atmosphere so easily.

Everyone in the world was silent, and there were only four words in their hearts.

So tough! At the same time.

The world was all puzzled.

"Qin Xian went to the moon, what is this for?"

"The last time Qin Xian was on the moon, it was to refine treasures, right? Could it be that Qin Xian's treasures that he refined last time haven't been taken away?"

"Probably not, it's been more than ten years, how could it not be taken away!"

"Do you want to refine treasures again?"

"My God, is Qin Xian going to use the moon to refine treasures again? He almost caused a catastrophe last time, but he won't this time."

"No, you can see that the golden light rope is still there: even if Qin Xian refines treasures, we should not be in danger!"

"It's amazing to say, even after ten years, the golden light rope is still there.

Even, there are so many countries in the world, if you want to get close, you can't get close!"

Seeing Qin Hao getting closer to the moon, people in the world were extremely puzzled.

There is constant speculation.

"By the way, our country still has an expedition team on the moon!"

At this moment, someone suddenly remembered.

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