at the same time.

Eighteen purgatory.

Blood flowed into rivers.

Even, they all gathered into a pool of blood.

And those blood.

But it didn't flow down.

Instead, it flowed eerily back to the sky.

the whole sky.

Stained blood red blood red! Even, people can see clearly.

When the blood water flows into the sky, the picture that is about to drip.

as if.

The sky is full of blood.

After a while, it will fall like a pouring rain! That picture.

It's really scary and terrifying! Qin Hao.

Like a god.

He glanced down indifferently.

People looking up to the sky.

Seeing Qin Hao glance down.

They all bowed their heads in horror, not daring to look at him.

Qin Hao swept around.

Found no fish that slipped through the net.

Satisfied nodded.

"Eighteen Purgatory, close!"

He whispered softly.

Whoa whoa whoa.

The whole world.

The gust of wind rises! The world, a shocking spirit.

As if the soul entered the body! Although, the brain is still blood red.

Eighteen layers of purgatory are constantly flashing.

A blood-red world.

has disappeared.

In front of them is still the modern world of reinforced concrete and high-rise buildings.


Some people still see it.

Those who were still marching just now are still alive.

Is it.

Just now, it was just a dream, it was all fake, and those who were not punished by purgatory were at a loss.

Some uncertain thoughts.


They didn't find it.

Those who marched, or those who scolded Qin Hao.

The mental state at the moment is extremely bad.

There was fear in everyone's eyes.

Even, one by one, these people are still twitching constantly.

As if: suffering severe pain.

What the world doesn't know is.

The spell Qin Hao just cast: Eighteen Purgatory.

It is for the soul of man.

Although those people do not seem to be dead.

But in fact, they have truly experienced the pain of eighteen layers of purgatory! "No, don't pull out my tongue!"

"I, I don't want to put the oil pan!"

"Rao, spare me Qin Xian!"


Those with weak faces, those whose souls have experienced the torture of eighteen layers of purgatory.

He cried out in terror and weakness.

Even, some people turn around and want to run! Papa pata! But follow them.

They all fell weakly to the ground.

The soul is tormented by eighteen layers of purgatory.

How could they still have the strength to run away! "In the name of the immortals, the punishment of the immortals will be brought down!"

"The universe is ever-changing!"

Just when people in the world are confused, doubtful, fearful, or apprehensive.

Qin Hao's vast voice.

It resounded in the ears of the world again.

This immediately made those people who were against immortals in Qin Hao's mouth.

A monstrous horror flashed in his eyes! That's right! The punishment of the eighteen hells just now was just an appetizer.

What Qin Xian really wants to do to them is to demote them all to beasts! "No, don't, Qin Xian, I have already suffered eighteen purgatory, please forgive me, I don't want to become a pig dog!"

"Woo woo, Qin Xian, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare, please forgive me!"

"I was wrong, Qin Xian, I was wrong, let me go, let me go!"

The voice of a man against immortals begging for mercy.

All over the world, miserable but desperate sounds rang out.

They used their last strength to beg Qin Hao for mercy.

And these people around, those people who are not the people who are against immortals in Qin Hao's mouth.

They all returned to God.

from the words of these people.

Knowing the tragic scene of the Eighteen Purgatory just now is not a dream of Huang Liang.

It really existed! It's just.

These people were not pulled into purgatory by Qin Hao and suffered punishment.

Therefore, there is no such kind of... etched memory! But next to these, Qin Hao has become a person against immortals.

673 has deeply experienced the extreme suffering of the eighteen purgatory! Now.

Qin Xian wants to bring down the second punishment after the eighteen purgatory.

Qin Xian, take these people.

Eternal life reduced to beasts! People of the world.

All were horrified.

Or look at the people around you.

Or look at the screen in the world media live broadcast room! Although the person who is against the fairy, begging for mercy madly.

But Qin Hao was not at all soft-hearted.

咻咻咻! After Qin Hao finished speaking.

Countless colorful auras, condensed into ropes.

It was quickly merged into the bodies of those who are against immortals.

"Qin Xian, spare me hum!"

"Qin Xian, I was wrong, Wang Wang!"

"Woooooo, I don't want to become a sacrificial moo!"

Those immortal people.

At first it was still: terrified begging for mercy, but their begging for mercy was not finished.

You can see your body with your eyes.

It quickly turned into livestock such as pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

at the same time.

When they opened their mouths, it was no longer human words, but the sounds of animals.

In their eyes, panic filled the sky in an instant! They can still perceive everything in the outside world.

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