Not just life and death.

It can also make the world suffer from the suffering of eighteen layers of purgatory! This method.

It's so incredible! Qin Xian.

It's so powerful! And when the world thinks like that.

Qin Hao spoke again.

His third opening.

Make the whole world tremble.

Send out other distractions.

He looked nervously at Qin Hao, who was sitting there above Jiutian.

"Sabella, Mosley,"

Hundreds of thousands of personal names were quickly read out by Qin Hao.

All the people whose names were read were blacked out in front of their eyes, almost fainting.

6, I was extremely apprehensive.

And the people of the world, who were not pronounced their names, let out a sigh of relief.

"Divisive flesh and blood, suffers from Tieshu's blade and skinning!"

Qin Hao's words.

It resounded in the ears of the world again.

Ghosts are coming.

The person who sentenced Qin Hao to the sky.


The third iron tree purgatory appears.

The iron trees with blades blazed away one after another and merged into the iron tree purgatory.

And this time.

Those who were sentenced to scissors hell by Qin Hao.

At this point, he had already suffered from tongue-pulling.

And was sent to the scissors hell.

Their heads were covered in cold sweat.

Their eyes were full of pain and horror.

They want to shout.

But because his tongue was pulled out, he could only scream in pain, but couldn't say a complete sentence! Scream.

Connected into one piece, resounding throughout the world.

The world looked at the three layers of purgatory above their heads.

All scalp tingling.

The eyes are full of horror, and the face is full of disbelief! As for those who are guilty of thieves, they have already been paralyzed there.

Trembling all over! Face full of despair! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 174 One word, billions of people become pigs and dogs!

When the world gazes at the three layers of purgatory floating in the air.

Qin Hao spoke again.

And this time open.

Hundreds of millions of people are involved! The fourth layer of evil mirror purgatory.

After Qin Hao finished reciting his name, the overwhelming ghosts came to the world.

emerge in the eyes of people.

Billions of bronze mirrors.

Fly into the Mirror Purgatory.

Shining faintly.

Qin Xian spoke again.

The five-layer steamer purgatory is now in the world.

Six-layer copper pillar purgatory emerges

Until the eighteenth floor, the saw purgatory appeared.

Qin Hao stopped talking.

And every time, Qin Hao was reciting his name.


All will tremble.

I was afraid that Qin Hao would read his own name.

People who didn't read their names let out a long sigh of relief.

Those who read their names were all dead and desperate.

Even some people who were sentenced by Qin Hao.

Just wanted to hit the ground.

However, let them smash their heads and smash their heads, their skulls shattered, their blood flowed, and their brains burst out.

But none of them died! In this purgatory.

Qin Hao didn't say let people die! No one can die! The people around these crazy looking for death have witnessed all this.

All of them were shocked, and their eyes were full of horror.

For Qin Hao's fear and awe.

It's almost reached its peak! 1 Believe.

In this life, neither of them dared to speak ill of Qin Hao.


They will strictly order their children and grandchildren not to be disrespectful to Qin Hao! And after Qin Hao has pronounced the sentence.

The remaining people who were not taken away by the ghosts looked at the terrifying scene of purgatory punishment above.

On the other hand, he let out a long breath.

Didn't click on his name.

It shows that Qin Xian has no intention of banishing them to hell.

And without this kind of tension on the line.

The world has found out.

The people who were pulled into the eighteenth hell by Qin Hao were all those who had scolded Qin Hao on the Internet.

People who have held banners and participated in parades! Although.

There is no official data to confirm.

But at least that's what they see! And people think at the same time.

Qin Hao will not wrongly judge anyone! Because.

in this purgatory.

Qin Xian is the only true god! He can see everything! "Ah!"

"Forgive me, forgive me!"


In the eighteenth floor of purgatory, there was a lot of miserable howls, begging for mercy all over the place, and sobbing constantly.

The people in purgatory are full of despair, their faces are full of pain, their eyes are full of sorrow and regret.

But, since they have done something that provokes the wrath of the fairy.

We must endure the wrath of the immortals! People of the world.

Just staring blankly at the terrifying scene in purgatory.

I don't know how long it took.

in purgatory.

The figures decreased, and the screams gradually subsided.

Until the eighteenth floor of the knife saw purgatory, after the last person was sawed to death.

The screaming stopped.

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

people below.

No one made a sound, not even the big Han people.


People in the world even breathe a lot easier.

These people are deeply afraid of being targeted by Qin Hao.

Pulled into purgatory.

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