He was still talking about the peerless divine punishment that Qin Hao gave a month ago.

Even, through the continuous study of those pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep that have been relegated to livestock.

After getting these animals, the souls of those people are still hosted.


They have lost all ability to be human.

Even using his limbs, he has no ability to write or draw anything.

Not to mention, speak up! And from the eyes of these animals, the horror and fear of the sky can be seen.

These animals are still immersed in the pain of the eighteen layers of purgatory that day.

Even, they are more afraid of being caught than ordinary livestock! With more and more discoveries, plus dreaming of purgatory scenes every night.

The world is in awe of Qin Hao.

After the peak, it is still deepening.

And as the awe deepens.

Although the global network is still there: discussing Qin Haotian's punishment.

But no one dared to say a word of disrespect.

Even those who have families and are relegated to livestock.

So too! Of course.

After countless people have deepened their reverence for Qin Hao, the fire of yearning for immortal cultivation in their hearts continues to burn.

Not only did they want to remove Qin Hao, the mountain that was over their heads.

At the same time, their worship of power instinct also made them yearn for immortals.

It can also be like Qin Hao.

Take control! Of course.

these ideas.

It's just in everyone's heart.

It was not announced to the public! And the world is in such a mood.

The evolution of the world is constantly accelerating.

But it still didn't produce the spiritual energy.

And this month.

Qin Hao practiced while tinkering with the small world.

Small world, has been countless times.

Destroyed by him, and created the world again! And he, between the creation and destruction of the world again and again.

The cultivation of the mood is also rapidly improving.

this day.

Qin Hao's cultivation base has reached the peak of Yuan Ying stage, and his state of mind cultivation base has entered into a spirit transformation.

He immediately.

I am grateful for the degree of evolution of the world.

This feeling.

Qin Hao's brows immediately wrinkled! There have been a few times before, waiting for all levels of spiritual energy and experience in this world.

He could clearly feel it.

The evolution of this world has reached the level that it can give birth to the next level of spiritual energy.

But I just can't sense the existence of God Transformation Spiritual Qi! Could it be that this Spirit Transformation Spiritual Qi is the same as Nascent Soul Spiritual Qi.

Very good at hiding.

Without being discovered by myself, I had this guess.

Qin Hao did not continue to stay in the hut.

Instead, it started flying around the world.

Use the divine sense to perceive the divine aura.


Another month has passed.

Qin Hao didn't even know, he circled the earth a few times.

Almost the entire earth, I don't know how many times I dig three feet into the ground, but I haven't found the existence of the spiritual energy.

On the other hand, his storage ring was full.

Filled with treasures hidden in the Jedi all over the earth! This day.

Qin Hao returned to the hut.

When he couldn't find it, he could only ask the system.

"System, what the hell is going on? Why doesn't this world provoke the creation of the spiritual energy?"

"The spiritual energy of the gods is too powerful, and the earth space that has not been reinforced is not enough to withstand it.

Therefore, the current earth cannot generate the spiritual energy of the gods!"

The system replied.

The system's answer almost made Qin Hao spit blood.

Co-authored, I ran for more than a month in vain! If the system has an entity, Qin Hao promises to strangle it to death.

Of course, Qin Hao didn't ask the system why it didn't tell him.

Because he knows.

The system will definitely say.

He didn't ask! Yes! He didn't ask! Even with Qin Hao's current cultivation.

He also took a few deep breaths and comforted himself for a few minutes.

This is the only way to calm down the mood! As the first and only immortal cultivator in this world.

There are pros and cons! The pros are that you can use all the resources of immortality.

The downside is that there is absolutely no precedent.

All things have to be explored by yourself! It's all down to him, he has an omnipotent system! Otherwise, the predicament in front of you will be all alone.

Chapter 177

"How to strengthen the earth's space, so that the earth is enough to accommodate the spiritual energy of the gods"

Qin Hao asked the system.

"Expand the space of the earth, increase the strength of the earth!"

The system gives two directions.

Qin Hao frowned slightly and began to think.

It is obviously not realistic to increase the strength of the earth.

Once he re-refines the earth, it will have too much influence on the human beings on the earth.

It will even lead to the extinction of all the creatures above! Then, only the expansion of the earth's space is left.

Qin Hao's mind was spinning, thinking of a way.

And at this time.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the moon hanging above the nine heavens.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

Connecting the auras of the moon and the earth together will increase the space of the earth in a disguised form. This will not lead to the creation of the spiritual energy. Of course, simply connecting the two auras is not enough.

Qin Hao has another calculation in his heart.

That is, the small world in hand is also refined into the moon.

If you let the moon, also bring the attributes of a small world.

That will be of great benefit to myself! Think of this.

Qin Hao didn't hesitate at all.

A jump.

Fly towards the nine heavens.

This time.

Qin Hao didn't display too fast speed.

While flying away.

At the same time, all the treasures from heaven and earth gathered during this period of time were refined into the essence.


He is not as wrapped up in these refined essences as before.

Instead, they were all included in the storage ring.

These essences.

On the one hand it is used to fuse the moon and the small world.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to strengthen and expand the channel between the moon and the earth.

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